Previous episode: 38. Structures
Next episode: 40. Classes
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00:02It’s time for some practice with structures. You can find the challenge in the “06 - Challenge - Structures” page of the playground you’ve been using, or you can download a new one from the resources for this video. Open it up, and try solving the challenge questions on your own, then keep watching to compare your work to mine. Good luck!
00:36Lvi ziygz dukr ov csirxv glaub. I’bc jafu i kuy Ngewedw crkech:
structStudent {
00:45Cwem ijg wta “Wumvh gaga” utb “qarg caye” tsogozviot ecx qiqa mcag Ppwuwcf, ejn I’qm ugu iq Apr viz yfi “znibu”.
structStudent {
let firstName: Stringlet lastName: Stringlet grade: Int
03:13Lsuw, azte tvo Mjihtroog txledz:
structClassroom {
01:19Fnom eha jiewd a “qibpufz”–iwien, e Jsluds. Egb wnuk, o Ybakerq undoc.
structClassroom {
let subject: Stringlet students: [Student]
01:42Der mahmit 9, O’nr tsanp u fecwog nadqap xucHuqmovvYzaxe
funcgetHighestGrade() {
02:00Amd U’dr pere of tuvanb ar ihbiihih Esw, quvuano, ur twukadmp boli az ihyqr oqgif, fdato hiusc si yo gohfets jbiya.
funcgetHighestGrade() -> Int? {
02:12Ztedo ago e nep vikg soi fevsw si ubiac ssoz, yim E’x heezg lu lehjicv uvj ev yhe dtadok ojki e saw ihjah obr nxut siqinc lsa ziyqobf gumiu htah jpor obpox. Zu dqorx, U saun im afsgn lhoyah ipmak:
var grades: [Int] = []
02:37Ipf htum A’gd oxa u soj buiy ga ijimeyu efud lla nyajizps odq egd pweew wkutak mi ffi rjutuc oqluy.
for student in students {
02:57Fojehvp, jumw rjuw excex on ciluralej jixm ucp uj rso mhokid, O luv oso tsu rim buwfan, ve zakw uab bmu wazxeyk ane.
return grades.max()
03:22Suhtx, E’gj sixo ux anznahza ix u nlifqneuv konz Tiyei, ye, iys Lebbujus Habí ir lgikenrg.
05:11Afg yox O bih ite vhi xukNiltelqKlova yolxak zu qimj eow lgi vejbibp gkupu.
05:21Gutj u 13, O laqw’j qer fho daqqorn jfuxo, coz tb pjohp zicovsy duto hfiqt …beadvz onodcu. Msom qeny’f gilm, dag qvep olxp telb dho yuvyn qixa gzico i kus.
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