MapKit Tutorial: Getting Started

Learn to use the powerful MapKit framework to build an interactive map, displaying location details and launching Maps for driving directions. By Andrew Tetlaw.

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The Map View Delegate

All that’s left is setting ViewController as the delegate of the map view. You can do this in Main.storyboard, but it’s more visible if you do it in code. In ViewController.swift, add this line to viewDidLoad(), before the statement that creates artwork:

mapView.delegate = self

And that’s it! Build and run. Tap the marker to pop up the callout bubble:

Map of downtown Waikiki with callout bubble for the statue.

mapView(_:viewFor:) configures the callout to include a detail disclosure info button on the right side, but tapping that button doesn’t do anything yet. You could implement it to show an alert with more info or to open a detail view controller.

Here’s a neat third option. When the user taps the info button, your app launches the Maps app, complete with driving, walking and transit directions to get from the simulated user location to the artwork!

Launching the Maps App

To provide this great user experience, open Artwork.swift and add this import statement, below the other two:

import Contacts

This adds the Contacts framework, which contains dictionary key constants such as CNPostalAddressStreetKey, for when you need to set the address, city or state fields of a location.

To tell the Maps app where to go, you must pass it an MKMapItem. This class describes a point of interest on the map. To create one, you must first create an MKPlacemark to describe the point.

Next, add the following property to the class:

var mapItem: MKMapItem? {
  guard let location = locationName else {
    return nil

  let addressDict = [CNPostalAddressStreetKey: location]
  let placemark = MKPlacemark(
    coordinate: coordinate,
    addressDictionary: addressDict)
  let mapItem = MKMapItem(placemark: placemark) = title
  return mapItem

You use your existing location information as the address to create an MKPlacemark. You then create and configure the MKMapItem you need for communicating with Maps.

Handling the Callout

Next, you have to tell MapKit what to do when the user taps the callout button. Open ViewController.swift, and add this method to the MKMapViewDelegate extension:

func mapView(
  _ mapView: MKMapView,
  annotationView view: MKAnnotationView,
  calloutAccessoryControlTapped control: UIControl
) {
  guard let artwork = view.annotation as? Artwork else {

  let launchOptions = [
    MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey: MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving
  artwork.mapItem?.openInMaps(launchOptions: launchOptions)

When the user taps a map annotation marker, the callout shows an info button. If the user taps this info button, iOS calls mapView(_:annotationView:calloutAccessoryControlTapped:).

In this method, you grab the Artwork object this tap refers to, then launch Maps by creating an associated MKMapItem and calling openInMaps(launchOptions:) on the map item.

Notice you’re passing a dictionary to this method. This allows you to specify a few different options. Here, the DirectionsModeKey is set to Driving.

This causes Maps to show driving directions from the user’s current location to this location. Neat!

Note: Explore the MKMapItem documentation to see other launch option dictionary keys, and the openMaps(with:launchOptions:) method that lets you pass an array of MKMapItem objects.

Setting Your Simulated Location

Before you build and run, you should move to Honolulu. Well, just set your simulated location to Honolulu.:]

In Xcode, go to Product ► Scheme ► Edit Scheme…, select Run from the left menu, then select the Options tab. Check Allow Location Simulation and select Honolulu, HI, USA as the Default Location. Then click the Close button:

Xcode dialog box with Honolulu, HI, USA selected as default location.

Build and run. You’ll see the map zoom in on Waikiki, as before. Tap the marker, then tap the info button in the callout and watch it launch Maps to show the statue’s location and driving directions to it:

Map with driving route from a location to the statue.

This calls for a celebration with your favorite tropical drink!

Note: The first time you open Maps, it prompts you to allow Maps to access your location — tap Allow While Using App — and displays a Safety Warning.

Decoding GeoJSON with MKGeoJSONDecoder

Now that you know how to show one artwork on the map and how to launch Maps from the marker’s callout info button, it’s time to parse the dataset into an array of Artwork objects. Then you’ll add them as annotations to the map view to display all artworks located in the current map region.

MapKit has MKGeoJSONDecoder, a super-useful feature. It can decode GeoJSON data and return an array of objects that implement the MKGeoJSONObject protocol. MapKit also provides one concrete class that implements this protocol: MKGeoJSONFeature, which is all you’ll need for this tutorial.

Add this failable initializer to Artwork.swift, below the initializer:

init?(feature: MKGeoJSONFeature) {
  // 1
    let point = feature.geometry.first as? MKPointAnnotation,
    let propertiesData =,
    let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: propertiesData),
    let properties = json as? [String: Any] 
    else {
      return nil

  // 3
  title = properties["title"] as? String
  locationName = properties["location"] as? String
  discipline = properties["discipline"] as? String
  coordinate = point.coordinate

Here’s what you’re doing:

  1. MKGeoJSONFeature has a geometry property representing one or more shapes associated with the feature. All the features in PublicArt.geojson are point locations and MapKit helpfully creates a MKPointAnnotation for you. This is where you’ll find the coordinate as a CLLocationCoordinate2D.
  2. Next, you read the feature’s properties, which is of type Data? and contains a serialized JSON dictionary. You use JSONSerialization to decode the data into a Swift dictionary.
  3. Now that the properties are decoded, you can set the appropriate Artwork properties from the dictionary values.

Making Annotations

To use this initializer, open ViewController.swift and add the following property, an array to hold the Artwork objects from the GeoJSON file, to the class:

private var artworks: [Artwork] = []

Next, add the following helper method to the class:

private func loadInitialData() {
  // 1
    let fileName = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "PublicArt", withExtension: "geojson"),
    let artworkData = try? Data(contentsOf: fileName) 
    else {

  do {
    // 2
    let features = try MKGeoJSONDecoder()
      .compactMap { $0 as? MKGeoJSONFeature }
    // 3
    let validWorks = features.compactMap(Artwork.init)
    // 4
    artworks.append(contentsOf: validWorks)
  } catch {
    // 5
    print("Unexpected error: \(error).")

Here’s what you’re doing in this code:

  1. To begin, you read PublicArt.geojson into a Data object.
  2. You use MKGeoJSONDecoder to obtain an array of GeoJSON objects but only keep instances of MKGeoJSONFeature using compactMap.
  3. You transform the MKGeoJSONFeature objects into Artwork objects using its failable initializer you added and compactMap again.
  4. You append the resulting validWorks to the artworks array.
  5. Because MKGeoJSONDecoder‘s decode(_ :) method can throw an error, you catch it and print the error to the Xcode console.