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Lambda Expressions

In Kotlin, a lambda expression is a function without a name. It’s used to define a code block that can be passed as an argument to a function or stored in a variable.

Defining a Lambda Expression

To define a lambda expression, you enclose a block of code in curly braces: {}. Then, you can assign the code block to a variable, such as the following:

val myFirstLambda = { println("This is my first lambda") }

fun main() {
This is my first lambda

Lambda Expressions With Arguments

A lambda expression can take arguments and return a value. The syntax of a lambda expression taking two arguments of type Int looks like this:

val myLambda = { num1: Int, num2: Int ->
  val sum = num1 + num2
  // The value stored in sum is the value that will be returned when the `myLambda` lambda expression is executed since it's the last statement in the lambda.

Type Inference

Kotlin’s type inference enables the compiler to evaluate the type of a lambda, such as in the myLambda expression:

val myLambda = { num1: Int, num2: Int ->
  val sum = num1 + num2
val stringLambda: (String) -> Int = { name: String ->

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