Dart Basics

Get an introduction to the basics of the Dart programming language, used for development with the Flutter SDK for mobile, web and beyond. By Jonathan Sande.

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The bool type holds values of either true or false.

bool areThereKittens = false;

print(areThereKittens); // false

But, if you look inside Schrödinger’s box, you might switch to having a real live kitten:

numberOfKittens = 1;

areThereKittens = true;

print(areThereKittens); // true

Run the code again to see your Boolean values in the console. It’s a good thing you looked in the box! :]

Dart bool data type


Dart has all the usual operators you’re familiar with from other languages like C, Swift and Kotlin.

Some examples of Dart’s operators include:

  • arithmetic
  • equality
  • increment and decrement
  • comparison
  • logical
Note: Dart also allows for operator overloading, as in C++ and Kotlin, but that’s beyond the scope of this tutorial. To learn more about the topic, visit Wikipedia’s operator overloading page.

Next, you’ll take a look at each of these operators.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators work just as you’d expect. Try them out by adding a bunch of operations to your DartPad:

print(40 + 2); // 42

print(44 - 2); // 42

print(21 * 2); // 42

print(84 / 2); // 42.0

For division, even with integers, Dart infers the resulting variable to be a double. That’s why you get 42.0 instead of 42 for the last print statement.

Note: DartPad displays the result of “84 / 2” as 42 in the console because it formats the output to the console to display just the significant digits. If you print the same statement in a Dart program from the Dart SDK, you’ll get 42.0 as the result.

Equality Operators

Dart uses double-equals (==) equality and not-equals (!=) operators:

print(42 == 43); // false

print(42 != 43); // true

Comparison Operators

Dart uses the typical comparison operators:

  • Less than (<)
  • Greater than (>)
  • Equal to (=>)

Here are some examples:

print(42 < 43); // true print(42 >= 43); // false

In addition, it also uses the usual compound arithmetic/assignment operators:

var value = 42.0;

value += 1; print(value); // 43.0

value -= 1; print(value); // 42.0

value *= 2; print(value); // 84.0

value /= 2; print(value); // 42.0

Compound arithmetic/assignment operators perform two tasks. += adds the value to the right to the variable on the left and then assigns the result to the variable.

A shortened form of += 1 is ++:


print(value); // 43.0

And Dart has the usual modulo operator (%) to return the remainder after one number has been divided by another:

print(392 % 50); // 42

392 ÷ 50 = 7.84, but where does that 42 in the result pane come from? It’s easier to see with long division.

long division showing 392 divided by 50 with a remainder of 42

Logical Operators

Dart uses the same logical operators as other languages, including && for AND and || for OR.

print((41 < 42) && (42 < 43)); // true

print((41 < 42) || (42 > 43)); // true

The negation operator is the exclamation mark, which turns false to true and true to false.

print(!(41 < 42)); // false

See the Dart documentation for a complete list of supported operators.


The Dart string type is String. Strings are expressed in Dart using text surrounded by either single or double quotes.

You can use either var and type inference or String to create a string variable, like other types you’ve seen:

var firstName = 'Albert';

String lastName = "Einstein";

Similar to languages like Kotlin and Swift, you can embed the value of an expression inside a string by using the dollar sign symbol: ${expression}.

If the expression is an identifier, you can omit the { }. Add the following:

var physicist = "$firstName $lastName likes the number ${84 / 2}";

print(physicist); // Albert Einstein

$firstName and $lastName are replaced by the variable values. The returns the calculated result.

Escaping Strings

The escape sequences used in Dart are similar to those used in other C-like languages. For example, you use \n for a new line.

If there are special characters in the string, use \ to escape them:

var quote = 'If you can\'t explain it simply\nyou don\'t understand it well enough.';


// If you can't explain it simply

// you don't understand it well enough.

This example uses single quotes, so it needs an escape sequence, \', to embed the apostrophes for can’t and don’t into the string. You wouldn’t need to escape the apostrophe if you used double quotes instead.

If you need to show escape sequences within the string, you can use raw strings, which are prefixed by r.

var rawString = r"If you can't explain it simply\nyou don't understand it well enough.";


// If you can't explain it simply\nyou don't understand it well enough.

Here, Dart treated `\n` as normal text because the string started with r.

Click RUN in DartPad to see all your strings in the console.

Dart String data type


Dart uses the keywords const and final for values that don’t change.

Use const for values that are known at compile-time. Use final for values that don’t have to be known at compile-time but cannot be reassigned after being initialized.

Note: final acts like val in Kotlin or let in Swift.

You can use const and final in place of var and let type inference determine the type:

const speedOfLight = 299792458;

print(speedOfLight); // 299792458

Here, Dart infers that speedOfLight is an int, as you can see in DartPad’s info panel.

Dart const inference

final indicates that a variable is immutable, meaning you can’t reassign final values. You can explicitly state the type with either final or const:

final planet = 'Jupiter';

// planet = 'Mars';

// error: planet can only be set once

final String moon = 'Europa';

print('$planet has a moon, $moon');

// Jupiter has a moon, Europa


In the past, if you didn’t initialize a variable, Dart gave it the value null, which means nothing was stored in the variable. As of Dart 2.12, though, Dart joins other languages, like Swift and Kotlin, to be non-nullable by default.

Additionally, Dart guarantees that a non-nullable type will never contain a null value. This is known as sound null safety.

Normally, if you want to declare a variable, you must initialize it:

String middleName = 'May';

print(middleName); // May

Not everyone has a middle name, though, so it makes sense to make middleName a nullable value. To tell Dart that you want to allow the value null, add ? after the type.

String? middleName = null;

print(middleName); // null

The default for a nullable type is null, so you can simplify the expression to the following:

String? middleName;

print(middleName); // null

Run that and null prints to the console.

Dart null string output