Ktor: REST API for Mobile
In this tutorial, you’ll create a REST API server for mobile apps using the new Ktor framework from JetBrains. By Kevin D Moore.
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Ktor: REST API for Mobile
30 mins
- Getting Started
- Starting a Project in IntelliJ
- Implementing APIs
- Defining Routes
- Setting up Postgres
- Setting up Database Dependencies
- Running the Server
- Adding a Data Layer
- Setting up Model Classes
- Working on the Database Classes
- Adding Your Repository
- Authenticating Your Users
- Configuring Application
- Building the Routes
- Adding the User Create Route
Adding a Data Layer
The data layer provides a transparent layer that interacts with the underlying data store — Postgres, in our case. To achieve this, you’ll use the repository pattern.
In the following code, you’ll learn how to create the data models and classes that describe the tables for storing data. You’ll also learn how to implement a repository interface.
Setting up Model Classes
Before you can hook up the database, you need model classes. This project requires a User and a Todo.
Create a file called User under the models folder and add the following:
import io.ktor.auth.Principal
import java.io.Serializable
data class User(
val userId: Int,
val email: String,
val displayName: String,
val passwordHash: String
) : Serializable, Principal
This creates a User
class with an email and display name. You’ll store the password as a hash value to protect it should the database be compromised.
Next, create a new file in models called Todo and add the following:
data class Todo(
val id: Int,
val userId: Int,
val todo: String,
val done: Boolean
This defines what a TODO is and ties it to the User with the userId
field. The user will enter the todo
field as the text for the Todo.
The done
field will allow the user to mark the Todo as done or incomplete.
Working on the Database Classes
It’s time to work on those database classes. Create a file named Users under the repository folder and add the following:
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Column
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Table
object Users : Table() {
val userId : Column<Int> = integer("id").autoIncrement().primaryKey()
val email = varchar("email", 128).uniqueIndex()
val displayName = varchar("display_name", 256)
val passwordHash = varchar("password_hash", 64)
comes from the Exposed library. You can use the Column
class or helpers like varchar
to define the fields in the table. autoIncrement
is a nice way to have the database automatically create IDs for new entries.
Next, create a file named Todos and add the following code:
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Column
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Table
object Todos: Table() {
val id : Column<Int> = integer("id").autoIncrement().primaryKey()
val userId : Column<Int> = integer("userId").references(Users.userId)
val todo = varchar("todo", 512)
val done = bool("done")
This table has its own id
plus a userId
so you can retrieve all the TODOs for a specific user.
Create a file named DatabaseFactory to contain the class for connecting to the database. Add the following code to the file:
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig
import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.Database
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.SchemaUtils
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction
object DatabaseFactory {
fun init() {
Database.connect(hikari()) // 1
// 2
transaction {
is from the Exposed library. It allows you to connect to the database withHikariDataSource
, which yourhikari
method creates. - You use a transaction to create your
tables. It will only create the tables if they don’t already exist.
At this point, you need to set up the hikari
method. Add the following code after init
private fun hikari(): HikariDataSource {
val config = HikariConfig()
config.driverClassName = System.getenv("JDBC_DRIVER") // 1
config.jdbcUrl = System.getenv("JDBC_DATABASE_URL") // 2
config.maximumPoolSize = 3
config.isAutoCommit = false
config.transactionIsolation = "TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ"
val user = System.getenv("DB_USER") // 3
if (user != null) {
config.username = user
val password = System.getenv("DB_PASSWORD") // 4
if (password != null) {
config.password = password
return HikariDataSource(config)
// 5
suspend fun <T> dbQuery(block: () -> T): T =
withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
transaction { block() }
As you can see, steps 1 through 4 in the code above use the Environment Variables that you defined earlier. This tutorial doesn’t use steps 3 and 4. They’re there because you need them if you deploy your server to a website such as Heroku or Google Cloud.
Step 5 declares a helper function to wrap a database call in a transaction and have it run on an IO thread. This function uses Coroutines.
Coroutines are beyond the scope of this tutorial. But if you want to learn more about them, kotlinlang.org’s Coroutines Guide is an excellent place to start.
Adding Your Repository
In this section, you’ll work on adding a repository interface to the project. The interface will wrap all calls to the database. Create a new file in the repository folder named Repository and add the following:
import com.raywenderlich.models.Todo
import com.raywenderlich.models.User
interface Repository {
suspend fun addUser(email: String,
displayName: String,
passwordHash: String): User?
suspend fun findUser(userId: Int): User?
suspend fun findUserByEmail(email: String): User?
This creates an interface that includes functions for adding and finding Users by ID and email. This is the entry point to interact with the data layer.
keyword marks the function as suspending, meaning you can pause it and resume at a later stage. It’s the mechanism behind Coroutines.
Next, implement this interface by creating a file named TodoRepository in the repository folder. Add the following:
import com.raywenderlich.models.Todo
import com.raywenderlich.models.User
import com.raywenderlich.repository.DatabaseFactory.dbQuery
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.ResultRow
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.insert
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.select
import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.statements.InsertStatement
class TodoRepository: Repository {
override suspend fun addUser(
email: String,
displayName: String,
passwordHash: String) : User? {
TODO("not implemented")
override suspend fun findUser(userId: Int) = dbQuery {
TODO("not implemented")
override suspend fun findUserByEmail(email: String)= dbQuery {
TODO("not implemented")
You’ll implement each of the interface’s methods by replacing TODO("not implemented")
Start with addUser
by replacing its body with the following. This function will return a user if one is successfully created.
override suspend fun addUser(
email: String,
displayName: String,
passwordHash: String) : User? {
var statement : InsertStatement<Number>? = null // 1
dbQuery { // 2
// 3
statement = Users.insert { user ->
user[Users.email] = email
user[Users.displayName] = displayName
user[Users.passwordHash] = passwordHash
// 4
return rowToUser(statement?.resultedValues?.get(0))
This is what you’re doing here:
- InsertStatement: An Exposed class that helps with inserting data.
- dbQuery: A helper function, defined earlier, that inserts a new User record.
- Uses the insert method from the
parent class to insert a new record. -
rowToUser: A private function required to convert the Exposed
to yourUser
Now, you need to add the definition of rowToUser:
private fun rowToUser(row: ResultRow?): User? {
if (row == null) {
return null
return User(
userId = row[Users.userId],
email = row[Users.email],
displayName = row[Users.displayName],
passwordHash = row[Users.passwordHash]
Next, define the body of the missing selection functions, findUser
and findUserByEmail
. To do so, add the following code:
override suspend fun findUser(userId: Int) = dbQuery {
Users.select { Users.userId.eq(userId) }
.map { rowToUser(it) }.singleOrNull()
override suspend fun findUserByEmail(email: String)= dbQuery {
Users.select { Users.email.eq(email) }
.map { rowToUser(it) }.singleOrNull()
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