What's Updated in SwiftUI and Combine
SwiftUI and Combine have both gone through many changes since WWDC 2019 - this course covers some of those changes and introduces a few more things along the way. By Josh Steele.
Who is this for?
This course is for intermediate iOS developers who watched the WWDC or raywenderlich.com viideos on SwiftUI and Combine, and want to learn how things have changed since then. It expects you to be familar with Xcode, iOS and Swift, and have at least an introductory familiarity with SwiftUI and Combine.
Covered concepts
- SwiftUI: Syntax changes
- SwiftUI: new features such as Form
- Combine: ObservableObject
- Combine: @ObservedObject
- Using Core Data with SwiftUI
Part 1: What's Updated in SwiftUI and Combine
Our original SwiftUI and Combine screencasts quickly went out of date due to the rapid evolution of the betas. This episode brings them up to date.
SwiftUI went through a fair amount of change between iOS 13 Beta 1 and the final release. This episode walks you through some of those changes.
Combine went through a fair amount of change between the first beta of Catalina and the final release. This episode walks you through some of those changes.