How to Create a Simple Android Game with AndEngine

This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Ali Hafizji, an iOS and Android developer working at Tavisca Solutions. In this tutorial, you’re going to get hands-on experience making a simple game on Android using AndEngine, a popular and easy to use game framework. There are many frameworks you can use to make […] By Ali Hafizji.

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The Tower of Hanoi

Time to start making your first Android game!! The game for this tutorial will be a simple version of the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. The finished project will look like this:

The objective of the Tower of Hanoi is to move all the rings over to the third rod, while only moving one ring at a time and without placing a larger ring on top of a smaller one.

Start by creating a new project. Open Eclipse and go to File->New and select Project, then select Android Project. Fill out all the details. I used the project name “TowerOfHanoi” and the package name “com.tutorial.towerofhanoi.” Feel free to use any name you wish, though it will be easier to stay in sync with the tutorial if you follow the same naming conventions.

Next add AndEngine as a library to your project. Right-click on the project and select Properties. Select Android in the left panel of the pop-up window. You should see a window like the one below:

From here you can add the engine as a library to the project. Click the Add button to add the AndEngine project. Once this is done, click Apply and then Okay.

Start Your AndEngine

Now you can begin coding. Open the src directory for the project via the Eclipse project navigator. If you drill down, (and if you used the suggested names) you should find a Java file called “”. (If you opted to name the first activity created something else, then find that file.) Open this file.

In Android development, an Activity is a single focused thing which interacts with the user. For instance, when you start an app, you can have a login activity which allows the user to login using their authentication credentials. And if the user doesn’t have a login, you might provide a second registration activity which will allow them to create a login.

The first file created by the project is also an Activity. And the first thing to do in our project is to change the class that this Activity extends. Instead of extending the Activity class, you want to make it extend a class called SimpleBaseGameActivity. And it’s fairly simple to do that, but in order to refer to the SimpleBaseGameActivity class, we need to add a few import statements for it. So we add that first to the top of the file under the existing import line:

import org.andengine.ui.activity.SimpleBaseGameActivity;
import org.andengine.engine.options.EngineOptions;
import org.andengine.entity.scene.Scene;

Note: Technically, you don’t have to always add the import statements first. You can always add your code in, look for the red underlines beneath classes, let the Eclipse code-fix tell you what import is needed and let it add the imports for you. But this might get a little bit confusing when you’re not sure which import to add when you get a several different choices. So in this tutorial, we’ll always add the imports first.

Note: Technically, you don’t have to always add the import statements first. You can always add your code in, look for the red underlines beneath classes, let the Eclipse code-fix tell you what import is needed and let it add the imports for you. But this might get a little bit confusing when you’re not sure which import to add when you get a several different choices. So in this tutorial, we’ll always add the imports first.

Now, just change the class definition line, similar to the following:

public class TowerOfHanoiActivity extends Activity {

To something like this:

public class TowerOfHanoiActivity extends SimpleBaseGameActivity {

The SimpleBaseActivity class provides additional callbacks and contains the code to make AndEngine work with the Activity life cycle. Each callback that it provides is used for a specific purpose. As soon as you extend this class, you’ll have to override three functions. Here is a brief description of each of those functions:

  • onCreateEngineOptions: This function is where you create an instance of the engine. Every activity that the game uses will have its own instance of the engine that will run within the activity lifecycle.
  • onCreateResources: This is the function where you’ll load all the resources that the activity requires into the the VRAM.
  • onCreateScene: This function is called after the above two callbacks are executed. This is where you create the scene for your game and use all the textures that you previously loaded into memory.

We will first add some empty placeholders for the above callbacks so that we have some skeleton code. Replace the existing contents of our TowerOfHanoiActivity class with the following (if you started with an automatically created Activity, you should have an onCreate method implementation):

public EngineOptions onCreateEngineOptions() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

protected void onCreateResources() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

protected Scene onCreateScene() {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

Next, create a few static variables. These will be private to our class. So add the following code right below the class definition line:

private static int CAMERA_WIDTH = 800;
private static int CAMERA_HEIGHT = 480;

These two static variables define the width and height of the camera that the engine will use. This means that the final dimensions of the game scene will be equal to the camera size and width.

Next, you’re going to write code to initialize an instance of the engine. But that code is going to require several import statements in order to function properly. So first add the following imports to the top of the file below the existing import statements:

import org.andengine.engine.options.ScreenOrientation;
import org.andengine.engine.options.resolutionpolicy.RatioResolutionPolicy;

Now, add the following code for the onCreateEngineOptions function, replacing the placeholder conent which is in there at the moment:

final Camera camera = new Camera(0, 0, CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT);
return new EngineOptions(true, ScreenOrientation.LANDSCAPE_FIXED, 
    new RatioResolutionPolicy(CAMERA_WIDTH, CAMERA_HEIGHT), camera);

In the above code, you create a new instance of the Camera class. Then we use that camera object to create the EngineOptions object that defines the options with which the engine will be initialized. The parameters that are passed while creating an instance of EngineOptions are:

  • FullScreen: A boolean variable signifying whether or not the engine instance will use a fullscreen.
  • ScreenOrientation: Specifies the orientation used while the game is running.
  • ResolutionPolicy: Defines how the engine will scale the game assets on phones with different screen sizes.
  • Camera: Defines the width and height of the final game scene.

Take a step back for a moment. As you know, Android runs on a lot of devices with different screen sizes. Keeping this in mind, it becomes very difficult to resize the game scene for each device. AndEngine comes with a unique solution to this problem: it will automatically scale the game assets to fit the screen size of the device.

If you set your CAMERA_WIDTH/CAMERA_HEIGHT to 480×320 and someone runs it on a phone with a 800×480 screen size, your game will be scaled up to 720×480 (1.5x) with a 80px margin (top, bottom, left, or right). Notice that AndEngine keeps the same aspect ratio and scales the game scene to the closest possible value to the actual screen size.

Ali Hafizji


Ali Hafizji


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