App Actions: Getting Started

App Actions allow Google Assistant to access your app and launch specific actions within the app. This tutorial teaches you how to implement App Actions for your app so users can interact with your app directly through Google Assistant. By Anshdeep Singh.

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Adding Your First App Action

To start adding App Actions, you need to do three things:

  1. Identify the correct built-in intent to use.
  2. Create the actions.xml file.
  3. Make your App Actions visible to the app.

Identifying the Correct BII

Identify the main functionality of your app for which you want to define App Actions. For example, if it’s a food delivery app, then the main functionality will be ordering food (no surprises there!). Then, go to this list of built-in intents and identify the correct intent for your use case.

For this tutorial, StockTracker retrieves the latest stock quotes from the internet. The correct BII for this use case is actions.intent.GET_STOCK_QUOTE. It has one intent parameter named tickerSymbol that uniquely identifies each stock.

Creating actions.xml File

Create a new actions.xml file in app/src/main/res/xml.

Note: If you don’t already have an xml folder, create one by right-clicking the res directory and selecting New ▸ Android Resource Directory. Enter xml as the Directory name and select xml as the Resource type. Then, click OK.

Add the following code in the newly created actions.xml file below the xml tag:

// 1:
  <action intentName="actions.intent.GET_STOCK_QUOTE">
// 2:
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="app://stocktracker/query{?symbol}">
// 3:
          urlParameter="symbol" />
// 4:
    <!-- Fallback fulfillment when no parameter supplied -->
    <fulfillment urlTemplate="app://stocktracker/home" />

In the xml code above, you’re:

  1. Creating a new action with actions.intent.GET_STOCK_QUOTE: action is a required tag, which specifies the App Action you want to implement. Every App Action will have a unique action tag. intentName takes in the built-in intent for this action.
  2. Defining a new fulfillment for the corresponding action: fulfillment provides information on how the given intent satisfies the request. urlTemplate constructs deep links as defined in AndroidManifest.xml. For the fulfillment you added, app://stocktracker is the base deep link and /query{?symbol} is the path that takes in a query parameter named symbol.
  3. Creating a new parameter mapping for the above query parameter: parameter-mapping maps the query parameters in the URL template to intent parameters. This mapping is because the intent parameter of actions.intent.GET_STOCK_QUOTE has the name tickerSymbol, but the name of the query parameter is symbol. required makes the symbol value mandatory for the URL to be valid.
  4. Adding a new fallback fulfillment: In this fulfilment, urlTemplate constructs a new deep link app://stocktracker/home where /home is the path. This fulfillment is triggered when the user invokes the intent without specifying any symbol in the query parameter.
Note: It’s a good practice to always define a fallback fulfillment for handling the different edge cases. You don’t want the user to have a poor experience when they don’t provide valid input.

Open MainActivity.kt to see that the app already handles the deep link paths defined above in handleDeepLink().

Referencing the App Action in Manifest File

Open AndroidManifest.xml and add the following code just before the closing application tag:

  android:resource="@xml/actions" />

The piece of code above makes sure that your actions.xml file is visible to the app. If you used a different name for your actions file, then you must change your android:resource attribute accordingly.

Great job on adding your first App Action successfully! It’s now time to test your App Action.

Testing App Actions

Testing App Actions requires a physical device running API 21 or above. If you try it on a virtual emulator, it may lead to unexpected results. Connect your physical device to your local development machine.

Preparing for Testing

Make sure your device connects to the internet and that Google Assistant is already set up and running. Long-press the home button. If you see a screen similar to the screen below, then you’re all good.

Setting up Google Assistant

Sign in to Android Studio with the same Google account connected to your physical device. This should also be the same account you used to upload the draft app.

Click the white user icon in the top-right of Android Studio 4.0.0 or later. Follow the instructions as they appear. Once you sign in, you can verify your email is correct by clicking the user icon.

Next, install the App Actions Test Tool plugin by going to File ▸ Settings (Android Studio ▸ Preferences on MacOS). Select the Plugins section on the left side and search for App Actions Test Tool in the marketplace.

Android Studio Marketplace plugins displaying that the app actions tool is installed.

Finally, it’s time to try out your new plugin.

Using the App Actions Test Tool

The App Actions Test Tool is a plugin used to test App Actions from Android Studio. It’s a very useful tool during the development phase. It works by creating a preview of your App Action, parsing the actions from the actions.xml file you created above.

Open the App Action Test Tool by going to Tools ▸ App Actions ▸ App Actions Test Tool. You’ll see a screen that looks like this:

App Actions Test Tool window

In the Invocation name field, enter Stock Tracker. This invocation name triggers your App Action. Leave Locale at the default value. Click Create Preview. After a successful preview creation, you’ll see the screen below:

App Actions Test Tool

Notice that it recognizes the built-in intent you added in actions.xml. It also has a tickerSymbol field for making changes. Make sure your target device is showing correctly in this window.

Click Run to test your App Action. It invokes Google Assistant on your device and then deep links into the app to show the correct stock quote for the value passed in tickerSymbol.

Try to invoke Google Assistant manually by saying the command, “Hey, Google, tell me the stock price of Tesla in Stock Tracker”. You’ll see the screen below for a few seconds and then StockTracker opens up, showing you the latest quote.

Google Assistant invoking App Action

Play with your App Actions by testing Google Assistant with different stocks. To test the fallback fulfillment, say “Hey, Google, tell me the current stock price in Stock Tracker”. Since you didn’t specify any stock this time, it uses the fallback fulfillment and opens the home screen of the app with a welcome message.

Stock Tracker home screen

Now that you’ve built and tested your App Action, you can release it to the world!