Scanner Tutorial for macOS

Use NSScanner to analyze strings from natural form to computer languages. In this NSScanner tutorial, you’ll learn how to extract information from emails. By Hai Nguyen.

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Update 9/25/16: This tutorial has been updated for Xcode 8 and Swift 3.

Update note: This tutorial has been updated to Swift by Hai Nguyen. The original tutorial was written by Vincent Ngo.

Update 9/25/16: This tutorial has been updated for Xcode 8 and Swift 3.

Update note: This tutorial has been updated to Swift by Hai Nguyen. The original tutorial was written by Vincent Ngo.


In these days of big data, data is stored in a multitude of formats, which poses a challenge to anyone trying to consolidate and make sense of it. If you’re lucky, the data will be in an organized, hierarchical format such as JSON, XML, or CSV. Otherwise, you might have to struggle with endless if/else cases. Either way, manually extracting data is no fun.

Thankfully, Apple provides a set of tools that you can use to analyze string data in any form, from natural to computer languages, such as NSRegularExpression, NSDataDetector or Scanner. Each of them has its own advantages, but Scanner is by far the easiest to use yet powerful and flexible. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to extract information from email messages with its methods, in order to build a macOS application that works like Apple Mail’s interface as shown.


Although you’ll be building an app for Mac, Scanner is also available on iOS. By the end of this tutorial, you will be ready to parse text on either platform.

Before getting things started, let’s first see what Scanner is capable of!

Scanner Overview

Scanner‘s main functionality is to retrieve and interpret substring and numeric values.

For example, Scanner can analyze a phone number and break it down into components like this:

// 1.
let hyphen = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "-")

// 2.
let scanner = Scanner(string: "123-456-7890")
scanner.charactersToBeSkipped = hyphen

// 3.
var areaCode, firstThreeDigits, lastFourDigits: NSString?

scanner.scanUpToCharacters(from: hyphen, into: &areaCode)          // A
scanner.scanUpToCharacters(from: hyphen, into: &firstThreeDigits)  // B
scanner.scanUpToCharacters(from: hyphen, into: &lastFourDigits)    // C

print(areaCode!, firstThreeDigits!, lastFourDigits!)// 123 - area code
// 456 - first three digits
// 7890 - last four digits

Here’s what this code does:

  1. Creates an instance of CharacterSet named hyphen. This will be used as the separator between string components.
  2. Initializes a Scanner object and changes its charactersToBeSkipped default value (whitespace and linefeed) to hyphen, so the returning strings will NOT include any hyphens.
  3. areaCode, firstThreeDigits and lastFourDigits will store parsed values that you get back from the scanner. Since you cannot port Swift native String directly to AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer, you have to declare these variables as optional NSString objects in order to pass them into the scanner’s method.
    1. Scans up to the first character and assigns the values in front of the hyphen character into areaCode.
    2. Continues scanning to the second and grabs the next three digits into firstThreeDigits. Before you invoke scanUpToCharactersFromSet(from:into:), the scanner’s reading cursor was at the position of the first found -. With the hyphen ignored, you get the phone number’s second component.
    3. Finds the next -. The scanner finishes the rest of the string and returns a successful status. With no hyphen left, it simply puts the remaining substring into lastFourDigits.
  1. Scans up to the first character and assigns the values in front of the hyphen character into areaCode.
  2. Continues scanning to the second and grabs the next three digits into firstThreeDigits. Before you invoke scanUpToCharactersFromSet(from:into:), the scanner’s reading cursor was at the position of the first found -. With the hyphen ignored, you get the phone number’s second component.
  3. Finds the next -. The scanner finishes the rest of the string and returns a successful status. With no hyphen left, it simply puts the remaining substring into lastFourDigits.

That’s all Scanner does. It’s that easy! Now, it’s time to get your application started!

Getting Started

Download the starter project and extract the the contents of the ZIP file. Open EmailParser.xcodeproj in Xcode.

You’ll find the following:

  • DataSource.swift contains a pre-made structure that sets up the data source/delegate to populate a table view.
  • PostCell.swift contains all the properties that you need to display each individual data item.
  • Support/Main.storyboard contains a TableView with a custom cell on the left hand-side and a TextView on the other.

You’ll be parsing the data of 49 sample files in comp.sys.mac.hardware folder. Take a minute to browse though to see how it’s structured. You’ll be collecting items like Name, Email, and so on into a table so that they are easy to see at a glance.

Note: The starter project uses table views to present the data, so if you’re unfamiliar with table views, check out our macOS NSTableView Tutorial.

Build and run the project to see it in action.


The table view currently displays placeholder labels with [Field]Value prefix. By the end of the tutorial, those will be replaced with parsed data.

Understanding the Structure of Raw Samples

Before diving straight into parsing, it’s important to understand what you’re trying to achieve. Below is one of the sample files, with the data items you’ll be retrieving highlighted.


In summary, these data items are:

  • From field: this consists of the sender’s name and email. Parsing it can be tricky since the name may come before the email or vice versa; it might even contain one piece but not the other.
  • Subject, Date, Organization and Lines fields: these have values separated by colons.
  • Message segment: this can contain cost information and some of these following keywords: apple, macs, software, keyboard, printer, video, monitor, laser, scanner, disks, cost, price, floppy, card, and phone.

Scanner is awesome; however, working with it can feel a bit cumbersome and far less “Swifty”, so you’ll convert the built-in methods like the one in the phone number example above to ones that return optionals.

Navigate to File\New\File… (or simply press Command+N). Select macOS > Source > Swift File and click Next. Set the file’s name to Scanner+.swift, then click Create.

Open Scanner+.swift and add the following extension:

extension Scanner {
  func scanUpToCharactersFrom(_ set: CharacterSet) -> String? {
    var result: NSString?                                                           // 1.
    return scanUpToCharacters(from: set, into: &result) ? (result as? String) : nil // 2.
  func scanUpTo(_ string: String) -> String? {
    var result: NSString?
    return self.scanUpTo(string, into: &result) ? (result as? String) : nil
  func scanDouble() -> Double? {
    var double: Double = 0
    return scanDouble(&double) ? double : nil

These helper methods encapsulate some of the Scanner methods you’ll use in this tutorial so that they return an optional String. These three methods share the same structure:

  1. Defines a result variable to hold the value returned by the scanner.
  2. Uses a ternary operator to check whether the scan is successful. If it is, converts result to String and returns it; otherwise simply returns nil.
  • scanDecimal(_:)
  • scanFloat(_:)
  • scanHexDouble(_:)
  • scanHexFloat(_:)
  • scanHexInt32(_:)
  • scanHexInt64(_:)
  • scanInt(_:)
  • scanInt32(_:)
  • scanInt64(_:)
Note: You can do the same to other Scanner methods like you did above and save them to your arsenals:
  • scanDecimal(_:)
  • scanFloat(_:)
  • scanHexDouble(_:)
  • scanHexFloat(_:)
  • scanHexInt32(_:)
  • scanHexInt64(_:)
  • scanInt(_:)
  • scanInt32(_:)
  • scanInt64(_:)

Simple, right? Now go back to the main project and start parsing!

Hai Nguyen


Hai Nguyen


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