How to make a Power-Up System in Unity

Power-ups are a critical gameplay component. In this Unity tutorial by @KevnSmall, you’ll learn how to design and build a reusable power-up system. By Kevin Small.

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Where To Go From Here?

You can download the completed project for this tutorial here.

If you want to pursue the project further, you could do the following:

  • Add more power-ups. How about a power-up that shoots out rays and kills enemies?
  • Create a factory class to spawn power-ups randomly in the play area at runtime.
  • If you want to explore Unity further, check out the Unity Games by Tutorials book, available from our store.

Are you still wondering what film series the quotes are from? Have a look at the answer below:

[spoiler]Woohoo! You are (possibly) the only person on the internet to have clicked here! The answer is that the quotes are from the Star Wars film series.

I hope you have enjoyed the tutorial! If you have any questions or comments, please join the discussion below.

Kevin Small


Kevin Small


Gijs Bannenberg

Tech Editor

Chris Belanger


Eric Van de Kerckhove

Final Pass Editor and Team Lead

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