Intro to Object-Oriented Design: Part 1/2

This tutorial series will teach you the basics of object-oriented design. In this first part: Inheritance, and the Model-View-Controller pattern. By Ellen Shapiro.

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Housing Logic in the Model Class

You can also use this approach to keep some of the more complicated logic encapsulated within the model class. Think about a Truck object: many different types of vehicles are referred to as a “truck”, ranging from pickup trucks to tractor-trailers. Your truck class will have a little bit of logic to change the truck's behavior based on the number of cubic feet of cargo it can haul.

Go to File\New\File\CocoaTouch\Objective-C Class, and create a new subclass of Vehicle called Truck.

Add the following integer property to Truck.h to hold the truck's capacity data:

@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger cargoCapacityCubicFeet;

Since there are so many different types of trucks, you don't need to create an init method that provides any of those details automatically. You can simply override the superclass methods which would be the same no matter the size of the truck.

Open Truck.m and add the following methods:

#pragma mark - Superclass overrides
- (NSString *)goForward
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Depress gas pedal.", [self changeGears:@"Drive"]];

- (NSString *)stopMoving
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Depress brake pedal. %@", [self changeGears:@"Park"]];

Next, you’ll want to override a couple of methods so that the string returned is dependent on the amount of cargo the truck can haul. A big truck needs to sound a backup alarm, so you can create a private method (i.e., a method not declared in the .h file and thus not available to other classes) to do this.

Add the following helper method code to Truck.m:

#pragma mark - Private methods
- (NSString *)soundBackupAlarm
    return @"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!";

Then back in the superclass overrides section, you can use that soundBackupAlarm method to create a goBackward method that sounds the alarm for big trucks:

- (NSString *)goBackward
    NSMutableString *backwardString = [NSMutableString string];
    if (self.cargoCapacityCubicFeet > 100) {
        //Sound a backup alarm first
        [backwardString appendFormat:@"Wait for \"%@\", then %@", [self soundBackupAlarm], [self changeGears:@"Reverse"]];
    } else {
        [backwardString appendFormat:@"%@ Depress gas pedal.", [self changeGears:@"Reverse"]];
    return backwardString;

Trucks also have very different horns; a pickup truck, for instance, would have a horn similar to that of a car, while progressively larger trucks have progressively louder horns. You can handle this with some simple if/else statements in the makeNoise method.

Add makeNoise as follows:

- (NSString *)makeNoise
    if (self.numberOfWheels <= 4) {
        return @"Beep beep!";
    } else if (self.numberOfWheels > 4 && self.numberOfWheels <= 8) {
        return @"Honk!";
    } else {
        return @"HOOOOOOOOONK!";

Finally, you can override the vehicleDetailsString method in order to get the appropriate details for your Truck object. Add the method as follows:

-(NSString *)vehicleDetailsString
    //Get basic details from superclass
    NSString *basicDetails = [super vehicleDetailsString];
    //Initialize mutable string
    NSMutableString *truckDetailsBuilder = [NSMutableString string];
    [truckDetailsBuilder appendString:@"\n\nTruck-Specific Details:\n\n"];
    //Add info about truck-specific features.
    [truckDetailsBuilder appendFormat:@"Cargo Capacity: %d cubic feet", self.cargoCapacityCubicFeet];
    //Create the final string by combining basic and truck-specific details.
    NSString *truckDetails = [basicDetails stringByAppendingString:truckDetailsBuilder];
    return truckDetails;    

Now that you’ve got your Truck object set up, you can create a few instances of it. Head back to VehicleListTableViewController.m and add the following import to the top of the file so that it knows about the existence of the Truck class:

#import "Truck.h"

Find the setupVehicleArray method and add the following code right above where you sort the array:

    //Create a truck
    Truck *silverado = [[Truck alloc] init];
    silverado.brandName = @"Chevrolet";
    silverado.modelName = @"Silverado";
    silverado.modelYear = 2011;
    silverado.numberOfWheels = 4;
    silverado.cargoCapacityCubicFeet = 53;
    silverado.powerSource = @"gas engine";
    //Add it to the array
    [self.vehicles addObject:silverado];
    //Create another truck
    Truck *eighteenWheeler = [[Truck alloc] init];
    eighteenWheeler.brandName = @"Peterbilt";
    eighteenWheeler.modelName = @"579";
    eighteenWheeler.modelYear = 2013;
    eighteenWheeler.numberOfWheels = 18;
    eighteenWheeler.cargoCapacityCubicFeet = 408;
    eighteenWheeler.powerSource = @"diesel engine";
    //Add it to the array
    [self.vehicles addObject:eighteenWheeler];

This will create a couple of Truck objects with the truck-specific properties to join the cars and motorcycles in the array.

Build and run you application; select one of the Trucks to verify that you can now see the appropriate Truck-specific details, as demonstrated below:

Truck-specific Details

That looks pretty great! The truck details are coming through thanks to the vehicleDetailsString method, inheritance, and overridden implementations.

Where To Go From Here?

You can download a copy of the project up to this point.

You've set up a base Vehicle class with Car, Motorcycle, and Truck subclasses, all listed in the same table view. However, there’s no way to verify that all of your truck's size-specific handling is working correctly.

Part 2 of this tutorial will fill out the rest of the app to display more vehicle details. Along the way, you'll learn about polymorphism and a couple of additional major design patterns for Object-Oriented Programming.

Until then, why not try implementing a Bicycle class or a few more custom properties to some of the vehicle subclasses? Or you can read up on Apple's reference guide Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-C.

Got questions? Ask away in the comments below!


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