Supporting SwiftUI with Core Graphics

Nov 22 2022 · Swift 5.5, iOS 15, Xcode 13

Part 1: Supporting SwiftUI with Core Graphics

06. Shading with Pencil

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Azimuth & Altitude

As well as detecting force and giving us coalesced touches, Pencil is able to give us the tilt in three dimensions. Using this tilt information, we can shade instead of just draw.


When we shade, instead of drawing a stroke, we’re going to draw a image that looks like a pencil shading.


In CanvasView, right under the color property, add a shading color property that sets up the pencil texture as a UImage with the correct color.

var shadingColor: UIColor = .black {
  didSet {
    let image = UIImage(named: "pencilTexture")!
let tintedImage = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: image.size).image { _ in
  image.draw(at: .zero)
shadingColor = UIColor(patternImage: tintedImage)
var color: UIColor = .black {
  didSet {
    shadingColor = color
private let tiltThreshold: CGFloat = .pi / 6
if touch.altitudeAngle < tiltThreshold {
} else {
  if touch.force > 0 {
    lineWidth = touch.force * forceSensitivity
private func lineWidthForShading(touch: UITouch) -> CGFloat {
let maxLineWidth: CGFloat = 60
let minAltitudeAngle: CGFloat = 0.25
let maxAltitudeAngle = tiltThreshold
let altitudeAngle = max(minAltitudeAngle, touch.altitudeAngle)
let normalizedAltitude = (altitudeAngle - minAltitudeAngle) / (maxAltitudeAngle - minAltitudeAngle)
return max(maxLineWidth * (1 - normalizedAltitude), minLineWidth)
🟩var lineWidth: CGFloat

if touch.altitudeAngle < tiltThreshold {
  🟩lineWidth = lineWidthForShading(touch: touch)
} else {
  🟩lineWidth = defaultLineWidth
let minForce: CGFloat = 0
let maxForce: CGFloat = 4
let normalizedAlpha = (touch.force - minForce) / (maxForce - minForce)