New Course: Drawing in iOS

Learn to use CALayers with confidence, adding custom drawing to layers and views using Core Graphics. By Caroline Begbie.

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Are you familiar with the basics of creating iOS user interfaces, but want to take your skills up a notch? Today, we are releasing a brand new course for you: Drawing in iOS.

This 18-video course will teach you how to add custom drawing on views using two drawing frameworks: Core Graphics and Core Animation! You’ll learn to draw custom shapes, use gradients, incorporate animation, add user interaction to custom controls, and more!

Take a look at what’s inside:

Part 1: CALayers

In part one, use CALayers to style views, draw custom shapes, and add animation to controls.

  1. Introduction: Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section. Have a preview of the controls you’ll draw using both CALayers and Core Graphics.
  2. Styling with Layers: Redesign your view with rounded corners, borders and shadows
  3. Challenge: Customize a Button: Style your own custom button through this hands-on challenge
  4. Paths and CAShapeLayers: Learn how to construct paths and position CALayers
  5. Custom Control: Create an adjustable thermometer control using CAShapeLayers.
  6. Basic Animation: Learn how to control CAShapeLayer animation.
  7. Challenge: Draw a Timer: Create a clock with an animated second hand in this hands-on challenge.
  8. Gradients: Design a login view with a subtle background gradient
  9. Conclusion: Let’s review what you learned about using CALayers and what’s coming up in the next section

Part 2: Core Graphics

In part two, tap into the power of Core Graphics to create three more controls.

  1. Introduction: Let’s review what you’ll be learning in this section, and find out about the three controls you’ll design.
  2. Core Graphics Drawing: So how do you draw into a view? Find out how to draw a cupcake.
  3. Challenge: Customize a Button: Complete your custom button in this hands-on challenge.
  4. Images and Contexts: Find out what a context is and how to create a reusable image.
  5. Transforms: Learn how to move your canvas before painting into it by using transforms.
  6. Challenge: Draw Clock Numbers: Put your transform knowledge to use by drawing numbers into your timer.
  7. Core Graphics Gradients: More powerful than CAGradientLayer – learn how to use Core Graphics gradients in a graph background.
  8. Challenge: Complete a graph: Complete a graph from dynamic data by “drawing” on everything you’ve learned in this hands-on challenge.
  9. Conclusion: Let’s review what you learned throughout the course and discuss where to go next.

Where To Go From Here?

Want to check out the course? You can watch the course Introduction and Custom Control for free!

The rest of the course is for subscribers only. Here’s how you can get access:

  • If you are a subscriber: The first part of this course is ready for you today! The rest of the will be released next week. You can check out the course here.
  • If you are not a subscriber yet: What are you waiting for? Subscribe now to get access to our new Drawing in iOS course and our entire catalog of over 500 videos.

Stay tuned for more new and updated courses to come. I hope you enjoy the course! :]