Filtering Operators

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In this lesson, you’ll explore filtering operators in Kotlin Flow. These operators let you refine the data flowing through your streams by excluding items that don’t meet specific criteria. You’ll cover the following operators:

  • filter: This operator allows you to keep only those items that meet a certain condition. It’s like a sieve that lets you pick and choose which elements to keep in the flow.
  • drop: This operator allows you to skip a specified number of items from the flow. It’s useful when you want to ignore initial items or data that isn’t relevant to your processing.

The filter Operator

You’ll begin with the filter operator. Suppose you’re processing a flow of carrots and only want to keep those that are fresh. You can use filter to create a flow with just the fresh carrots:

fun freshCarrots(): Flow<Carrot> = carrots.asFlow()
  .filter { carrot -> carrot.isFresh }
  .collect { carrot -> println("Keeping fresh carrot: ${}") }

The drop Operator

Next, consider the drop operator. Imagine you have a flow of carrots, but you always throw the first one because you heard doing that gives you good luck!

fun discardFirst(): Flow<Carrot> = carrots.asFlow()
  .collect { carrot -> println("Processing carrot: ${}") }


In this lesson, you’ve explored key filtering operators in Kotlin Flow, including filter and drop. You’ve seen how to use these operators to refine and selectively include items in your flow, letting you focus on the relevant data.

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