Fat Fractal Tutorial for iOS: Getting Started
Learn how to make an iOS app with a back end like Twitter in this beginner Fat Fractal tutorial! By .
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Fat Fractal Tutorial for iOS: Getting Started
40 mins
- Why Fat Fractal?
- Getting Started
- Installing FatFractal Locally
- Downloading the SDK and Starter Project
- Setting Up The iOS Client
- Creating Sample Objects
- Adding The FatFractal Instance
- About FFUser
- Building The Authentication System
- Building The Authentication System Part II
- The Login View Controller
- Adding Your First Tweet
- Retrieving And Displaying The First Tweet
- Where To Go From Here?
Creating Sample Objects
The cool thing about FatFractal is that it uses native Objective-C classes for its backend data modeling. This is your object definition. The FatFractal platform does not create dependencies in your code by requiring you to use their own proprietary object classes like most other BaaS. (PFObject
This prevents vendor lock-in, which means that you do not have to rewrite your entire application – models, controllers and all if you ever decide to migrate backend service providers. Pretty thoughtful of the folks at FatFractal!
Lets create your first test object – a TestZombie class that you will solely use for testing purposes.
Choose File > New > New File or ⌘N to bring up the Template Chooser for the new class file. You will use the standard Objective-C class template. Click Next.
Enter the name of the Objective-C class, TestZombie, as a subclass of plain old NSObject. Then click Next and then
Modify TestZombie.h to include the properties for the class as such:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface TestZombie : NSObject
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *name;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *gender;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSString *mortalEnemy;
Here you create three properties – one for the zombie’s name, one for its gender, and one for its mortal enemy – like shotguns!
Because in Xcode 4.5, properties are automatically synthesized for you, you can leave the TestZombie.m file alone.
That’s it for the test object model – let’s create an instance of the main class you will use to work with FatFractal.
Adding The FatFractal Instance
To work with Fat Fractal, you need to create an instance of a class named FatFractal
that comes in the FFEF framework you added earlier.
You will instantiate the FatFractal
as a singleton in the AppDelegate class. This is to ensure there is only one instance of FatFractal living in your application at any one time – any reference to it will be grabbed from AppDelegate.
You first have to import the header file from the FFEF framework. Because you will be using the FatFractal class in many places – let’s import it in your Tweetie App-Prefix.pch file which will automatically import in this framework for all your files.
Open Supporting Files\App-Prefix.pch and add this file to import the FFEF header:
#import <FFEF/FatFractal.h>
Then switch over to AppDelegate.m, and add the following below your import statements:
#import "TestZombie.h"
static NSString *baseUrl = @"http://<YOUR APP DOMAIN>.fatfractal.com/<YOUR APP NAME>";
static NSString *sslUrl = @"https://<YOUR APP DOMAIN>.fatfractal.com/<YOUR APP NAME>";
static FatFractal *_ff;
Remember to replace
with your proper identifiers, as such: http://rwtweet.fatfractal.com/rwtweet
Then add the a static method to retrieve the Fat Fractal singleton inside your @implementation
+ (FatFractal *)ff {
return _ff;
Still inside AppDelegate.m, add the following at the top of your application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
// Initialize the FatFractal instance that your application will use
_ff = [[FatFractal alloc] initWithBaseUrl:baseUrl sslUrl:sslUrl];
// Set debug mode to on for this tutorial
_ff.debug = YES;
// The following is testing code. Remove when you are done testing
NSError *error;
[_ff loginWithUserName:@"test_user" andPassword:@"Test_user123!" error:&error];
if (!error) {
TestZombie *testObject = [[TestZombie alloc] init];
testObject.name = @"Shane the Zombie";
testObject.mortalEnemy = @"Rick Grimes";
testObject.gender = @"male, hopelessly male.";
[_ff createObj:testObject atUrl:@"/TestZombie" error:&error];
Here you’ve created a new instance of the FatFractal
class, passing in the URL for the app you created earlier. You also turn debug mode on so you can see some verbose log messages.
Next, you added some test code to make sure Fat Fractal is working. Here you log in with a fake test user, create an instance of a zombie, and add it to your back end database. You’ll learn more about how all this works later on.
Finally, add the declaration for your ff method to AppDelegate.h
+ (FatFractal *)ff;
Once done, build and run. If all succeeds, you should see a mess of debug statements in your console log, but the most important statement you will see is highlighted:
It reads, “statusMessage : Created new resource /ff/resources/TestZombie/…”. This is a HTTP response from the web server to let you know that the POST request to create an object was successful, along with other meta-data that you will analyse in Part Two.
Let’s not take your console log’s word for it, and do a manual check on the web service to see that your object is really created. Head over to your web service’s URL at http://
What you see is the JSON data containing the details of the TestZombie object you just created. Walking Dead fans will approve!
You realize that you were able to create your own object classes without having to use third party object models. Simply by passing in your native Objective-C data structure, it creates your object’s data model on the backend for you.
Sweet! Now comment out the test code you just added, since you won’t be needing that anymore:
NSError *error;
[_ff loginWithUserName:@"test_user" andPassword:@"Test_user123!" error:&error];
if (!error) {
TestZombie *testObject = [[TestZombie alloc] init];
testObject.name = @"Shane the Zombie";
testObject.mortalEnemy = @"Rick Grimes";
testObject.gender = @"male, hopelessly male.";
[_ff createObj:testObject atUrl:@"/TestZombie" error:&error];
About FFUser
On the FatFractal platform, there is a special object called FFUser
that represents users. It behaves exactly like any other object, except for some predetermined properties.
By default, Fat Fractal is set to auto-register a user upon first log in. This means when a user tries to log in, if the username does not exist already Fat Fractal automatically creates a new an FFUser
object with two properties: userName
and password
You saw an example of this earlier – in the test code, it logged a test user in with a certain username and password even though you never explicitly created that user. Behind the scenes, Fat Fractal automatically created a FFUser
object for you.
By default, a user has read and write permissions on every object they create. Also by default, every registered user has read permissions on every other users’ objects, but not write permissions. Unregistered users may not create objects on the backend, but may read anything with public read permissions.
Most of this default behavior for FatFractal serves your needs fine for now, except for one. You don’t actually want Fat Fractal to auto-register users, like you saw in the test code. Instead, you want them to go through your sign up process first.
Inside your rwtweet directory (the one you created earlier with the Fat Fractal scaffolding), search for and open ff-config/application.ffdl. For those of you who are using TextMate, you can just cd into tweetie directory and type
> mate .
When you open application.ffdl, you should see multiple lines of configuration code. You want to edit the AllowAutoRegistration value:
Change the value from true to false, like this:
Save the file. Go to Terminal and deploy your new settings to your application in the cloud. Type in your Terminal:
> ffef deployFFFabric
If prompted if you would like to validate your domain again, key in No (N).