ConstraintLayout Tutorial for Android: Complex Layouts

In this ConstraintLayout tutorial, you’ll learn how to dynamically position UI elements in relation to other elements on the screen and to animate your views. By Fuad Kamal.

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Adding Constraints: Figuring out Alignment

You’ll set your constraints with a top-down approach, starting with the elements at the top of the screen and working your way down to the bottom.

You want the three icons at the top of the screen to line up with each other horizontally. Then you’ll center the labels under each of those icons.

Constraining the First Icon

First, you’ll constrain spaceStationIcon above the word “Space Stations” to the top of the screen.

To do this, click on spaceStationIcon to select it and reveal its constraint anchors. Click on the top anchor and drag it to the top of the view. The icon may slide up to the top of the view. Don’t connect its left constraint yet.

With the spaceStationIcon selected, drag it down from the top so that there’s a little space between the top of the view and the rocket.

Next, switch to Code view and examine the updated XML for the rocket icon. You have added one new constraint, app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent", and a top margin attribute for the space between the rocket and the top of the view. Update the code to set the margin to 15dp.

The XML for spaceStationIcon should now look like this:

  app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

You can adjust the margin in the Design view as well. To do this, switch to Design view and click on the Attributes tab on the right, if it’s not already visible.

Next, click on the spaceStationIcon to reveal the attributes for that image. After ID, layout_width and layout_height, you’ll see a graphic representation of the margins.

You can pick a new value for the margin by choosing it from the drop-down menu or by clicking on the number and entering a new value.
margin attribute

Aligning the Top Three Icons Horizontally: Using Chains

Next, you want the three icons at the top of the screen to line up in a row with equal spacing between them. To achieve this, you could add a bunch of individual constraints for each icon. However, there’s a much faster way to do this, using chains.


A chain occurs whenever you have bi-directional constraints. You won’t necessarily see anything special in the XML; the fact that there are mutual constraints in the XML is enough to make a chain.

Whenever you use alignment controls from the menu, such as Align Horizontal Centers, Android Studio is actually applying a chain. You can apply different styles, weights and margins to chains.

Start by switching back to Design view. Shift-click to select all three icons at the top of the screen: spaceStationIcon, flightsIcon and roverIcon. Then right-click to bring up the context menu and select Center ▸ Horizontally. This will automatically create a chain and generate constraints.

In the Design view, you can see that some of the lines representing the constraints look different than others. Some look like squiggly lines, while others resemble a chain.

Exploring Chains

To explore some of the chain modes, click the Cycle Chain Mode button that appears at the bottom of the icons when you select them.
cycle chain mode

The modes are:

  • Packed: The elements display packed together.
  • Spread: The elements spread out over the available space, as shown above.
  • Spread inside: Similar to spread, but the endpoints of the chain are not spread out.

chain modes

Make sure you end with spread as the selected chain mode. You’ll know this is selected one of two ways:

  1. The view will display with the icons spaced as they are in the example screenshot
  2. The attribute app:layout_constraintHorizontal_chainStyle="spread" will be on one of the image views. Updating this attribute is another way to change the chain mode.

Aligning Views

Again, select the three icons. From the tool bar, select Align ▸ Vertical Centers. Android Studio should add constraints to the images to align the bottom and the top of each image to its neighbor.

align vertical centers

Your layout should now look like this:
aligned icons

If your layout doesn’t match this image, check the Text and Design views. If you’ve lost the original constraint between flightsIcon and the top of the view, and if spaceStationIcon didn’t get the constraints you expected, press ⌘ + Z on Mac, or Control + Z on Windows to undo.

Then, manually add the constraints by clicking on the top constraint anchor of spaceStationIcon and dragging it to the top constraint anchor of flightsIcon, and so on, until you have added all of the constraints in the diagram above.

Your three icons should now have the following XML:

  app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />

  app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@+id/spaceStationIcon" />

  app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="@+id/flightsIcon" />

Aligning the Text for Each of the Icons

Now that the icons are in place, you’ll need to set their text fields to appear in their proper places.

Select the TextView labeled Space Stations to reveal its constraint anchors. Constrain the left side of the Space Stations TextView to the left side of the space station icon and the right side of the Space Stations TextView to the right side of the space station icon. This centers it vertically with the icon.

Then change the default margins in the tool bar to 15dp and just drag from the top anchor of the label to the bottom anchor of the icon, which will set both the constraint and the margin in a single step. Do the same for the other labels to align them to their icons.

labels animation

Now, the constraint errors for the top two rows of UI elements should be gone. The XML for the top three images and labels should look like this:

  app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/roverIcon" />

  app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/flightsIcon" />

  app:layout_constraintTop_toBottomOf="@+id/spaceStationIcon" />

Using Guidelines

So far, you’ve constrained UI elements to their parent containers and to each other. Another option you have is to add invisible guidelines to the layout and constrain UI elements to those guidelines.

Recall that in the final layout, the double arrows image should be centered and should overlap the two green views.
overlapping views