ViewBuilder Tutorial: Creating Reusable SwiftUI Views

Learn how to use ViewBuilder to create reusable SwiftUI views. Understand how to refactor views, including how to use type constraints and convenience initializers. By Renan Benatti Dias.

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Adding a Convenience Initializer to GemList

Even though GemList.swift fits in both the AllGemsView and the FavoriteGems view, you may not always want to add a view as a message when the list is empty. AllGemsView doesn’t show a message like FavoriteGems and yet it still needs to pass a closure when using this custom list. You’ll solve this problem by writing an extension to add a convenience initializer. This new initializer will let you use GemList without passing this closure when you don’t want to add views at the bottom of the list.

Open GemList.swift and add the following extension at the bottom of the file:

// 1
extension GemList where Content == EmptyView {
  // 2
  init(_ gems: FetchedResults<Gem>) {
    // 3
    self.init(gems) {

Here’s the breakdown of the extension:

  1. Creates an extension of GemList where Content has to be an EmptyView.
  2. Adds a new initializer that takes gems.
  3. Calls the original initializer passing the gems and a closure with an EmptyView.

With this initializer, use GemList by passing a FetchedResults of gems.

Back inside AllGemsView.swift, find the following code:

GemList(gems) {

And replace it with:


Build and run to make sure everything works.

A tab view with a list of gems

Now, if you want to use GemList but don’t need to display a subview of additional content, you can use this new, simpler initializer. It’s still adding an EmptyView behind the scenes to meet the needs of GemList‘s designated initializer, but you don’t need to worry about that.

You’re done refactoring AllGemsView.swift and FavoriteGems.swift. It’s time to start the Search feature.

Creating the Search Feature

The Search feature allows users to search gems by name. You’ll use the searchable(text:placement:prompt:) modifier, new as of iOS 15, to add a search bar to the NavigationView.

Note: If you’re working with Core Data, use NSPredicate to filter the results from a FetchedResults. For teaching purposes here, you’ll instead use the filter(_:) function to filter gems by name.

The search UI should be pretty straightforward: type the name of a gem in the search bar, and gems matching that text populate the list.

This is another great place to use GemList.swift since the search feature also lists gems.

Building SearchView

Inside Views group, open SearchView.swift and add the following three properties just above the body:

// 1
@State var text = ""

// 2
var results: [Gem] {
  gems.filter {

// 3
var showEmptyMessage: Bool {
  !text.isEmpty && results.isEmpty

Here’s what you added:

  1. A @State property text to store the text the user enters in the search field.
  2. A computed variable, results, for filtering gems with the text property. You’ll use this to populate GemList.
  3. Another computed property, showEmptyMessage, to show an empty message when you don’t find any gem name containing that text.

This looks great, but there’s a small problem that stops you from using GemList here.

The Type Problem

When you use filter(_:) to filter gems, it returns an Array of gems, not FetchedResults.

GemList expects a parameter of FetchedResults though, so passing results to GemList generates a compiler error.

To fix this, you’ll have to change the type inside GemList.swift to a more generic collection type that accepts both FetchedResults and Array.

Updating GemList to Accept Other Collection Types

Back inside GemList.swift, find the following line:

struct GemList<Content>: View where Content: View {

And replace it with:

struct GemList<Content, Data>: View
  where Content: View,
  Data: RandomAccessCollection,
  Data.Element: Gem {

This code does three things. It adds a new generic type named Data to GemList. It then constrains Data to be a RandomAccessCollection. Finally, it also constrains the elements of this collection to be Gem objects.

RandomAccessCollection is a protocol that defines a collection where its elements can be efficiently and randomly accessed.

By constraining Data to a RandomAccessCollection and its elements to Gem, GemList starts to accept any type that conforms to this protocol, as long as it’s a collection of Gems. Both Array and FetchedResults conform to RandomAccessCollection, allowing you to pass either.

Next, find the following line:

let gems: FetchedResults<Gem>

And change it to:

let gems: Data

Then, change the first line of the initializer from:

init(_ gems: FetchedResults<Gem>, @ViewBuilder messageView: () -> Content) {


init(_ gems: Data, @ViewBuilder messageView: () -> Content) {

By changing gems from FetchedResults to the generic type Data, you can pass any collection that conforms to RandomAccessCollection and has elements that are Gem objects.

That way, you can use GemList inside AllGemsView.swift and FavoriteGems.swift, passing FetchedResults, while also passing an Array inside SearchView.swift.

You’ll also have to update the convenience initializer to account for this change. Inside the extension of GemList, replace the initializer with:

init(_ gems: Data) {

Fantastic! GemList can now be used inside SearchView.swift. But before you do that, it’s time to get previews working. After all, seeing the preview right alongside your code is one of the best parts of SwiftUI! Uncomment the preview code you commented out at the bottom of the file. Then, replace its contents with:

static let gems = [roseGem, lapisGem]

static var previews: some View {
  // 1
  NavigationView {
    GemList(gems) {
      // 2
      Text("This is at the bottom of the list...")
        .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)

Here’s what that code does:

  1. You create a GemList inside a NavigationView with two gems.
  2. You add a trailing closure for Content with a Text to display at the bottom of the list.

Resume automatic previews and take a look at the canvas:

Xcode previews with a list of gems with 2 rows

Using GemList Inside the Search Feature

Back inside SearchView.swift, replace the contents of body with:

// 1
GemList(results) {
  // 2
  if showEmptyMessage {
    Text("No gem found with the name \"\(text)\"")
// 3
  text: $text,
  placement: .navigationBarDrawer(displayMode: .always),
  prompt: "Search by name"

Here’s what’s happening:

  1. You use GemList, passing the property results to list the results shown after the user enters text in the search field.
  2. Then you use showEmptyMessage to conditionally add a view for displaying a message when no gems exist with that text.
  3. You use the searchable(text:placement:prompt:) modifier with the text variable to add a search bar to the navigation bar.

Build and run. Tap Search and type in a gem name. You’ll see something like this:

List of gems filtered by search field text

Congratulations! You successfully created a reusable view with @ViewBuilder, then refactored existing views to take advantage of this. You then really made the project sparkle by quickly adding a search feature using your new reusable view and the .searchable modifier. You rock!