Use Kotlin Classes

May 22 2024 · Kotlin 1.9.24, Android 14, Kotlin Playground

Lesson 06: Implement Interfaces


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Extending on interfaces, you’ll see that not every conventional rule must be followed. The Kotlin language allows you to build code that makes little logical sense but could help define behaviors.

interface Shape {
  var name: String
    get() = names[this]?.uppercase() ?: "Unknown shape"
    set(value) {
      names[this] = value

  var vertices: Int
    get() = vertexCount[this] ?: -1
    set(value) {
      vertexCount[this] = value

  val details: String
    get() = "The $name has $vertices vertices"

  companion object {
    private val names = mutableMapOf<Shape, String>()
    private val vertexCount = mutableMapOf<Shape, Int>()
class Triangle : Shape

class Square : Shape
fun main() {
  val triangle = Triangle() = "Triangle"
  triangle.vertices = 3

  val square = Square() = "Square"
  square.vertices = 5

  println(triangle.details) // The TRIANGLE has 3 vertices
  println(square.details) // The SQUARE has 5 vertices
  companion object {
    val names = mutableMapOf<Shape, String>()
  Shape.names.forEach { name ->
  // Triangle
  // Square
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