RWDevCon 2018 Vault

Relive the 2018 edition our annual conference, RWDevCon, through this complete video collection of 18 hands-on sessions and 4 half-day workshops! By Lea Marolt Sonnenschein, Luke Parham, Audrey Tam, Kelvin Lau, René Cacheaux, Jawwad Ahmad, Janie Larson, Namrata Bandekar, Joey deVilla, Joe Howard, Eric Soto, Andy Obusek, Alex Curran, Richard Turton, Christine Abernathy, Anthony Lockett, Gemma Barlow, Sam Davies, Michael Katz, Ray Fix, Ellen Shapiro & David Okun.

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Part 1: Tutorials

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Learn how to make and manage a Living Style Guide for your application, which can show all of the building blocks for your application both in and out of context. With a Living Style Guide, you always have a quick way to view the building blocks of your application, the ability to build out new views quickly and consistently, and the power to make changes in one place which are reflected throughout your whole app.

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Swift 4 introduced the Codable API and compiler support for simplifying how serialization is done and for supporting all Swift types including value types such as enums and structs. This session will cover strategies for using Codable to build models for real world RESTful JSON APIs. But that’s not all. Once your models are Codable, you can leverage this machinery to go beyond JSON. Find out how in this session.

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Modularity in code goes hand-in-hand with readability, testablity, reusability, scalability, and reliability, along with many other -ilities. This session covers how to make modules, figure out what code goes in a module, and then how to use those modules for maximum success. You’ll learn best practices in code encapsulation and reuse, learn some programming buzz words, and level up your Xcode skills.

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Netflix remains the leader in the binge-watching, evening-wasting habits of modern TV viewers. How hard could it be to copy this model? Quite hard, as it turns out. In this session, you’ll learn how to solve challenges unique to the architecture and construction of video streaming apps. You’ll discover some interesting iOS features you weren’t aware of before, and how to use these in your own apps.

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Auto Layout takes effort to learn, and can be notoriously painful to do so. But once you have the basics, how can you become efficient at applying, editing and debugging constraints? In this session we will examine some best practices for Auto Layout, looking at examples via Interface Builder and in code. The session will focus primarily on AutoLayout for iOS.

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Architecture is the design of functional, safe, sustainable and aesthetically pleasing software. There are many ways to architect your applications like the common MVC, MVP and MVVM patterns. This session will get you comfortable with clean architecture and show you how to transform a basic application.

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Learn the fundamentals of Android development through this tutorial. You’ll build an app from scratch that walks you through Android layout, resources, list views, navigation, networking and material design. Along the way, you’ll compare and contrast the concepts with those found in building iOS apps.

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When you’re asked to include charts or graphs in an app, don’t panic and reach for a third party library. In this session you’ll learn how to make your own fancy-looking data visualisations, with animations and color effects as a bonus!

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Have you ever run into a legacy app with a Massive View Controller or other architectural problems? In this session, you’ll learn how to give legacy apps a spring cleaning. You’ll learn how to iteratively split apart code, add testing, and prevent problems from happening again.

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Automated testing tools for iOS have come a long way since the initial release of the iPhone SDK. Learn how to improve your app’s quality by using TDD to build both the model and user interface layers of an application. You’ll learn what TDD is, how it can be used in unit tests to verify simple model objects, code that uses a remote API, and user interface code. Plus: some tricks for writing tests easier!

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In this session, you will learn how to use WKWebView to embed HTML that looks seamless with iOS native controls. This can save a lot of time by not having to build storyboards (or UI) for substantial areas of your apps, and you can even repurpose the same content in Android. Learn how to structure CSS/fonts, intercept hyperlink taps, integrate Javascript with Swift, and more!

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In the past few years, a number of examples of Clean Architecture on Android have been presented within the Android community. This session will discuss some of the history and theory behind Clean Architecture, show an example app use case from the “outside-in”, and then demonstrate the development of a new app use case from the “inside-out”.

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If you watched that stunning augmented reality (AR) demonstration at WWDC 2017 and thought “I’d like to make apps like that someday,” “someday” starts at this workshop. You’ll learn about the features of Apple’s ARKit augmented reality framework, harness data from the camera and your users’ motions, present information and draw images over real-world scenes, and make the world your View Controller!

Custom Views 77:57
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Learn three different ways of creating and manipulating custom views. First, learn how to supercharge your IB through code and create unique views using storyboards. Next, dive into creating flexible and reusable views. Finally, bring it all together with some CoreGraphics and CoreAnimation pizazz!

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Building an iOS app is easy. Building a successful one however needs more effort. This session will focus on automating your builds, using continuous integration to test and deploy them, and finally integrating analytics and tracking once your app is released to prepare for the next iteration. You will walk away with a toolset for building an efficient app development workflow.

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Metal is a low level framework that allows you to control your code down to the bit level. However, many common operations don’t require you to get down to that level because they are handled by Core Image and SceneKit. This session will show you what operations you get with SceneKit and how you can go deeper with Metal when you need to without losing the convenience of SceneKit.

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As an iOS developer, the most important tool you use is Xcode. Learn how to supercharge your efficiency with various tips and tricks.

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In this tutorial we will combine all the cutting edge architecture design techniques such as reactive programming, dependency injection, protocol oriented programming, unidirectional data flow, use cases, and more in order to master the art of designing codebases that can easily change over time. Learn what causes code to change, how to minimize the effort to deal with those changes, and how to apply this in your own apps (such as switching from RxSwift to ReactiveSwift, from Core Data to Realm, or from one view implementation to another!)

Part 2: Workshops

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A stroll down an alleyway of the Swift standard library. In this workshop, you’ll learn about the Swift collection protocols that power much of the standard library. You’ll walk away with advanced knowledge and techniques will augment your daily Swift development and impress your interviewers.

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With Apple’s new CoreML and Vision frameworks, you can now add machine learning AI to your apps. In this hands-on workshop, you’ll learn what machine learning actually is, how to train a model, and integrate it into an app.

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Have you been working with iOS for a few years now but always been a little bit too nervous to jump into Instruments and try to track down some problems in your app? Maybe I’m way off and you’re a little newer to the game and you’re just really interested in trying to improve your app’s performance. Either way, by the end of this workshop you’ll have a good feel for how to use Instruments to dive deep into what’s happening while your app is working and see exactly where the bottlenecks are.

ARKit 189:44
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If you watched that stunning augmented reality (AR) demonstration at WWDC 2017 and thought “I’d like to make apps like that someday,” “someday” starts at this workshop. You’ll learn about the features of Apple’s ARKit augmented reality framework, harness data from the camera and your users’ motions, present information and draw images over real-world scenes, and make the world your View Controller!

Part 3: Bonus Content

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Kitura is the REST API framework in Swift written by IBM, and has been in development since Swift was open sourced. In this workshop, get started with a fully functional API that uses Codable for GET, POST, and DELETE requests - simplifying the code you have to write. Finally, learn about Kitura’s ORM feature, which builds on top of Codable to make saving data even easier than before!