Beginning Audio with AVFoundation

AVFoundation is Apple’s advanced framework for working with time-based media, such as audio and video. This video series covers the essentials to using the AVFoundation framework to create audio based apps. You’ll learn how to set up Audio Sessions; record and playback audio; audio metering, and how to control volume, panning, rate, and looping of audio; special effects, such as pitch and reverb; and generating speech from text. Prerequisites: This video series assumes prior iOS and Swift programming knowledge. You should also be comfortable using Xcode, and have some experience writing apps for the iOS platform. By Michael Briscoe.

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Find out what's covered in our Beginning Audio with AVFoundation video tutorial series.

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In this video you'll learn the essentials of recording and playback of audio using AVFoundation.

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Learn how to control an audio player’s volume, panning and looping behavior, and how to use audio metering to control user interface elements.

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In this video you'll learn about AVAudioEngine, and how to use it to add interesting effects to your audio apps.

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In this video you'll learn about AVSpeechSynthesizer and how to generate speech from text.

Conclusion 2:00
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Review what was covered in our Beginning Audio with AVFoundation video tutorial series and find out where to go from here.


Michael Briscoe


Michael Briscoe


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