WWDC 2021: AsyncSequence vs. Combine

Jul 6 2021 · Swift 5.5, iOS 15, Xcode 13 Beta 2

Part 1: WWDC 2021: AsyncSequence vs. Combine

02. Implement a Custom AsyncSequence

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Notes: 02. Implement a Custom AsyncSequence

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Before continuing on, you’ll want to have a decent handle on Swift 5.5’s async/await features. Brian Moakley’s got you covered, with an introductory video, linked in the Author Notes.

final class AsyncEncodedModelSequence {

// MARK: - AsyncSequence, AsyncIteratorProtocol
extension AsyncEncodedModelSequence: AsyncIteratorProtocol {

extension AsyncEncodedModelSequence: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
  typealias Element = Data

  typealias Element = Data

  func next() async -> Data? {
  func next() async throws -> Data? {
    try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in

final class AsyncEncodedModelSequence {
  private var continuation: CheckedContinuation<Data?, Error>?
    try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { continuation in
      self.continuation = continuation
extension AsyncEncodedModelSequence: AsyncSequence, AsyncIteratorProtocol {

public extension AsyncSequence where AsyncIterator == Self {
  func makeAsyncIterator() -> Self { self }

  let syncIterator = EncodedModelIterator()

  private var continuation: CheckedContinuation<Data?, Error>?

  let syncIterator = EncodedModelIterator()

  private var cancellable = AnyCancellable { }
  private var continuation: CheckedContinuation<Data?, Error>?
final class AsyncEncodedModelSequence {
  init() {
    cancellable = syncIterator.publisher
        receiveCompletion: <#T##((Subscribers.Completion<Error>) -> Void)##((Subscribers.Completion<Error>) -> Void)##(Subscribers.Completion<Error>) -> Void#>,
        receiveValue: <#T##((Data) -> Void)##((Data) -> Void)##(Data) -> Void#>

  let syncIterator = EncodedModelIterator()
        receiveCompletion: { [unowned self] completion in
          switch completion {
          case .finished:
            continuation?.resume(returning: nil)
            continuation?.resume(returning: nil)
          case .failure(let error):
            continuation?.resume(throwing: error)
        receiveValue: { [unowned self] value in
          continuation?.resume(returning: value)
struct ContentView {
  private let syncIterator = EncodedModelIterator()
  private let asyncSequence = AsyncEncodedModelSequence()
  @State private var publishedModel: Model?
  @State private var asyncModel: Model?
          publishedModel = $0
        title: "Async",
        syncIterator: asyncSequence.syncIterator,
        model: $asyncModel
        .task {
          for try await model in asyncSequence {

        .task {
          do {
            for try await model in asyncSequence {

          } catch { }
            for try await model in (
                .map { try JSONDecoder().decode(Model.self, from: $0) }
            ) {
              asyncModel = model