Where to Go From Here?
You can download the final project here.
This Sourcery tutorial gave you a taste for the efficiency and accuracy that Sourcery can bring to your projects. If you enjoyed it, think about the areas in your projects that feel redundant – where you're on cruise control banging implementations.
Think about how you might incorporate a template to generate code for you. Think about how you can re-architect areas of your app to be boring and simple enough to be generated. This takes practice, but it is a good practice. Your future self or teammates will appreciate the upfront thought put into the project.
For resources on how to take full advantage of Sourcery check out the following:
Sourcery GitHub: Sourcery's repository, to find new releases and documentation.
Sourcery Documentation: The full documentation for Sourcery.
Stencil Website: The official website for the Stencil templating language. You'll find more documentation on how to write Stencil templates here.
If you have any comments or questions about Sourcery, join the discussion below!