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Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift

Second Edition · iOS 14 · Swift 5.3 · Xcode 12

Before You Begin

Section 0: 3 chapters
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2. Publishers & Subscribers
Written by Scott Gardner

Now that you’ve learned some of the basic concepts of Combine, it’s time to jump in and play with two of Combine’s core components — publishers and subscribers.

In this chapter, you’ll review several examples of creating publishers and subscribing to those publishers using subscribers. By doing so, you’ll acquire important skills that you’ll use throughout the rest of this book and beyond.

Note: There are starter and final versions of the playgrounds and projects you’ll use in each chapter throughout the book. The starter will be prepared and ready for you to enter the code specified for each example and challenge. You can compare your work with the final version at the end or along the way if you get stuck.

Getting started

For this chapter, you’ll use an Xcode playground with Combine imported. Open Starter.playground in the projects folder and you’ll see the following:

Open Sources in the Project navigator (View ▸ Navigators ▸ Show Project Navigator and twist down the Combine playground page), and select SupportCode.swift. It contains the following helper function example(of:):

public func example(of description: String,
                    action: () -> Void) {
  print("\n——— Example of:", description, "———")

You’ll use this function to encapsulate some examples you’ll use throughout this book.

However, before you begin playing with those examples, you first need to learn about publishers, subscribers and subscriptions. They form the foundation of Combine and enable you to send and receive data, typically asynchronously.

Hello Publisher

At the heart of Combine is the Publisher protocol. This protocol defines the requirements for a type to be able to transmit a sequence of values over time to one or more subscribers. In other words, a publisher publishes or emits events that can include values of interest.

If you’ve developed on Apple platforms before, you can think of a publisher as kind of like NotificationCenter. In fact, NotificationCenter now has a method named publisher(for:object:) that provides a Publisher type that can publish broadcasted notifications.

To check this out, go back to the starter playground and replace the Add your code here placeholder with the following code:

example(of: "Publisher") {
  // 1
  let myNotification = Notification.Name("MyNotification")

  // 2
  let publisher = NotificationCenter.default
    .publisher(for: myNotification, object: nil)

In this code, you:

  1. Create a notification name.
  2. Access NotificationCenter’s default center, call its publisher(for:object:) method and assign its return value to a local constant.

Option-click on publisher(for:object:), and you’ll see that it returns a Publisher that emits an event when the default notification center broadcasts a notification.

So what’s the point of publishing notifications when a notification center is already capable of broadcasting its notifications without a publisher? Glad you asked!

You can think of these types of methods as a bridge from the old to the new — a way to Combine-ify existing APIs such as NotificationCenter.

A publisher emits two kinds of events:

  1. Values, also referred to as elements.
  2. A completion event.

A publisher can emit zero or more values but only one completion event, which can either be a normal completion event or an error. Once a publisher emits a completion event, it’s finished and can no longer emit any more events.

Before diving deeper into publishers and subscribers, you’ll first finish the example of using traditional NotificationCenter APIs to receive a notification by registering an observer. You’ll also unregister that observer when you’re no longer interested in receiving that notification.

Add the following code to the end of the previous example:

// 3
let center = NotificationCenter.default

// 4
let observer = center.addObserver(
  forName: myNotification,
  object: nil,
  queue: nil) { notification in
    print("Notification received!")

// 5 myNotification, object: nil)

// 6

With this code, you:

  1. Get a handle to the default notification center.
  2. Create an observer to listen for the notification with the name you previously created.
  3. Post a notification with that name.
  4. Remove the observer from the notification center.

Run the playground. You’ll see this output printed to the console:

——— Example of: Publisher ———
Notification received!

The example’s title is a little misleading because the output is not actually coming from a publisher. For that to happen, you need a subscriber.

Hello Subscriber

Subscriber is a protocol that defines the requirements for a type to be able to receive input from a publisher. You’ll dive deeper into conforming to the Publisher and Subscriber protocols shortly; for now, you’ll focus on the basic flow.

Add a new example to the playground that begins like the previous one:

example(of: "Subscriber") {
  let myNotification = Notification.Name("MyNotification")

  let publisher = NotificationCenter.default
    .publisher(for: myNotification, object: nil)

  let center = NotificationCenter.default

If you were to post a notification now, the publisher wouldn’t emit it — and that’s an important distinction to remember. A publisher only emits an event when there’s at least one subscriber.

Subscribing with sink(_:_:)

Continue in the previous example and add the following code to it:

// 1
let subscription = publisher
  .sink { _ in
    print("Notification received from a publisher!")

// 2 myNotification, object: nil)
// 3

With this code, you:

  1. Create a subscription by calling sink on the publisher.
  2. Post the notification.
  3. Cancel the subscription.

Don’t let the obscurity of the sink method name give you a sinking feeling. Option-click on sink and you’ll see that it simply provides an easy way to attach a subscriber with closures to handle output from a publisher. In this example, you ignore those closures and instead just print a message to indicate that a notification was received. You’ll learn more about canceling a subscription shortly.

Run the playground and you’ll see the following:

——— Example of: Publisher ———
Notification received from a publisher!

The sink operator will continue to receive as many values as the publisher emits. This is known as unlimited demand, which you’ll learn more about shortly. And although you ignored them in the previous example, the sink operator actually provides two closures: one to handle receiving a completion event, and one to handle receiving values.

To see how this works, add this new example to your playground:

example(of: "Just") {
  // 1
  let just = Just("Hello world!")
  // 2
  _ = just
      receiveCompletion: {
        print("Received completion", $0)
      receiveValue: {
        print("Received value", $0)

Here, you:

  1. Create a publisher using Just, which lets you create a publisher from a primitive value type.
  2. Create a subscription to the publisher and print a message for each received event.

Run the playground. You’ll see the following:

——— Example of: Just ———
Received value Hello world!
Received completion finished

Option-click on Just and the Quick Help explains that it’s a publisher that emits its output to each subscriber once and then finishes.

Try adding another subscriber by adding the following code to the end of your example:

_ = just
    receiveCompletion: {
      print("Received completion (another)", $0)
    receiveValue: {
      print("Received value (another)", $0)

Run the playground. True to its word, a Just happily emits its output to each new subscriber exactly once and then finishes.

Received value (another) Hello world!
Received completion (another) finished

Subscribing with assign(to:on:)

In addition to sink, the built-in assign(to:on:) operator enables you to assign the received value to a KVO-compliant property of an object.

Add this example to see how this works:

example(of: "assign(to:on:)") {
  // 1
  class SomeObject {
    var value: String = "" {
      didSet {
  // 2
  let object = SomeObject()
  // 3
  let publisher = ["Hello", "world!"].publisher
  // 4
  _ = publisher
    .assign(to: \.value, on: object)

From the top:

  1. Define a class with a property that has a didSet property observer that prints the new value.
  2. Create an instance of that class.
  3. Create a publisher from an array of strings.
  4. Subscribe to the publisher, assigning each value received to the value property of the object.

Run the playground and you will see printed:

——— Example of: assign(to:on:) ———

Republishing with assign(to:)

There is a variation of the assign operator that you can use to republish values emitted by a publisher through another property marked with the @Published property wrapper. Enter this new example in your playground:

example(of: "assign(to:)") {
  // 1
  class SomeObject {
    @Published var value = 0
  let object = SomeObject()
  // 2
    .sink {
  // 3
    .assign(to: &object.$value)

With this code, you:

  1. Define and create an instance of a class with a property annotated with the @Published property wrapper, which creates a publisher for value in addition to being accessible as a regular property.
  2. Use the $ prefix on the @Published property to gain access to its underlying publisher, subscribe to it, and print out each value received.
  3. Create a publisher of numbers and assign each value it emits to the value publisher of object. Note the use of & to denote an inout reference to the property.

The assign(to:) operator doesn’t return an AnyCancellable token, because it manages the lifecycle internally and cancels the subscription when the @Published property deinitializes.

You might wonder how is this useful compared to simply using assign(to:on:)? Consider the following example, which you don’t need to add to your playground:

class MyObject {
  @Published var word: String = ""
  var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()

  init() {
    ["A", "B", "C"].publisher
      .assign(to: \.word, on: self)
      .store(in: &subscriptions)

In this example, using assign(to: \.word, on: self) and storing the resulting AnyCancellable results in a strong reference cycle. Replacing assign(to:on:) with assign(to: &$word) prevents this problem.

You’ll focus on using the sink operator for now, but you’ll learn more about the use of @Published properties in Chapter 8, “In Practice: Project “Collage”,” and in later chapters.

Hello Cancellable

When a subscriber is done and no longer wants to receive values from a publisher, it’s a good idea to cancel the subscription to free up resources and stop any corresponding activities from occurring, such as network calls.

Subscriptions return an instance of AnyCancellable as a “cancellation token,” which makes it possible to cancel the subscription when you’re done with it. AnyCancellable conforms to the Cancellable protocol, which requires the cancel() method exactly for that purpose.

At the bottom of the Subscriber example earlier, you added the code subscription.cancel(). You’re able to call cancel() on the subscription because the Subscription protocol inherits from Cancellable.

If you don’t explicitly call cancel() on a subscription, it will continue until the publisher completes, or until normal memory management causes a stored subscription to deinitialize. At that point it cancels the subscription for you.

Note: It’s also fine to ignore the return value from a subscription in a playground (for example, _ = just.sink...). However, one caveat: if you don’t store a subscription in full projects, that subscription will cancel as soon as the program flow exits the scope in which it was created!

These are good examples to start with, but there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes. It’s time to lift the curtain and learn more about the roles of publishers, subscribers and subscriptions in Combine.

Understanding what’s going on

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so let’s kick things off with one to explain the interplay between publishers and subscribers:

Publisher Subscriber 1 3 2 4 5 subscribes gives subscription requests values sends values sends completion

Walking through this UML diagram:

  1. The subscriber subscribes to the publisher.
  2. The publisher creates a subscription and gives it to the subscriber.
  3. The subscriber requests values.
  4. The publisher sends values.
  5. The publisher sends a completion.

Note: The above diagram provides a streamlined overview of what’s going on. What you’ll learn here is enough to get you started working with Combine. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of this process in Chapter 18, “Custom Publishers & Handling Backpressure.”

Take a look at the Publisher protocol and one of its most crucial extensions:

public protocol Publisher {
  // 1
  associatedtype Output

  // 2
  associatedtype Failure : Error

  // 4
  func receive<S>(subscriber: S)
    where S: Subscriber,
    Self.Failure == S.Failure,
    Self.Output == S.Input

extension Publisher {
  // 3
  public func subscribe<S>(_ subscriber: S)
    where S : Subscriber,
    Self.Failure == S.Failure,
    Self.Output == S.Input

Here’s a closer look:

  1. The type of values that the publisher can produce.
  2. The type of error a publisher may produce, or Never if the publisher is guaranteed to not produce an error.
  3. A subscriber calls subscribe(_:) on a publisher to attach to it.
  4. The implementation of subscribe(_:) will call receive(subscriber:) to attach the subscriber to the publisher, i.e., create a subscription.

The associated types are the publisher’s interface that a subscriber must match in order to create a subscription. Now, look at the Subscriber protocol:

public protocol Subscriber: CustomCombineIdentifierConvertible {
  // 1
  associatedtype Input

  // 2
  associatedtype Failure: Error

  // 3
  func receive(subscription: Subscription)

  // 4
  func receive(_ input: Self.Input) -> Subscribers.Demand

  // 5
  func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Self.Failure>)

Here’s a closer look:

  1. The type of values a subscriber can receive.
  2. The type of error a subscriber can receive; or Never if the subscriber won’t receive an error.
  3. The publisher calls receive(subscription:) on the subscriber to give it the subscription.
  4. The publisher calls receive(_:) on the subscriber to send it a new value that it just published.
  5. The publisher calls receive(completion:) on the subscriber to tell it that it has finished producing values, either normally or due to an error.

The connection between the publisher and the subscriber is the subscription. Here’s the Subscription protocol:

public protocol Subscription: Cancellable, CustomCombineIdentifierConvertible {
  func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand)

The subscriber calls request(_:) to indicate it is willing to receive more values, up to a max number or unlimited.

Note: The concept of a subscriber stating how many values it’s willing to receive is known as backpressure management. Without it, or some other strategy, a subscriber could get flooded with more values from the publisher than it can handle, and this can lead to problems. Backpressure is also covered in depth in Chapter 18, “Custom Publishers & Handling Backpressure.”

In Subscriber, notice that receive(_:) returns a Demand. Even though the max number of values a subscriber is willing to receive is specified when initially calling subscription.request(_:) in receive(_:), you can adjust that max each time a new value is received.

Note: Adjusting max in Subscriber.receive(_:) is additive, i.e., the new max value is added to the current max. The max value must be positive, and passing a negative value will result in a fatalError. This means that you can increase the original max each time a new value is received, but you cannot decrease it.

Creating a custom subscriber

Time to put what you just learned to practice. Add this new example to your playground:

example(of: "Custom Subscriber") {
  // 1
  let publisher = (1...6).publisher
  // 2
  final class IntSubscriber: Subscriber {
    // 3
    typealias Input = Int
    typealias Failure = Never

    // 4
    func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
    // 5
    func receive(_ input: Int) -> Subscribers.Demand {
      print("Received value", input)
      return .none
    // 6
    func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Never>) {
      print("Received completion", completion)

What you do here is:

  1. Create a publisher of integers via the range’s publisher property.
  2. Define a custom subscriber, IntSubscriber.
  3. Implement the type aliases to specify that this subscriber can receive integer inputs and will never receive errors.
  4. Implement the required methods, beginning with receive(subscription:), which is called by the publisher; and in that method, call .request(_:) on the subscription specifying that the subscriber is willing to receive up to three values upon subscription.
  5. Print each value as it’s received and return .none, indicating that the subscriber will not adjust its demand; .none is equivalent to .max(0).
  6. Print the completion event.

For the publisher to publish anything, it needs a subscriber. Add the following at the end of the example:

let subscriber = IntSubscriber()


In this code, you create a subscriber that matches the Output and Failure types of the publisher. You then tell the publisher to subscribe, or attach, the subscriber.

Run the playground. You’ll see the following printed to the console:

——— Example of: Custom Subscriber ———
Received value 1
Received value 2
Received value 3

You did not receive a completion event. This is because the publisher has a finite number of values, and you specified a demand of .max(3).

In your custom subscriber’s receive(_:), try changing .none to .unlimited, so your receive(_:) method looks like this:

func receive(_ input: Int) -> Subscribers.Demand {
  print("Received value", input)
  return .unlimited

Run the playground again. This time you’ll see that all of the values are received and printed, along with the completion event:

——— Example of: Custom Subscriber ———
Received value 1
Received value 2
Received value 3
Received value 4
Received value 5
Received value 6
Received completion finished

Try changing .unlimited to .max(1) and run the playground again.

You’ll see the same output as when you returned .unlimited, because each time you receive an event, you specify that you want to increase the max by 1.

Change .max(1) back to .none, and change the definition of publisher to an array of strings instead. Replace:

let publisher = (1...6).publisher


let publisher = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"].publisher

Run the playground. You get an error that the subscribe method requires types String and IntSubscriber.Input (i.e., Int) to be equivalent. You get this error because the Output and Failure associated types of a publisher must match the Input and Failure types of a subscriber in order for a subscription between the two to be created.

Change the publisher definition back to its original range of integers to resolve the error.

Hello Future

Much like you can use Just to create a publisher that emits a single value to a subscriber and then complete, a Future can be used to asynchronously produce a single result and then complete. Add this new example to your playground:

example(of: "Future") {
  func futureIncrement(
    integer: Int,
    afterDelay delay: TimeInterval) -> Future<Int, Never> {


Here, you create a factory function that returns a future of type Int and Never; meaning, it will emit an integer and never fail.

You also add a subscriptions set in which you’ll store the subscriptions to the future in the example. For long-running asynchronous operations, not storing the subscription will result in the cancelation of the subscription as soon as the current code scope ends. In the case of a Playground, that would be immediately.

Next, fill the function’s body to create the future:

Future<Int, Never> { promise in .now() + delay) {
    promise(.success(integer + 1))

This code defines the future, which creates a promise that you then execute using the values specified by the caller of the function to increment the integer after the delay.

A Future is a publisher that will eventually produce a single value and finish, or it will fail. It does this by invoking a closure when a value or error is made available, and that closure is referred to as a promise. Command-click on Future and choose Jump to Definition. You’ll see the following:

final public class Future<Output, Failure> : Publisher
  where Failure: Error {
  public typealias Promise = (Result<Output, Failure>) -> Void

Promise is a type alias to a closure that receives a Result containing either a single value published by the Future, or an error.

Head back to the main playground page, and add the following code after the definition of futureIncrement:

// 1
let future = futureIncrement(integer: 1, afterDelay: 3)

// 2
  .sink(receiveCompletion: { print($0) },
        receiveValue: { print($0) })
  .store(in: &subscriptions)

Here, you:

  1. Create a future using the factory function you created earlier, specifying to increment the integer you passed after a three-second delay.
  2. Subscribe to and print the received value and completion event, and store the resulting subscription in the subscriptions set. You’ll learn more about storing subscriptions in a collection later in this chapter, so don’t worry if you don’t entirely understand that portion of the example.

Run the playground. You’ll see the example title printed, followed by the output of the future after a three-second delay:

——— Example of: Future ———

Add a second subscription to the future by entering the following code in the playground:

  .sink(receiveCompletion: { print("Second", $0) },
        receiveValue: { print("Second", $0) })
  .store(in: &subscriptions)

Before running the playground, insert the following print statement immediately before the DispatchQueue block in the futureIncrement function:


Run the playground. After the specified delay, the second subscription receives the same value. The future does not re-execute its promise; instead, it shares or replays its output.

——— Example of: Future ———
Second 2
Second finished

Also, Original is printed right away before the subscriptions occur. This happens because a future executes as soon as it is created. It does not require a subscriber like regular publishers.

In the last few examples, you’ve been working with publishers that have a finite number of values to publish, which are sequentially and synchronously published.

The notification center example you started with is an example of a publisher that can keep on publishing values indefinitely and asynchronously, provided:

  1. The underlying notification sender emits notifications.
  2. There are subscribers to the specified notification.

What if there was a way that you could do the same thing in your own code? Well, it turns out, there is! Before moving on, comment out the entire "Future" example, so the future isn’t invoked every time you run the playground — otherwise its delayed output will be printed after the last example.

Hello Subject

You’ve already learned how to work with publishers and subscribers, and even how to create your own custom subscribers. Later in the book, you’ll learn how to create custom publishers. For now, though, there’s just a couple more things standing between you and a well-deserved <insert your favorite beverage> break. First is a subject.

A subject acts as a go-between to enable non-Combine imperative code to send values to Combine subscribers. That <favorite beverage> isn’t going to drink itself, so it’s time to get to work!

Add this new example to your playground:

example(of: "PassthroughSubject") {
  // 1
  enum MyError: Error {
    case test
  // 2
  final class StringSubscriber: Subscriber {
    typealias Input = String
    typealias Failure = MyError
    func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
    func receive(_ input: String) -> Subscribers.Demand {
      print("Received value", input)
      // 3
      return input == "World" ? .max(1) : .none
    func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<MyError>) {
      print("Received completion", completion)
  // 4
  let subscriber = StringSubscriber()

With this code, you:

  1. Define a custom error type.
  2. Define a custom subscriber that receives strings and MyError errors.
  3. Adjust the demand based on the received value.
  4. Create an instance of the custom subscriber.

Returning .max(1) in receive(_:) when the input is "World" results in the new max being set to 3 (the original max plus 1).

Other than defining a custom error type and pivoting on the received value to adjust demand, there’s nothing new here. Here comes the more interesting part.

Add this code to the example:

// 5
let subject = PassthroughSubject<String, MyError>()

// 6

// 7
let subscription = subject
    receiveCompletion: { completion in
      print("Received completion (sink)", completion)
    receiveValue: { value in
      print("Received value (sink)", value)

This code:

  1. Creates an instance of a PassthroughSubject of type String and the custom error type you defined.
  2. Subscribes the subscriber to the subject.
  3. Creates another subscription using sink.

Passthrough subjects enable you to publish new values on demand. They will happily pass along those values and a completion event. As with any publisher, you must declare the type of values and errors it can emit in advance; subscribers must match those types to its input and failure types in order to subscribe to that passthrough subject.

Now that you’ve created a passthrough subject that can send values and subscriptions to receive them, it’s time to send some values. Add the following code to your example:


This sends two values (one at a time) using the subject’s send method.

Run the playground. You’ll see:

——— Example of: PassthroughSubject ———
Received value Hello
Received value (sink) Hello
Received value World
Received value (sink) World

Each subscriber receives the values as they’re published.

Add the following code:

// 8

// 9
subject.send("Still there?")

Here, you:

  1. Cancel the second subscription.
  2. Send another value.

Run the playground. As you might have expected, only the first subscriber receives the value. This happens because you previously canceled the second subscriber’s subscription:

——— Example of: PassthroughSubject ———
Received value Hello
Received value (sink) Hello
Received value World
Received value (sink) World
Received value Still there?

Add this code to the example:

subject.send(completion: .finished)
subject.send("How about another one?")

Run the playground. The second subscriber does not receive the "How about another one?" value, because it received the completion event right before that value was sent. The first subscriber does not receive the completion event or the value, because its subscription was previously canceled.

——— Example of: PassthroughSubject ———
Received value Hello
Received value (sink) Hello
Received value World
Received value (sink) World
Received value Still there?
Received completion finished

Add the following code immediately before the line that sends the completion event.

subject.send(completion: .failure(MyError.test))

Run the playground, again. You’ll see the following printed to the console:

——— Example of: PassthroughSubject ———
Received value Hello
Received value (sink) Hello
Received value World
Received value (sink) World
Received value Still there?
Received completion failure(...MyError.test)

Note: The error type is abbreviated.

The error is received by the first subscriber, but the completion event that was sent after the error is not. This demonstrates that once a publisher sends a single completion event — whether it’s a normal completion or an error — it’s done, as in fini, kaput! Passing through values with a PassthroughSubject is one way to bridge imperative code to the declarative world of Combine. Sometimes, however, you may also want to look at the current value of a publisher in your imperative code — for that, you have an aptly named subject: CurrentValueSubject.

Instead of storing each subscription as a value, you can store multiple subscriptions in a collection of AnyCancellable. The collection will then automatically cancel each subscription added to it when the collection is about to be deinitialized.

Add this new example to your playground:

example(of: "CurrentValueSubject") {
  // 1
  var subscriptions = Set<AnyCancellable>()
  // 2
  let subject = CurrentValueSubject<Int, Never>(0)
  // 3
    .sink(receiveValue: { print($0) })
    .store(in: &subscriptions) // 4

Here’s what’s happening:

  1. Create a subscriptions set.
  2. Create a CurrentValueSubject of type Int and Never. This will publish integers and never publish an error, with an initial value of 0.
  3. Create a subscription to the subject and print values received from it.
  4. Store the subscription in the subscriptions set, which is passed as an inout parameter so that the same set is updated instead of a copy.

You must initialize current value subjects with an initial value; new subscribers immediately get that value or the latest value published by that subject. Run the playground to see this in action:

——— Example of: CurrentValueSubject ———

Now, add this code to send two new values:


Run the playground again. Those values are also received and printed to the console:


Unlike a passthrough subject, you can ask a current value subject for its value at any time. Add the following code to print out the subject’s current value:


As you might have inferred by the subject’s type name, you can get its current value by accessing its value property. Run the playground, and you’ll see 2 printed a second time.

Calling send(_:) on a current value subject is one way to send a new value. Another way is to assign a new value to its value property. Whoah, did we just go all imperative here or what? Add this code:

subject.value = 3

Run the playground. You’ll see 2 and 3 each printed twice — once by the receiving subscriber and once from printing the subject’s value after adding that value to the subject.

Next, at the end of this example, create a new subscription to the current value subject:

  .sink(receiveValue: { print("Second subscription:", $0) })
  .store(in: &subscriptions)

Here, you create a subscription and print the received values. You also store that subscription in the subscriptions set.

You read a moment ago that the subscriptions set will automatically cancel the subscriptions added to it, but how can you verify this? You can use the print() operator, which will log all publishing events to the console.

Insert the print() operator in both subscriptions, between subject and sink. The beginning of each subscription should look like this:


Run the playground again and you’ll see the following output for the entire example:

——— Example of: CurrentValueSubject ———
receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
request unlimited
receive value: (0)
receive value: (1)
receive value: (2)
receive value: (3)
receive subscription: (CurrentValueSubject)
request unlimited
receive value: (3)
Second subscription: 3
receive cancel
receive cancel

Each event is printed, along with the values printed in the subscription handlers, and when you printed the subject’s values. The receive cancel events are printed because the subscriptions set was defined within the scope of this example, so it cancels the subscriptions it contains when deinitialized.

So, you may be wondering, can you also assign a completion event to the value property? Try it out by adding this code:

subject.value = .finished

Nope! That produces an error. A CurrentValueSubject’s value property is meant for just that: values. Completion events must still be sent using send(_:). Change the erroneous line of code to the following:

subject.send(completion: .finished)

Run the playground again. This time you’ll see the following output at the bottom:

receive finished
receive finished

Both subscriptions receive the completion event instead of the cancel event. They are finished and no longer need to be canceled.

Dynamically adjusting demand

You learned earlier that adjusting demand in Subscriber.receive(_:) is additive. You’re now ready to take a closer look at how that works in a more elaborate example. Add this new example to the playground:

example(of: "Dynamically adjusting Demand") {
  final class IntSubscriber: Subscriber {
    typealias Input = Int
    typealias Failure = Never
    func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
    func receive(_ input: Int) -> Subscribers.Demand {
      print("Received value", input)
      switch input {
      case 1:
        return .max(2) // 1
      case 3:
        return .max(1) // 2
        return .none // 3
    func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<Never>) {
      print("Received completion", completion)
  let subscriber = IntSubscriber()
  let subject = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>()

Most of this code is similar to example you’ve previously worked on in this chapter, so instead you’ll focus on the receive(_:) method. You continually adjust the demand from within your custom subscriber:

  1. The new max is 4 (original max of 2 + new max of 2).
  2. The new max is 5 (previous 4 + new 1).
  3. max remains 5 (previous 4 + new 0).

Run the playground and you’ll see the following:

——— Example of: Dynamically adjusting Demand ———
Received value 1
Received value 2
Received value 3
Received value 4
Received value 5

As expected, five values are emitted but the sixth is not printed out.

There is one more important thing you’ll want to know about before moving on: hiding details about a publisher from subscribers.

Type erasure

There will be times when you want to let subscribers subscribe to receive events from a publisher without being able to access additional details about that publisher.

This would be best demonstrated with an example, so add this new one to your playground:

example(of: "Type erasure") {
  // 1
  let subject = PassthroughSubject<Int, Never>()
  // 2
  let publisher = subject.eraseToAnyPublisher()
  // 3
    .sink(receiveValue: { print($0) })
    .store(in: &subscriptions)
  // 4

With this code you:

  1. Create a passthrough subject.
  2. Create a type-erased publisher from that subject.
  3. Subscribe to the type-erased publisher.
  4. Send a new value through the passthrough subject.

Option-click on publisher and you’ll see that it is of type AnyPublisher<Int, Never>.

AnyPublisher is a type-erased struct that conforms the Publisher protocol. Type erasure allows you to hide details about the publisher that you may not want to expose to subscribers — or downstream publishers, which you’ll learn about in the next section.

Are you experiencing a little déjà vu right now? If so, that’s because you saw another case of type erasure earlier. AnyCancellable is a type-erased class that conforms to Cancellable, which lets callers cancel the subscription without being able to access the underlying subscription to do things like request more items.

One example of when you would want to use type erasure for a publisher is when you want to use a pair of public and private properties, to allow the owner of those properties to send values on the private publisher, and let outside callers only access the public publisher for subscribing but not be able to send values.

AnyPublisher does not have a send(_:) operator, so new values cannot be added to that publisher.

The eraseToAnyPublisher() operator wraps the provided publisher in an instance of AnyPublisher, hiding the fact that the publisher is actually a PassthroughSubject. This is also necessary because you cannot specialize the Publisher protocol, e.g., you cannot define the type as Publisher<UIImage, Never>.

To prove that publisher is type-erased and cannot be used to send new values, add this code to the example.


You get the error Value of type 'AnyPublisher<Int, Never>' has no member 'send'. Comment out that line of code before moving on.

Fantastic job! You’ve learned a lot in this chapter, and you’ll put these new skills to work throughout the rest of this book and beyond. But not so fast! It’s time to practice what you just learned. So, grab yourself a <insert your favorite beverage> to enjoy while you work through the challenges for this chapter.


Completing challenges helps drive home what you learned in the chapter. There are starter and final versions of the challenge in the exercise files download.

Challenge: Create a Blackjack card dealer

Open Starter.playground in the challenge folder, and twist down the playground page and Sources in the Project navigator. Select SupportCode.swift.

Review the helper code for this challenge, including

  • A cards array that contains 52 tuples representing a standard deck of cards.
  • Two type aliases: Card is a tuple of String and Int, and Hand is an array of Cards.
  • Two helper properties on Hand: cardString and points.
  • A HandError error enumeration.

In the main playground page, add code immediately below the comment // Add code to update dealtHand here that evaluates the result returned from the hand’s points property. If the result is greater than 21, send the HandError.busted through the dealtHand subject. Otherwise, send the hand value.

Also in the main playground page, add code immediately after the comment // Add subscription to dealtHand here to subscribe to dealtHand and handle receiving both values and an error.

For received values, print a string containing the results of the hand’s cardString and points properties.

For an error, print it out. A tip though: You can receive either a .finished or a .failure in the receivedCompletion block, so you’ll want to distinguish whether that completion is a failure or not.

HandError conforms to CustomStringConvertible so printing it will result in a user-friendly error message. You can use it like this:

if case let .failure(error) = $0 {

The call to deal(_:) currently passes 3, so three cards are dealt each time you run the playground.

In a real game of Blackjack, you’re initially dealt two cards, and then you have to decide to take one or more additional cards, called hits, until you either hit 21 or bust. For this simple example, you’re just getting three cards straight away.

See how many times you go bust versus how many times you hit Blackjack or stay in the game. Are the odds stacked up against you in Vegas or what?

The card emoji characters are small when printed in the console. You can temporarily increase the font size of the Executable Console Output for this challenge. To do so, select Xcode ▸ Preferences… ▸ Themes/Console.

Then, select Executable Console Output, and click the T button in the bottom right to change it to a larger font, such as 48.


How’d you do? There were two things you needed to add to complete this challenge. The first was to update the dealtHand publisher in the deal function, checking the hand’s points and sending an error if it’s over 21:

// Add code to update dealtHand here
if hand.points > 21 {
  dealtHand.send(completion: .failure(.busted))
} else {

Next, you needed to subscribe to dealtHand and print out the value received or the completion event if it was an error:

_ = dealtHand
  .sink(receiveCompletion: {
    if case let .failure(error) = $0 {
  }, receiveValue: { hand in
    print(hand.cardString, "for", hand.points, "points")

Each time you run the playground, you’ll get a new hand and output similar to the following:

——— Example of: Create a Blackjack card dealer ———
🃕🃆🃍 for 21 points


Key points

  • Publishers transmit a sequence of values over time to one or more subscribers, either synchronously or asynchronously.
  • A subscriber can subscribe to a publisher to receive values; however, the subscriber’s input and failure types must match the publisher’s output and failure types.
  • There are two built-in operators you can use to subscribe to publishers: sink(_:_:) and assign(to:on:).
  • A subscriber may increase the demand for values each time it receives a value, but it cannot decrease demand.
  • To free up resources and prevent unwanted side effects, cancel each subscription when you’re done.
  • You can also store a subscription in an instance or collection of AnyCancellable to receive automatic cancelation upon deinitialization.
  • A future can be used to receive a single value asynchronously at a later time.
  • Subjects are publishers that enable outside callers to send multiple values asynchronously to subscribers, with or without a starting value.
  • Type erasure prevents callers from being able to access additional details of the underlying type.
  • Use the print() operator to log all publishing events to the console and see what’s going on.

Where to go from here?

Congratulations! You’ve taken a huge step forward by completing this chapter. You learned how to work with publishers to send values and completion events, and how to use subscribers to receive those values and events. Up next, you’ll learn how to manipulate the values coming from a publisher to help filter, transform or combine them.

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