Swift Language FAQ

Check out our Swift language FAQ, filled with answers to tons of common questions about Apple’s brand new programming language! By Chris Wagner.

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Swift Language FAQ

25 mins

What's Next?

What is the future of Swift?

This is only version 1, Apple's intentions are clear that they will be iterating on this language.

To get an idea of what may be coming down the pipeline, check out Karol Mazur's excellent summary of posts from Apple to the dev forums.

So be sure to report bugs and request features! There is a lot of room to see improvements before version 1 is officially released.

How will CocoaPods adapt to Swift?

Likely in a similar way. Swift projects still work as Xcode projects and support multiple targets. There is however potential room for improvement with the ability to create modules and custom frameworks.

It is possible that CocoaPods will be reworked to utilize this feature. There are people who have CocoaPods working with Swift projects and the smart people who work on CocoaPods are already discussing this topic.

More Questions?

If you have any questions that were not covered here (I know you do!) please post a comment. I will pick out some of the best ones and update the post with the question and answer - and also give you attribution for asking!

Also, as mentioned earlier, please chime in with any comments or clarifications on the answers listed here and I'll update as appropriate.

Thanks all, and happy Swift'ing!

Chris Wagner


Chris Wagner


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