How To Make a Simple Game with Moai

This is a tutorial for beginner Moak SDK developers, you’ll learn how to create a new animal-feeding game for iOS from scratch. With Moai, you don’t need to fear being locked in to one platform — you can let everyone enjoy the fruits of your labors! By .

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Where to Go From Here?

Here is the final example project that you made in the above tutorial.

Now that you’ve built a simple cross-platform game and know the basics about the Moai SDK, there’s a lot you can do. You’re now familiar with creating simple factory functions that allow you to abstract some commonly used operations, like creating a sprite, playing an audio effect or setting a repeating timer. That will help you with component reuse future projects.

All your code can be compiled to run as an Android, iOS, Windows or Mac application, and with a bit of change to the sound system used, as a Chrome client game. Pretty amazing!

From here you can try the following changes to your game to expand your knowledge and familiarity with Moai:

  • Modify newSprite so it optionally accepts the position and layer where the sprite should be placed.
  • Modify the resolution-independent solution presented here so there’s no stretching of graphics on devices that don’t have an aspect ratio of 3:2.
  • Visit official Moai Forums here.
  • Check their official documentation wiki, especially the Moai SDK Basics articles.
  • Or you can check out the new book, Developing Mobile Games with Moai SDK.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial on Moai. If you have any questions or comments, please join the forum discussion below!