Section IV: Bonus Chapters
In this section, you’ll learn about further additions to your iOS developer tool belt.
You’ll implement some real-time blurring, take in-depth look at all things Xcode 6, before rounding out the section with an overview of the new and shiny bits Apple added to the testing framework introduced in iOS 7.
Chapter 26, iOS 8 Visual Effects: You’ll learn how to efficiently add static blurs to your app, then take advantage of the brand new UIVisualEffectView to add real-time blurring and vibrancy to your app as well.
Chapter 27, An In-depth Look at Xcode 6: You’ll get up-to-speed on the most important updates in the latest revision of Apple’s development suite. There’s an absolute ton of changes, including a whole new programming language!
Chapter 28, Xcode 6 & Swift: You’ll discover how Swift integrates with Xcode, what Playgrounds are and how they should be used, and you’ll be introduced to the Swift REPL, which among other things, lets you run Swift from the command line.
Chapter 29, What’s New with Testing: You’ll learn all about the updates to XCTest, Apple’s testing framework, including asynchronous testing and performance testing.
Chapter 30, What’s New with iTunes Connect: Learn about some exciting new features in iTunes Connect, such as adding videos to your App Store pages, TestFlight beta testing, and more.
Where To Go From Here?
If you have preordered iOS 8 by Tutorials, you can download it now on your My Loot page.
Otherwise, be sure to grab your copy now!
The Tutorial Team and I hope you enjoy iOS 8 by Tutorials, and we hope to see you use some of these amazing new APIs in your own apps!