RWDevCon Inspiration Talk: Folklore by Marin Todorov

Enjoy some of the stories of how the team began and grew, attracting individuals from all over the globe to join in on the fun. By Marin Todorov.

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After Portugal, we started preparing for RWDevCon, of course, but I don’t really need to tell you about RWDevCon, right? You’ve been here the whole time, you’ve experienced it yourselves.

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What do you think? Our hope was that it would be very memorable and it will add a lot of stories to our folklore, even for the years to come.

Join A Team And Join In On The Fun

Just to wrap up, the whole point of this talk is:

  • not to brag about our accomplishments
  • not to make fun of Ray’s design skills

Instead, it was just to show you that if you team up with friends, if you work towards a common goal, then:

  • you build up experience together
  • you have fun
  • you dream bigger
  • you achieve more

Just reach out to your local community, or Stack Overflow. Get up! Team up with friends. :]

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When you work enough time together, when you make a team of friends, then you will also build up your own folklore and one day you can share it with everyone like we did here today.

Note from Ray: Did you enjoy this inspiration talk? If so, sign up to our RWDevCon newsletter to be notified when RWDevCon 2016 tickets go on sale!