iOS & Swift Books

iOS & Swift Books · Beginner

iOS & Swift New
macOS Apprentice
macOS Apprentice is a series of multi-chapter tutorials where you’ll learn about developing nativ... more
iOS & Swift New
SwiftUI Apprentice
SwiftUI Apprentice is a series of epic-length tutorials where you’ll learn to build three complet... more
iOS & Swift New
UIKit Apprentice
For Complete Beginners! If you’re completely new to Swift and iOS development (or need a brush-up... more
iOS & Swift
Swift Apprentice: Beyond the Basics
Swift Apprentice: Beyond the Basics is the sequel to Swift Apprentice: Fundamentals and ... more
iOS & Swift
Swift Apprentice: Fundamentals
This is a book for complete beginners to Apple’s modern programming language — Swift. All the code ... more
Multiple Domains
App Design Apprentice
Learn Modern App Design with Figma! This book guides you through designing modern mobile apps usi... more
Multiple Domains
Git Apprentice
Learn Git! Chances are if you’re involved with software development you’ve heard of and have used... more
iOS & Swift
SwiftUI Cookbook
The SwiftUI Cookbook is a reference for common patterns for creating user interfaces in SwiftUI that you c... more
iOS & Swift
Swift Cookbook
The Swift Cookbook is a collection of common Swift language idioms and best practices that you can quickly... more
Multiple Domains
Living by the Code
Living by the Code brings the experiences and insights of over 40 of today’s top developers, leaders and i... more

iOS & Swift Books · Professional

iOS & Swift New
Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift
Understanding how data structures and algorithms work in code is crucial for creating efficient and scalab... more
iOS & Swift
Metal by Tutorials
Build your own low-level game engine in Metal! Metal is a unified application programming interfa... more
Multiple Domains
Kotlin Multiplatform by Tutorials
The best book to teach you how to share code across platforms using Kotlin Multiplatform. You’ll gain the ... more
iOS & Swift
Concurrency by Tutorials
Dive Into Concurrency in Your iOS Apps! What is concurrency, and why would you even want to use i... more
iOS & Swift
Combine: Asynchronous Programming With Swift
Learn all about declarative asynchronous programming with Swift using the Combine framework! Writ... more
iOS & Swift
Advanced Apple Debugging & Reverse Engineering
Learn the powerful secrets of Apple’s software debugger, LLDB! In Advanced Apple Debugging & ... more
iOS & Swift
SwiftUI by Tutorials
Build fluid and engaging declarative UI for your apps — using less code — with SwiftUI! SwiftUI b... more
iOS & Swift
watchOS With SwiftUI by Tutorials
Build amazing apps with SwiftUI for Apple Watch The Apple Watch is, by far, the most common smart... more
iOS & Swift
Modern Concurrency in Swift
Master Swift’s modern concurrency model! For years, writing powerful and safe concurrent apps wit... more
iOS & Swift
SwiftUI Animations by Tutorials
Drive SwiftUI into Motion using Animations! SwiftUI has absolutely changed our lives when it come... more
iOS & Swift
Push Notifications by Tutorials
Get Started with Push Notifications on iOS! Push notifications may seem simple and straightforwar... more
iOS & Swift
Catalyst by Tutorials
Run iOS apps Natively on macOS With Catalyst! Catalyst by Tutorials shows you how to take all of ... more
iOS & Swift
Real-World iOS by Tutorials
This book will be your guide to turn ideas into robust applications that can scale. This book is fo... more
iOS & Swift
macOS by Tutorials
macOS by Tutorials is a series of epic-length tutorials where you’ll learn to build four complete... more
iOS & Swift
iOS Animations by Tutorials
Make Delightful Animations with Swift! This book is for iOS developers who already know the basic... more
iOS & Swift
Apple Augmented Reality by Tutorials
Learn Augmented Reality for the Apple Platform! This book is the easiest and fastest way to get h... more
iOS & Swift
Advanced iOS App Architecture
Implement Modern Clean Architectures in Your iOS Apps! Apps are becoming more complex, and develo... more
iOS & Swift
iOS Test-Driven Development by Tutorials
Learn How to Test iOS Applications! This book is for intermediate iOS developers who already know... more
Multiple Domains
Advanced Git
Master Git! Chances are if you’re involved with software development you’ve heard of and have use... more
iOS & Swift
Expert Swift
Master the Swift language with the Expert Swift book! Swift is a rich language with a plethora of... more
iOS & Swift
iOS App Distribution & Best Practices
Learn how to sign up for Apple Developer Program, generate the various certificates needed, configure your... more
Multiple Domains
Server-Side Swift with Vapor
Learn how to build web apps and web APIs using Swift and the Vapor 4 framework! If you’re a beginne... more
iOS & Swift
Core Data by Tutorials
Learn Core Data with Swift! This book is for intermediate iOS developers who already know the bas... more
iOS & Swift
RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift
Leverage the power of RxSwift in your reactive apps! This book is for iOS developers who already fe... more
iOS & Swift
Machine Learning by Tutorials
Get started with Machine Learning for Apple and iOS! Want to know a secret? Machine learning isn’... more
iOS & Swift
Auto Layout by Tutorials
This book will be your guide as you explore and master the many capabilities of Auto Layout. This b... more
iOS & Swift
Design Patterns by Tutorials
Learn design patterns with Swift! Design patterns are incredibly useful, no matter what language or... more