Flutter Navigator 2.0

Nov 8 2022 · Dart 2.17.3, Flutter 3.0.2, Android Studio 2020.3

Part 4: Deep Links & Web Urls

20. Create a Navigation State Object

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Episode - 20 Create a Navigation State Object

Let us start by creating a Navigation State Object that will hold the state of the navigation. Currently we have an App State Manager that manages the state of the app, but nothing to manage the state of the navigation.

location = Uri.decodeFull(location ?? ''); 
final uri = Uri.parse(location); 
final params = uri.queryParameters;
final itemId = params[AppLink.idParam]; 
final link AppLink(
	location: uri.path,
	itemId: itemId

return link;

case loginPath: 
	return loginPath;
case itemPath:
var loc = '$itemPath?';
	String addKeyValuePair({required String key, String? value}){
		value == null ? '${key}=$value';
	loc += addKeyValuePair(key: idParam, value: itemId);
	return Uri.encodeFull(loc);