Swift Tutorial Part 3: Flow Control

Welcome to part 3 of our Swift tutorial, where you’ll learn how code decisions using Booleans and repeat tasks using loops to control the flow. By Lorenzo Boaro.

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Where to Go From Here?

You can download the final playground using the Download Materials button at the top or bottom of this tutorial. To improve your Swift skills, you will find some mini-exercises to complete. If you are stuck or you need some help, feel free to take advantage of companion solutions.

You’ve learned a lot about the core language features for dealing with data over these past few tutorials — from data types to variables, then on to decision making with Booleans and loops with ranges.

If you have any questions or comments, please tell us in the discussion below!


This tutorial was taken from Chapters 4 and 5 of Swift Apprentice, Fourth Edition, available from the raywenderlich.com store.

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