Unity Tutorial Part 2: GameObjects

In the second part of our Unity tutorial series, you’ll learn how to make your first game in Unity with C# from scratch: a twin-stick shooter called Bobblehead Wars! By Brian Moakley.

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Where to Go From Here?

At this point, you have your hero, his enemy the alien and the arena in which they will battle to the death. You’ve even created spawn points for the little buggers. As you set things up, you learned about:

  • GameObjects and why they are so important when working with Unity.
  • Prefabs for when you want to create many instances of a single GameObject.
  • Labels to help you annotate game development without interfering with the game.

There’s still no action in your game, but that’s fine. You’re ready to learn how to give your game the breath of life and take it away (via the space marine’s magnificent machine gun).

In the next section of this tutorial mini-series, you’ll add some action to this game, learn how to work with Components and let your space marine fire away at will!

If you’re enjoying this tutorial series and want to learn more, you should definitely check out Unity Games by Tutorials.

The book teaches you everything you need to know about building games in Unity, whether you’re a beginner or a more experienced game developer. In the book, you’ll build four great games:

  • A 3D twin-stick shooter
  • A classic 2D platformer
  • A 3D tower-defense game (with virtual reality mode!)
  • A first-person shooter

Check out the trailer for the book here:

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