Updated Course: Your First iOS App

If you’re a complete beginner to iOS development and wondering how to get started, this is the course for you! By Ray Wenderlich.

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Part 4: Coding Practice

Introduction: Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.

Challenge: Local vs. Instance Variables: Try this challenge to make sure you understand the difference between local and instance variables, which is a common point of confusion for beginners to programming.

Closures: Learn how to use an important construct in Swift called closures, which you often use to provide a block of code that is executed some time in the future.

Challenge: Starting Over: Get some more coding practice by implementing the "Start Over" button in Bull’s Eye.

Adding Extra Screens: Learn how to add multiple screens to your iOS apps, by adding an About screen into Bull’s Eye.

Challenge: Adding Extra Screens: Practice adding multiple screens into your iOS apps, by adding an About the Author screen into Bull’s Eye.

Conclusion: Let’s review where you are with your programming to-do list, and discuss what’s next.

  1. Introduction: Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.

  2. Challenge: Local vs. Instance Variables: Try this challenge to make sure you understand the difference between local and instance variables, which is a common point of confusion for beginners to programming.

  3. Closures: Learn how to use an important construct in Swift called closures, which you often use to provide a block of code that is executed some time in the future.

  4. Challenge: Starting Over: Get some more coding practice by implementing the "Start Over" button in Bull’s Eye.

  5. Adding Extra Screens: Learn how to add multiple screens to your iOS apps, by adding an About screen into Bull’s Eye.

  6. Challenge: Adding Extra Screens: Practice adding multiple screens into your iOS apps, by adding an About the Author screen into Bull’s Eye.

  7. Conclusion: Let’s review where you are with your programming to-do list, and discuss what’s next.

Part 5: Styling the App

Introduction: Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.

Styling with Images and Labels: Learn how to add a background image to your app, and style labels.

Challenge: Styling with Labels: In this challenge, you’ll style the rest of the labels in Bull’s Eye.

Styling with Buttons and Sliders: Learn how to style buttons to use custom images, and style sliders to use custom thumb images.

Challenge: Styling the About Screen: In this challenge, you’ll get practice with styling your apps by improving the look of the About screen.

Web Views and Developer Documentation: Learn how to add web views into your apps to display web pages, and learn how to use Xcode’s developer documentation in your day-to-day development.

Introduction to Auto Layout: Learn how to use Auto Layout, a core UIKit technology that makes it easy to support many different screen sizes.

Challenge: Introduction to Auto Layout: In this challenge, you’ll get practice with auto layout by setting up Auto Layout on the About screen.

App Icon and Display Name: Learn how to set up your app icon, and change the display name of your app.

Running the App on your Device: Learn how to run your app on your own physical device so you can carry it around and show it off to your friends!

Conclusion: Let’s review where you are with your programming to-do list, and discuss what’s next.

  1. Introduction: Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and why it’s important.

  2. Styling with Images and Labels: Learn how to add a background image to your app, and style labels.

  3. Challenge: Styling with Labels: In this challenge, you’ll style the rest of the labels in Bull’s Eye.

  4. Styling with Buttons and Sliders: Learn how to style buttons to use custom images, and style sliders to use custom thumb images.

  5. Challenge: Styling the About Screen: In this challenge, you’ll get practice with styling your apps by improving the look of the About screen.

  6. Web Views and Developer Documentation: Learn how to add web views into your apps to display web pages, and learn how to use Xcode’s developer documentation in your day-to-day development.

  7. Introduction to Auto Layout: Learn how to use Auto Layout, a core UIKit technology that makes it easy to support many different screen sizes.

  8. Challenge: Introduction to Auto Layout: In this challenge, you’ll get practice with auto layout by setting up Auto Layout on the About screen.

  9. App Icon and Display Name: Learn how to set up your app icon, and change the display name of your app.

  10. Running the App on your Device: Learn how to run your app on your own physical device so you can carry it around and show it off to your friends!

  11. Conclusion: Let’s review where you are with your programming to-do list, and discuss what’s next.

Where To Go From Here?

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Stay tuned for more new and updated courses to come. I hope you enjoy the course! :]