Beginning Android Development with Kotlin, Part Two: Using Android Studio

In this Android Studio tutorial, you’ll learn the fundamental concepts of developing with Android Studio using Kotlin by creating an app to read your fortune. By Kevin D Moore.

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XML View With Dynamic Layout Previews

An incredibly important part of building an Android app is creating a layout for the app’s users to interact with.

In Android Studio, you do this in the layout editor. Start by opening content_main.xml from res/layout. You’ll initially land on the Design tab of the layout editor. In this tab, you can drag user interface elements like buttons, text fields etc. in the editor.

Design editor

On the right-hand side of the Design tab is the Text tab. Switching to this view allows you to directly edit the XML that makes up the layout.

Text editor

You’ll be able to preview the layout in either tab of the device as you build. Choose the Text tab to start building the layout for Fortune Ball.

Defining Values for Your Layout

Before you start building the view, you’ll need to define some values. Open strings.xml under res/values and add the following:

<string name="fortune_description">Suggest the question, which you can answer “yes” or “no”, then click on the magic ball.</string>

Strings.xml contains all the user-facing strings that appear in your app. Splitting the strings into their own file makes internationalization a breeze, as you just provide a strings file for each language you wish to support. Even if you don’t want to translate your app right away, it’s considered a best practice to use a strings file.

Next, open dimens.xml under res/values and add the following:

<dimen name="description_text_size">15sp</dimen>
<dimen name="fortune_text_size">20sp</dimen>

Dimens.xml contains all the dimension’s values, such as margin spacing for your layouts, your text sizes and so on. Again, it’s a good practice to keep the dimensions in this file so that you can re-use them in constructing layouts.

Creating Your Layout

Now, head back to content_main.xml and replace the entire contents of the file with the code below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




      android:text="What's my fortune?"/>

This large chunk of XML creates Fortune Ball’s layout. At the top level, you’ve added a ConstraintLayout, which will lay out the objects inside of it. It stretches to match the size of its parent — i.e., the full activity.

Within the layout, you’ve added two pieces of text, an image and a button. These will appear within the container in the order in which you added them. Strings.xml reads the content from the text views and the drawable you added reads the content for the image.

As you’re updating content_main.xml, notice how the Preview window updates the UI:

Note: If you can’t see the preview window, click on the Preview button on the right-hand side panel of the layout editor while you’re still in the Text tab.

Note: If you can’t see the preview window, click on the Preview button on the right-hand side panel of the layout editor while you’re still in the Text tab.

Finally, build and run your app.

Running app

Congrats! You’ve designed your app’s layout. However, it’s only a pretty picture at this point — clicking on that button doesn’t do anything. Are you ready to play around with activities?

Connecting Views With Activities

Use the Kotlin files located in app ▸ src ▸ main ▸ java to implement your app’s logic.

Open MainActivity.kt

Inside of MainActivity.kt add the following at the top of MainActivity:

private var fortuneList = arrayOf(
  "Don’t count on it",
  "Ask again later",
  "You can rely on it",
  "Without a doubt",
  "Outlook is not so good",
  "It's decidedly so",
  "Signs point to yes",
  "Yes, definitely",
  "My sources say NO"

private lateinit var fortuneText: TextView
private lateinit var generateFortuneButton: Button
private lateinit var fortuneBallImage: ImageView

Make sure you import the different Android widgets.

In this small chunk of code, you’ve declared four member variables for the activity. The first is an array of strings that represents the possible fortunes and the remaining three represent the UI elements you created in the layout.

Next, replace the content of onCreate() with the following:

// 1:
// 2:
val toolbar = findViewById<View>( as Toolbar
// 3:
fortuneText = findViewById<View>( as TextView
fortuneBallImage = findViewById<View>( as ImageView
generateFortuneButton = findViewById<View>( as Button

// 4:
generateFortuneButton.setOnClickListener {
  // 5:
  val index = Random().nextInt(fortuneList.size)
  // 6:

Taking the numbered sections one by one:

Note: Since you are using Kotlin Android Extensions, you don’t need findViewById calls; see more here.

  1. Call the superclass implementation to ensure the activity is ready to go.
  2. Specify that the the layout which you created before will provide the layout for this activity and prepare the toolbar.
  3. Populate the values of the three member variables you created before for the views in the layout using findViewById. The id value is the same as the one you provided in the XML layout.

    Note: Since you are using Kotlin Android Extensions, you don’t need findViewById calls; see more here.

  4. Add OnClickListener to the button. This is a simple class that encapsulates the functionality you’d like to perform when a user presses the button.
  5. Find a random fortune from the fortuneList array and update the fortune text to display it.
  6. Use the third-party animation library you added as a dependency to the gradle file to add a fun animation to the crystal ball image.

OK, that wasn’t too bad right? Build and run your app, then tap the button to test out your fortune-telling powers.

Running app

Tidying Up

You’re almost done. But before you start planning your release party, you have some clean-up to do, like getting rid of that floating button. Head to res ▸ layout and open activity_main.xml.

This layout file contains a reference to content_main.xml, which you previously edited. It wraps the content with the default toolbar and the floating action button. However, Fortune Ball doesn’t need a floating action button, so remove the following code block from this XML file:

  app:srcCompat="@android:drawable/ic_dialog_email" />

Now, build and run the app. You won’t see that floating button on the bottom right-hand corner anymore:

Remove FAB button

Ask a question, tap on What’s my fortune? and let your future unfold before your eyes!