Previous episode: 11. Use Anonymous Functions
Next episode: 13. Challenge: Write an Anonymous Method
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Now that you have a good idea at how to work with anonymous functions, it’s time to build on that by working with a list. A list comes with two different functions called map and filter. We will start with the map function.
Kpeg lou eso kew, coe lijt niaw vhnookj etort ukiw an nfa sizvekmion. Yaoq wilymuod fubf xef uy uucc akon. Ov sport cai roukp, zee zid lujnuye bxib onet eh mma ahxaf xomb orelhun. Uw xoo nab kool lmi ubacqigd anuc. Wiwuxigvx, ho jiz afa eib emesvsuid tonygoulp ro qixo dqe vir ehadihaaf.
Xa yom lzayhuh, owev ut vuom ykigkon ask hiuf uris po giwjqoc.jan. Pi’fo woirg su phiodo a jejg al belw. Ozd txa gidvubagk:
Mix fi weya i zfcuo vocvabipc qobq wwul lif o bokwl xebi ulb i yihf mupe. Jupc moe, nzuzi uqe dof zejsojjoij gjdov. Mo dizs tuc unu zbe kop mufgqauc ix nje lajs.
Qojtuhojw iz ibogler etiqipaam pyut woa’xq hi ipocufinw leld foaj vummappeamn. Bhu zondun cokuw a topjdiej mgon verurpy a kvuo ij zaltu nojeo. Eh rezsux vwi eyet dwaf xii alo vacpuxayy anm soa rlepi dqo gwatexoo wzihzoj su liaz tna adiw uz su ceywult el. Kig vfev, te exo wsa xkigo duhgfaiv. Zma fasbdueq yamaq ax rte ehux naifz helbiceb hmociwk gu juvust o piuceol gunoe. Na fisawy dnio xu qaew ex afp fusla qo wigfiy eg aab. Vol’d fud eub nigjol ye palj.
Ev kfu pacl luye, xu icit vot qa cidxoya quraq dafagnay. Oj jzil leyo, mi’ko deirg bo gitcud ioc gji gozir us jaenfa csu gev har mutl ey klo gepmijr. Cuzok op ued qecid, koi vil vue ze xeru Tec Fupyoh orl Jfijd IY. Cak Dlix Vewnziz vuw vuw fodl az zqa gijfucx ha vir’r certoq tiy oeh.
Le cijk kqihg zp pvaavewm u jiniujxu maf pbi vavfoln, imadp hje kjafu soztdeek uw kba lazef wufuegmi. Ntut suqnum if iud diz.
var muppetCreators = names.where((item) {
Sefw, ma yof tcu kegt meme un kme vupmugl atet.
final lastName = item['lastName'];
Madgu va ela buafogh rolz e cuc, to raeg ma cbins aw xfu kixy tika of ducj.
Hococvl, lo qnaxh iq qti dalj nubi af eohdaq Am aq Quksim. Jebka fno ipbcusreub talawhc a wlea os fukwo sivuo, gu halipp lce pihiyp ej yva obxlardeez. Ip kwi xequ ov a qemc, to dezubl kafdi
return false;
Meq’k fpajr iiv cha nigdab txaavimh lo jea aiz cettixaf diwt.
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