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Living by the Code

First Edition ·

Before You Begin

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Section 1: 14 chapters
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Getting to Work

Section 2: 17 chapters
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27. An Interview with Annyce Davis
Written by Enrique López-Mañas

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Annyce spends her day-to-day working as a Software Developer and Leader. She’s specifically been focused on mobile application development for the past decade. Annyce is also an Android Google Developer Expert, developing videos, blog posts, and conference talks for the Developer Community. She’s currently Director of Engineering at Meetup. There she uses technology as a tool to help others foster real-world connections.

Connect with Annyce

Twitter: @brwngrldev

LinkedIn: /in/annycedavis


You are a resource in the Android community, having been quoted across media as one of the key individuals to follow. In one of your blog posts, “So You Want to Be an Android Developer…” you give your readers a guide to get started or grow their current skills. What are the key takeaways from this article?

The key thing I want people to understand is that you need a good foundation in the basics: XML, Java, Object-Oriented Design and then you can add on to your skillset bit by bit. The other thing I’ve noticed with working on Android for so long is that eventually, Google will come out with their own version of the most popular libraries or patterns that the community is adopting. So sticking to the Jetpack toolchain is a good decision for the long run.

Overall, you are a very prolific contributor to the Android community through video tutorials, blog posts, and conferences. Where do you find your inspiration for new projects and content?

I get inspiration from my everyday activities. As I explore new technologies, frameworks, and design principles I always think to myself, “This might make a great talk/blog post/course.” I love creating content as much for others as for myself. I find the creative process very rewarding and it helps me to solidify the materials in my own mind.

What advice would you give to developers interested in starting to produce and share their own tutorials, articles, or presentations?

One thing I do is keep a running list of things that I’m working on, or I’ve learned recently in a markdown file. This makes it easier for me to draw on when I’m ready to create a blog post or presentation. I’ve also written about my process for conference talks and course creation. I would recommend they check it out as it’s still relatively close to how I execute currently.

Annyce’s Recommendations

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