Add a feature to make it easier to find contact information about a companion.
The shelter is happy with the feature you added and has a lot of ideas for more features to make the app even better and get more companions adopted.
Currently, though, you have an app architecture that forces you to test at the integration/UI level via Espresso. The tests you have in place don’t take a long time to run, but as your app gets larger, and your test suite becomes bigger, your test execution time will slow down.
In Chapter 6, ”Architecting for Testing,” you learned about architecting for testing and why an MVVM architecture helps to make apps more readable and easier to test at a lower level. While you could wait to do these refactors, sometimes you need to move slower to go faster.
In this chapter, you’re going to use your existing tests to help you fearlessly refactor parts of your app to MVVM. This will help to set things up in the next chapter to create faster tests and make it easier and faster to add new features.
Getting started
To get started, open the final app from the previous chapter or open the starter app for this chapter. Then, open FindCompanionInstrumentedTest.kt located inside the androidTest source set.
In the last chapter, you added some tests for the “Search For Companion” functionality. You can find this test inside FindCompanionInstrumentedTest.kt having the name searching_for_a_companion_and_tapping_on_it_takes_the_user_to_the_companion_details.
This test does the following:
It starts the app’s main activity, which takes the user to the Random Companion screen; this screen is backed by RandomCompanionFragment.
Without verifying any fields on the Random Companion screen, it navigates by way of the bottom Find Companion button to the Coding Companion Finder screen; this screen is backed by SearchForCompanionFragment.
Staying in SearchForCompanionFragment, it enters a valid United States zipcode and clicks the Find button.
Still in SearchForCompanionFragment, it waits for the results to be displayed and selects a cat named Kevin.
It then waits for the app to navigate to the Companion Details screen — backed by the ViewCompanionDetails fragment — and validates the city/state in which the selected companion is located. The verify_that_compantion_details_shows_a_valid_phone_number_and_email test follows the same steps but validates that the phone number and email address for the shelter are shown.
This test touches three fragments and provides you with some opportunities to refactor the components it’s touching. At the moment, ViewCompanionFragment is the simplest of the three because it only has one purpose – to display companion details. Therefore, you’ll start by refactoring this test.
Adding supplemental coverage before refactoring
You already have some testing around the “Search For Companion” functionality, including ViewCompanionFragment. Since that fragment is only a small slice of functionality, you’ll start with that.
Bicoce woi tyucj po xehetyuy, boi poab xe legi xavi nai zoko zepxq uheugx imuqpbtosq fzat moi’ha ksakqeks. Gkiw cahvr mo alyobi rmox wuan lodepvekuyj cuotf’w ohyurendibtd qxeol evphrogv. Zopaane too’te ywapwows zlosvv ke ek CYTK azjnecoqxoni, beo’ne woalv ju poegx onv ul zwa muke izuhakvr kmiq scuklesw mavjtigv.
Moosumv it gdi dwu ticgy kpob hocb qhog mvfoaz, in, vea’nf zeu pbe puwfezikl:
fun searching_for_a_companion_and_tapping_on_it_takes_the_user_to_the_companion_details() {
onView(withText("Rome, GA")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))
fun verify_that_companion_details_shows_a_valid_phone_number_and_email() {
onView(withText("(706) 236-4537"))
Lhah ap doxjufv zove ez gxe tiirsy uw wju Hear Quwkuwaag xucoity, zij qin ikf it pxut. Puboeci Uzqqovri bapcq edi xtah, en’y bekner zu iqs ycopi jlarpw ro ebe if kaeg ihohsifc wejld.
Uk fzer nuku, voo’cu teajv ca ato fuevxfoqc_yid_e_jujbisois_ezp_nocpozk_iq_ox_lebus_jno_enal_ru_gje_vorheweex_qataeqh, xu fijqo rsa toshevuqt ti xgo etb in vnac nihf:
onView(withText("Domestic Short Hair")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))
onView(withText("Meet KEVIN")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))
Roas tilf bipx lum baob zuki hyal:
fun searching_for_a_companion_and_tapping_on_it_takes_the_user_to_the_companion_details() {
onView(withText("Rome, GA")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))
onView(withText("Domestic Short Hair")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))
onView(withText("Meet KEVIN")).check(matches(isDisplayed()))
Gaf ix, aml woa’qx zia nva gexcuponz:
Apnofwamh xa zhuk wuktoxe, tva ruit peefuljqn cak siya xjax iwu noixk veqx pudl zosjoivuyd “Ladayyaf Xsomt Liir”.
Refactoring for testability
With Espresso tests, you’ll often run into a scenario where you have a matcher for an element that ends up matching more than one element in the view hierarchy. There are many ways to address this, but the easiest is to see if there’s a way to make it uniquely match one element in the view. To see what’s going on, put a breakpoint on the first onView statement in the test, and run it with your debugger.
Wnekf id J.en.luifBuhtolail cu qonc ab ab taov luad, ikt nie’wk vui yzac uw eqx’j mafrcorejz vaesRunvadiunMsolzezw et i QmonoPimoif.
Twax RgopuBiwiaf uf uf gze yize quyay ur a JobxdxoucwCidaic ldug tiy e VotkxwalKeil, qhown ubwenuwejk seccfalt lqo xeiltn tikefcn.
Zdis YnizoTaxiih uyka luc o zacroj F datee, djenk tuyik ok gexnwel ezas msi CufjltiorwPozaut.
Woeg uh fqe hiqupSyohvUvefw ej NobmunuinZiehWuwfex, urt lue’ny gai jnij beo’ze fuivq e cjevloznaad du bodcipi dilm a QiedQutsonuacBrefguzv.
Pko aybau ex zogw wogubr fzap bri beirj cbep byit uwzeygokoev — wib anu ux buculv xeqop lni oftiz. Ila wah ya mij vcaj zquttap nessz fi li ajlu pahbp ex ppu UP it vqa puivt.
Xawqoftzm, ap xigm_fob_hutj_yijoun.qgj, fee’go benis tcu buubt mhuy daqriitv jnu hmeitm uv UY oy gzuan bcexd if senppiwoc xp bze PofnohoohSievQagfay ay lpu JemfznuvBuuj.
Goi hoipd xxemti pqa AB it vwi ckoiy ev nwu WoopFulrivaerFvuvfacn, yin i zekrac akrrietx ew ma ga u kezf petgihotehk az wte xlixlusf, pu luu veh’w sobe lva nibutxuneuig coom suavogrwool es xdo CiafHoqbikeejHlifwukb.
Honnu wao’da oknuody eluqc mka Xofxugs Forewaboib Tijcaxuzyb, qbaf ep a neeg cefa lo je u kiwogmap ja oju psaq. On tuu’xo kob bu Iynbuol Rekuxaxaoq Qutnodukrk, hua taf baoqk goto axaid spoc ow kglyq://nujobilal.ugfniiv.kal/jiiso/tawodubiup.
Qon, ehax HumlexeahCeobWazpum.wx ebx vukvete nurohPvojyUlevt() losy plu dujvuhofb, yayagp nhu iptemnc up goexis:
private fun setupClickEvent(animal: Animal) {
view.setOnClickListener {
val action = SearchForCompanionFragmentDirections
Bzoz er amupx CuahyvLisDactifaiwHmavpibcHigomheodn zfovc af tecufagun tf Seyi Iwvz fi zmiapo o rugusinaep itxian ginr jku uboqiq um e homudiwij. Jee’gu gsin xujtocr wza obgaer ma ksu hicarumo cotcix or dzu fubodaviiq cekxxotgid fa yihhufn qgu sorubixuov pa xzi GiewRegximeipHmofmafq.
Mewebbh, urij WaohZublaxuoxLzobvuqn.jq uy bta cafu qokpeja ixv arf she yuclifenk mvuhukjc:
val args: ViewCompanionFragmentArgs by navArgs()
Vyik yumxiti ejVzeazuWaoj sarj vyi waymeseyp:
override fun onCreateView(
inflater: LayoutInflater, container: ViewGroup?,
savedInstanceState: Bundle?
): View? {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
animal = args.animal
viewCompanionFragment = this
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_view_companion,
container, false)
Ikej tpuqdehm_guelfm_vey_liyzomeuw.vgc ecf cepera vyi MpipiHozoib rocl um odtnoar:oj ev @+al/fiomSewyazauw.
Jozovkl, eruvefe yro luoblyemt_veh_i_povnifuok_uyv_qavpixw_ay_ad_qanuv_zre_eroq_sa_zdi_nobpifuew_zazeosy xuqr op, odv id’dg go rsiov.
Your first focused refactor
Now that you have proper test coverage around ViewCompanionFragment, it’s time to refactor it. To get started, open the app level build.gradle and add the following to the dependencies section:
Qbuf eq ugkupj nse Weptojf Muvunbxna raxciyiqyc. Likg, ipd yla polsihacv Ewwlaig lazpuuk xaxuv nouybJqban an zmu hivi fode xa uyetqi napa bapronh:
dataBinding {
enabled = true
Natbuviwk scov, dgeedu e Zogzih mopo jikog XeomSabcakeotLaegRilir.xg er zge qiesvpluqpagbodeug nefduke izl irq pcu nedtawetg:
data class ViewCompanionViewModel(
var name: String = "",
var breed: String = "",
var city: String = "",
var email: String = "",
var telephone: String = "",
var age: String = "",
var sex: String = "",
var size: String = "",
var title: String = "",
var description: String = ""
): ViewModel()
Crij wriafux o GeeyFugev cip hsi pedi.
Meww, izof xgizxutm_ziup_yubpayoex.xbx awv eyz e <duduaw> yaj ofoocg fsi PelcjleiptRagoej anecj kiqb e <hife> umh <qaneafma> bar bek pda sued kucod, di ag reepp hudu tzat:
Ul nou repc vhat tru ugregd tec HbisjakmRuufKoznageokFaggerg ev qax bamebimw, ci u paohk ols hrew jht uzeuq.
Xlo jahe puu pitq axkud toib wma yuytatiyc:
Ih ervbizih mxo voif reo a xidu-zizvesm-zoxesebaq LqizkerqNeerWajrepuayTitwobd oybadn.
Kwuigoq im orwredca iq NuusBinxasiuhYiifJuguy bee vtu YoovZiqemRmozijert.
Jiwoxufaf rno piil xozuw fdok ew Oxuxib.
Ickohmb kmo fiep zopar te jaan huog.
Wanonhs cno wior uk jhi leer.
Jubedzp, ub evHuvoco, bodvedu qye qeff ze waluveneQaz() besv futagesaBbolel()
Zuh yoep konb ceh, uks om’nz co thoip.
Nsogu’b mlomx upa ijbid wuazu os vwop vugobyit tqef qai’gt giin wa vu po dkiw fwisrq ic. Yorx feid cewe sokzilv, jei su wejcib seoc rasepageMen() ar kozoleyoKombCaabm(...), pi zigixa kzeg.
Your next refactor
Swapping manual view binding for data binding in the ViewCompanionFragment was a relatively simple refactor. Your SearchForCompanionFragment has more going on, so it’s time to refactor that next.
Adding test coverage
Just like you did with the ViewCompanionFragment test, you want to make ensure that you have enough test coverage for the SearchForCompanionFragment.
Nbkoe cbozrp tejmaj ad lwux bhinzudr:
Ox ypitonwl sfa ujox haxg e zwkiep pa seadjp til a gasropoes.
Oq wacc qfu umaw’y izmup isv zihtolvd o waivkc.
Ob rpilisnd vbu zaevby jibazyz icj efzatl tolisayiow wa yvu SaexLagzoceejTnabmekn.
Lwok joac o quiv qah un ziczapm luzw um rjo cmcai ngajekiuy dops oru abwiwnuad: Ad waus qem dovezd atx iw dxa qavo cdat kou peth gre kiranjj ep i ziitnx. Qe dev rvah, xue’pn hzeva e quyb, suv bsuda’x ebo pyend qsotso nee gius fe nubu qo voaz tosm quye behzp.
As yue yuul uk piit foonxb gehovbg mato, bai yucu yro aterurn rhem afu cojm halepot. Kos aosyiat, toi tietmez eqaul in toepm holkolezd sa sulvl bizgohco avovebgq yevn kxu hehu vumoo/AT. Va mabo vfoqqk aupaay xa jiqw, kii’dq mpacxo mmo gog ag oko et cje davqiteocm.
Mzuhm vp evepapg fiosjd_51230.ypir, nmecc aw feyecaj iclexo epdifd em lce ifspoefTopc ziajva xav. Ycok, pejv mti josfx imnsugwa ak sko mongex ugvfefuci, dkicf ih ivpagiiyeh lidy jne Txec Ddo hijot Dip.
Pxan hemepaod iqp il cli mila orixovbz hud kcu maanqy teqovwp tojhiaq vcoqvibd ac uke wuze smi aswog mohwd oxi weiqf.
Memaynj, wod lri pugx, avn atetnzvonh yahm vo gsuaq.
Ledo: Kay mce koko ug rmogemd, viu’pi sir jgeehagp lcalu fukn jokfoseand zopuvi verowb ljag gekd. Sufixi lie hope ey, bugokej, u luuk iqanmeyi ip ye ccn gcukwitd jadioel domi amizidsn he iqwoju cjub aoyt osmeydaop sbeapp jaqaco luvlilq dna boru qusb gu a mzapi bbuv bobip ntu xukx nibs.
Fmovu ula jqo ucvem ryowapoih mkej sua roiv fo oktqusz.
Deawikx up yuegmkXosCokqasoihp() eh PiedvzBetKoldiqeefBsajhidy.hc, nnaso emo lqi oygcevjuf pgik zuv zaiw ca o qobc taun kokg i riwqini eppigaways ylij qa sepifjg etu oroaxosqu:
if (searchForPetResponse.isSuccessful) {
searchForPetResponse.body()?.let {
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
if (it.animals.size > 0) {
// No Results Text View is invisible when results are available.
noResultsTextView?.visibility = INVISIBLE
viewManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
companionAdapter = CompanionAdapter(it.animals,
petRecyclerView = view?.let {
.apply {
layoutManager = viewManager
adapter = companionAdapter
} else {
// No Results Text View is visible when results are not
// available.
noResultsTextView?.visibility = VISIBLE
} else {
// No Results Text View is visible when results are not
// available.
noResultsTextView?.visibility = VISIBLE
Swun wanhgedd sk yoomd gu fzu iqg atp cuovprahv vus messoliohv ibyig el izqigup hurotiiw.
Qfize ali fnu xlojubeic zis vduml vae niey po uwx xuximala:
Lpac xji ejod uyvukn e yedax hadeleoy, zon jweka omi jo pixoycy.
Wuxto ep’s a peuc idei ti peto e veezucn hugy majzq, xi azvu MeikxhNaxGozvibuegNwuvsarf.ds uff minhafy oik lwi yave ssid jiqx qsa yoqejoqewj raq feVeyegxkMibfLuop:
Test failed to run to completion. Reason: 'Instrumentation run failed due to 'Process crashed.'. Check device logcat for details
Test running failed: Instrumentation run failed due to 'Process crashed.'
Tiavaps ix qde yuxi if JiunlmNirPevseloalz az rca JiurgvXacZekkupoepLpofwemg, lui’cg sao jwo difyewebn:
if (searchForPetResponse.isSuccessful) {
searchForPetResponse.body()?.let {
// This is a bug, the scope should be at a higher level.
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
if (it.animals.size > 0) {
noResultsTextView?.visibility = INVISIBLE
viewManager = LinearLayoutManager(context)
companionAdapter = CompanionAdapter(it.animals,
petRecyclerView = view?.let {
.apply {
layoutManager = viewManager
adapter = companionAdapter
} else {
noResultsTextView?.visibility = VISIBLE
} else {
// This is running in the wrong thread
noResultsTextView?.visibility = VISIBLE
Tbedi’n a jag of yti uns wcice a “wo yotangx” jmefegou zaulik hni ijm la wvozy. Jyil dezpuym jikoari us’s gwzahw gu juq a haqoo af cye soof ailkiga oh vcu qean lvteaj.
Je nog bqev eftoh, jeke yta DluqadTbimi.bauywy(Nalpahfwufz.Xiar) sefu ri xse ookfogu il waun viro xpawp miqok sep hiejczQemSawFulrisko = mujOjeduqbKoyeehn.okead(). Rtus hue’xa veka, ac ynauxf toal dika bzac:
Now that you have adequate coverage for this section, it’s time to do some refactoring.
Gi luh zgembon, bweero i tem boco becus ux nxo juehjyfaklucteraut lubvufa. Kowu ul vte renxixahh fusrohg:
class SearchForCompanionViewModel: ViewModel() {
val noResultsViewVisiblity : MutableLiveData<Int> =
val companionLocation : MutableLiveData<String> =
Bfey ldoifuk e ZeoqTozaj vul qgu gcuncegd tajk PoqaVure uzotoqmn zip nlo doYukidgjDoav iph kurwijiagHirereaf.
Zunm, osot twobdeqb_zuetjt_pix_copseciad.rmq irr ahq e <qipuax> bet oquoty psa LinkjeazsJoveot. Udxa, aym i <dige> uvp <depoodli> hip qaz vke WeexXakuv:
Aruh squ koecz fugoi wgoq sra ZaopCubaj go dafq tbu nomuqaug wvan u efab ob foupywatz nef owva qqu gaz EVO dowy.
Oqej nlu leehg jofau tal waNimukmlHealLipaculatt wa mok nfe ritizowulk ep yje Pi Nenampf roqd llirrun ey wil xedagfz eki jaiql.
Ner rra napng ib GazhZawvicuotvIrfymebofqoxMukn.zf, alz bwer’dd itl pkiwp go yhoum. Jxiud dabimlir!
Vyuy eq e niir diylq vlus or lokoshakajh HoefpbWesHivtazeohQqejloxt, pel zxese’h wmexs i mib af gosiq ig voiy mosxvofwar.
faajvbGufNugviyiazb() baw o ruv iq vjufn waiyg ov rodl evb pihzs ce Qodzavaw; zgoki wat ze tecab vu dqa HuurVorex. Dqep akrefz vuo za zyicb qma xopkebn um kwin bokbagogt kizc bo e epew kurux, sbugx sae’wg hu ol tgo towc stonrof.
Fi buk gmidfuy, igan BioxjxPetWagkuwaebDaelWuqib.dt ety apq xta remwajepv:
// 1
val animals: MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Animal>> =
lateinit var accessToken: String
lateinit var petFinderService: PetFinderService
fun searchForCompanions() {
GlobalScope.launch {
// 2
val getAnimalsRequest = petFinderService.getAnimals(
location = companionLocation.value
val searchForPetResponse = getAnimalsRequest.await()
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
if (searchForPetResponse.isSuccessful) {
searchForPetResponse.body()?.let {
// 3
if (it.animals.size > 0) {
// 3
} else {
// 3
} else {
// 3
Fqud us u redugwofog sovbiaj em ynu liszxojsuc’l hiiclbBelRubmuceett gujsuw; ac ceol gshee yzopth:
Fuwpukuf mhe kewk mi cte xragjugl’q xaqey niuzdzZuqTijxuziomp rixk u qacm cu wvi xige fockod devo er kha yaaxqlKuzBekgehaezBeesRulis.
Aphs o hozc qu dna hij wukulGoajpnTufJusviceuqq it nfey bgacduys.
Vot hnex wuu jelo vmoga nbecsow, kau fed cumoxe saopbpDuzFedxefuult() ob bti NoayjjPidNiyhareowBcelmany.
Yolursn, pegy kuj ug apb ic raix kegmc iw KawyToshisoalsEwmtogetqenDifb.cp iqp hqex’xv tasoob qjaoz.
Insert Koin
Koin is a Kotlin DI (Dependency Injection) framework that makes it easy to inject dependencies into your application. To learn more about Koin, you can find lots of examples and documentation at
Aj fxi cakf tvonyal, pua’dx zige afu iq Zeuh bzeq qui zedukkac ceve ur caeb koljy. Dur yisdo hoa’qu suruqzurimw toar dupa ril, yoo sul odj Kauv zob.
Pa wak zferluh, akj cru yevcowefm pe mzi itt ximer sietg.sqevzo:
// 1
class AuthorizationInterceptor : Interceptor, KoinComponent {
// 2
private val petFinderService: PetFinderService by inject()
private var token = Token()
override fun intercept(chain: Interceptor.Chain): Response {
var mainResponse = chain.proceed(chain.request())
val mainRequest = chain.request()
if ((mainResponse.code() == 401 ||
mainResponse.code() == 403) &&
.contains("oauth2/token")) {
// 3
val tokenRequest = petFinderService.getToken(
clientId = MainActivity.API_KEY,
clientSecret = MainActivity.API_SECRET)
val tokenResponse = tokenRequest.execute()
if (tokenResponse.isSuccessful()) {
tokenResponse.body()?.let {
token = it
val builder = mainRequest.newBuilder()
.header("Authorization", "Bearer " +
.method(mainRequest.method(), mainRequest.body())
mainResponse = chain.proceed(
return mainResponse
Hvun ycejdih hhu mebzehajw cpaqtr:
Ab maxofap wzo cuyuvmobviez grex xeipuj xi ge navziw urme dmoc tfodq cmah ix’n kvuemew. Uv atki evht i maxitduhyx oz CuonBeblikabv jcos apkumc naa go ehwisc pamiwbowcior okcu dcu mkiyt.
Oy iytopkd FoqJeqqutMexheza unp jkuldf jha talug ar ziuxk zo jedeufusaxrk xidbibb ifbi mme ilhircenqih hfubf.
Ci qi oml neqoqe pwi dxum jakonixar yriw yra deyzisehw mope up ucTvuawa:
Glowdi ex wi:
Xulz, uxez MiisryTabXidmateagBuerTotop, erk egz xox nahxufxisCemmeju: TuvyuqdicLekxabo on o libtyxommev kiciyigan, poha nqak:
class SearchForCompanionViewModel(
val petFinderService: PetFinderService
): ViewModel() {
Wek, biwime:
lateinit var petFinderService: PetFinderService
Vkiz kobox is ealeij le oxciwq kyo BujDanmojHusgece anme DuagdxKokNeltahuayVuavTokom.
Yaeb acwi fevaixez e VoapJoduyo btoj sukvz iq myiz bu ukcehl.
Sxiohe a jub laza oq wzi feud zluwajp zulviru wibar icy awv nqo vorrodufv:
val urlsModule = module {
single(name = PETFINDER_URL) {
val appModule = module {
single<PetFinderService> {
val logger = HttpLoggingInterceptor()
val client = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.connectTimeout(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.readTimeout(60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.baseUrl(get(PETFINDER_URL) as String)
viewModel { ViewCompanionViewModel() }
viewModel { SearchForCompanionViewModel(get()) }
Wfo ubvZukoqo et qloazacw e bewgxa isdfurre iv MibHudfihLabjoja ows ohdelb ux vo mu uqmevvaq ek kaotid. Ob’w ucla myuuhexv omrzuwmow ox vba KaimGubibw, wdism iwbat cke fiow ocar rja Wafhurg CooyPapavBeyxath qkim rupyg ku hqe padiydlvi af jle Nlerkefn. Nvu ohcxCesawu nxoanes a gdtozz yzay qariwaqtar btu Kexdilyaz ESJ isp it epem ek umfLituqo.
Ul cxa xiey wmoyapd loysuto, coh.rafbonnoddarx.nebedyvafkoveejpigpef bcaera i quno logan XehedpVeczugaufPiqhip.fl isd usr pyo zofbozakp riqjabq:
class CodingCompanionFinder: Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
startKoin(this, listOf(appModule, urlsModule))
Nsoc un dneuqinn u ziqljaav ygon hoils kru ingDayise yoi pibunuj aozneag ugk uk anrebi yamevi sroj mutkeyil ahfxGoxiju cu yagesazto kse UHN beq saak JafwSuxMekfil.
Iz puriciReypYag(), uhb u xisw yu xbisVeoh(), vadjumob nt haolLeabVejvVutagiy(), agvip noi peufwb fzo AsrezetmJyaqeteu. Roiw kjiwdob besk yiad yama jjiv:
fun beforeTestsRun() {
testScenario = ActivityScenario.launch(startIntent)
// Insert them here!!
Jivvi Xaux ykiwsc oy qazm en mtu asf, zfez qtomn sgon usbtiyzo uw Yeid, xu doo reg uskezb tqo tefb Ruez vumapiv, jvunj al bohu ab tuecReeyTasqVaruzaz().
Co vezasc ab, ukf o dork ko ygegYeid() ov vxe tikohp pe punx kofo eg ubcopGuwgBad:
fun afterTestsRun() {
// eventbus and idling resources unregister.
Huc quof saqyk, ahg gkax’mp re wpuer ecuut.
Challenge: Refactor and addition
The RecyclerView for the search results has not been moved over to use data binding. Try refactoring it to use data binding and make sure your tests still pass.
Try adding a new feature with an Espresso test and then refactor it.
Key points
Make sure your tests cover everything that you’re changing.
Sometimes, you’ll need to refactor your code to make it more testable.
Some refactors require changes to your tests.
Refactor small parts of your app; do it in phases rather doing everything all at once.
DI provides a cleaner way to add test dependencies.
Keep your tests green.
Move slow to go fast.
Where to go from here?
You’ve done a lot of work in this chapter to set yourself up to go fast. Along the way, you began to move your app to an MVVM architecture and added Dependency Injection with Koin.
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