Where to go from here?
You should now be equipped to set up an automated building, testing, and distribution system for all of your iOS apps!
Let’s recap what you did in this chapter:
- First you learned how to set up a remote repo on Github, giving you a spot to share and test your code.
- After that, you took a look at continuous integration with Jenkins, and created a nice build script step-by-step, first building, then testing, and finally uploading your archived app to Testflight.
- You also looked at how to include a “bottom up” approach to unit testing your code. If you’re interested in learning more about unit testing in iOS, I highly recommend the book Test-Driven iOS Development by Graham Lee. I also encourage all of you to submit a radar to apple to make it easier to run the application unit tests from scripts, without hacks!
If you enjoyed this tutorial and want to learn more, check out our new book iOS 6 by Tutorials, where you take the same app and do some “top down” unit testing by creating a cool little testing robot. This robot willg use instruments and a UI Automation script to drive some UI interactions in the GuildBrowser app. :]
If you have any questions or comments on this tutorial or have any questions about automated testing in general, please join the forum discussion below!
This is a blog post by iOS Tutorial Team member Charlie Fulton, a full time iOS developer who enjoys hunting, fishing, and hanging out with his family.