SwiftUI Tutorial: Navigation

In this tutorial, you’ll use SwiftUI to implement the navigation of a master-detail app. You’ll learn how to implement a navigation stack, a navigation bar button, a context menu and a modal sheet. By Audrey Tam.

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Conforming to Identifiable

But there’s an even better way: Go back to Artwork.swift, and add this extension, outside the Artwork struct:

extension Artwork: Identifiable { }

The id property is all you need to make Artwork conform to Identifiable, and you’ve already added that.

Now you can delete the id parameter entirely:

List(artworks) { artwork in

Looks much neater now! Because Artwork conforms to Identifiable, List knows it has an id property and automatically uses this property for its id argument.

Refresh the preview (Option-Command-P):

And it still works fine.

Showing More Detail

Artwork objects have lots of information you can display, so update your DetailView to show more details.

First, create a new SwiftUI View file: Command-N ▸ iOS ▸ User Interface ▸ SwiftUI View. Name it DetailView.swift.

Replace DetailView in the new file with the DetailView from ContentView.swift. Be sure to delete it from ContentView.swift.

The preview wants an artwork argument, so add it:

struct DetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
  static var previews: some View {
    DetailView(artwork: artData[0])

Then, add lots of new things to the view:

struct DetailView: View {
  let artwork: Artwork

  var body: some View {
    VStack {
        .frame(maxWidth: 300, maxHeight: 600)
        .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
      Text("\(artwork.reaction)  \(artwork.title)")
      Text("Artist: \(artwork.artist)")
    .navigationBarTitle(Text(artwork.title), displayMode: .inline)

You’re displaying several views in a vertical layout, so everything is in a VStack.

First is the Image: The artData images are all different sizes and aspect ratios, so you specify aspect-fit, and constrain the frame to at most 300 points wide by 600 points high. However, these modifiers won’t take effect unless you first modify the Image to be resizable.

You modify the Text views to specify font size and multilineTextAlignment, because some of the titles and descriptions are too long for a single line.

Finally, you add some padding around the stack.

Refresh the preview:

And there’s Prince Jonah! In case you’re curious, there are seven syllables in Kalanianaole, four of them in the last six letters ;].

The navigation bar doesn’t appear when you preview or even live-preview DetailView, because it doesn’t know it’s in a navigation stack.

Go back to ContentView.swift and start Live Preview, then tap a row to see the complete detail view:

Handling Split View

So far, I’ve been showing you previews of the iPhone 8 scheme. But of course, you can view this on an iPad (or even on your Mac, as a Mac Catalyst app).

To see what this looks like on an iPad, select an iPad scheme, then restart the Live Preview:

Um, it’s blank!? Well, it’s an iPad, so SwiftUI shows you a split view. When an iPad is in portrait orientation, you have to swipe from the leading edge to open the master list view, then select an item:

To avoid showing a blank detail view on launch, simply add a specific DetailView after the List in ContentView. Add the following after .navigationBarTitle("Artworks"):

DetailView(artwork: artworks[0])

Refresh the preview (it doesn’t have to be live):

And now the split view loads with your default detail view.

Change the scheme back to an iPhone to see that this DetailView doesn’t mess up your master list view!

Note: Xcode’s Master-Detail template makes this explicit by modifying NavigationView with .navigationViewStyle(DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle()). If you don’t want split view at all, specify StackNavigationViewStyle() to force the iPhone-style navigation stack behavior.

Declaring Data Dependencies

You’ve seen how easy it is to declare your UI. Now it’s time to learn about the other big feature of SwiftUI: declarative data dependencies.

Guiding Principles

SwiftUI has two guiding principles for managing how data flows through your app:

  • Data access = dependency: Reading a piece of data in your view creates a dependency for that data in that view. Every view is a function of its data dependencies — its inputs or state.
  • Single source of truth: Every piece of data that a view reads has a source of truth, which is either owned by the view or external to the view. Regardless of where the source of truth lies, you should always have a single source of truth. You give read-write access to a source of truth by passing a binding to it.

In UIKit, the view controller keeps the model and view in sync. In SwiftUI, the declarative view hierarchy plus this single source of truth means you no longer need the view controller.

Tools for Data Flow

SwiftUI provides several tools to help you manage the flow of data in your app.

Property wrappers augment the behavior of variables. SwiftUI-specific wrappers — @State, @Binding, @ObservedObject and @EnvironmentObject — declare a view’s dependency on the data represented by the variable.

Each wrapper indicates a different source of data:

  • @State variables are owned by the view. @State var allocates persistent storage, so you must initialize its value. Apple advises you to mark these private to emphasize that a @State variable is owned and managed by that view specifically.
  • @Binding declares dependency on a @State var owned by another view, which uses the $ prefix to pass a binding to this state variable to another view. In the receiving view, @Binding var is a reference to the data, so it doesn’t need initialization. This reference enables the view to edit the state of any view that depends on this data.
  • @ObservedObject declares dependency on a reference type that conforms to the ObservableObject protocol: It implements an objectWillChange property to publish changes to its data.
  • @EnvironmentObject declares dependency on some shared data — data that’s visible to all views in the app. It’s a convenient way to pass data indirectly, instead of passing data from parent view to child to grandchild, especially if the child view doesn’t need it.

Now move on to practice using @State and @Binding for navigation.

Adding a Navigation Bar Button

If an Artwork has 💕, 🙏 or 🌟 as its reaction value, it indicates the user has visited this artwork. A useful feature would let users hide their visited artworks, so they can then choose one of the others to visit next.

In this section, you’ll add a button to the navigation bar to show only artworks the user hasn’t yet visited.

Start by displaying the reaction value in the list row, next to the artwork title: Change Text(artwork.title) to the following:

Text("\(artwork.reaction)  \(artwork.title)")

Refresh the preview to see which items have a non-empty reaction:

Now add these properties at the top of ContentView:

@State private var hideVisited = false
var showArt: [Artwork] {
  hideVisited ? artworks.filter { $0.reaction == "" } : artworks

The @State property wrapper declares a data dependency: Changing the value of this hideVisited property triggers an update to this view. In this case, changing the value of hideVisited will hide or show the already-visited artworks. You initialize this to false, so the list displays all of the artworks when the app launches.

The computed property showArt is all of artworks if hideVisited is false; otherwise, it’s a sub-array of artworks, containing only those items in artworks that have an empty-string reaction.

Now, replace the first line of the List declaration with:

List(showArt) { artwork in

Now add a navigationBarItems modifier to List after .navigationBarTitle("Artworks"):

  Toggle(isOn: $hideVisited, label: { Text("Hide Visited") }))

You’re adding a navigation bar item on the right side (trailing edge) of the navigation bar. This item is a Toggle view with label “Hide Visited”.

You pass the binding $hideVisited to Toggle. A binding allows read-write access, so Toggle will be able to change the value of hideVisited whenever the user taps it. And this change will flow through to update the List view.

Start Live-Preview to see this working:

Tap the toggle to see the visited artworks disappear: Only the artworks with empty-string reactions remain. Tap again to see the visited artworks reappear.

There’s an alternative to this Toggle you just implemented: a tab view! You won’t be surprised when I tell you it’s easy to implement a tab view in SwiftUI ;]. You’ll do this as soon as you set up a way for your users to react to an artwork, because it will make the unvisited tab more fun. ;]