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Living by the Code

First Edition ·

Before You Begin

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Section 1: 14 chapters
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Getting to Work

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23. An Interview with Iñaki Villar
Written by Enrique López-Mañas

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_Born in the beautiful island of Majorca, Iñaki is an Android Developer since 2011. He has worked in different industries such as banking, airline companies and tourism. He is a Google Developer Expert in the areas of Kotlin and Android and an open-source contributor with projects like Kakao or Talaiot. He has participated as a speaker in more than 50 conferences in 20 countries. He currently resides in Los Angeles and is a Build Engineer for Tinder.

Connect with Iñaki

Twitter: @inyaki_mwc




You have been focusing recently on testing, being a net contributor to the Kakao library. What is a common misunderstanding about testing?

I meet developers arguing that they don’t have time to write tests or their managers don’t give them time to write tests. This is wrong. Testing is an intrinsic part of software engineering and you must test your code.

How is testing properly done? Are there any aspects we overlook?

It is vital to keep a good architecture in your project. The separation of responsibilities in different layers will allow you to write more specific tests. Having a pure Kotlin module will help you in writing host tests. When you want to use more advanced Testing like E2E tests, your architecture will play an important role because you want to hook easily into different scenarios.

You are well-known as a speaker in the community, giving insights such as this. Is there any procedure you follow to prepare your sessions? Is there any trick you have before presenting at a conference?

In the preparation of the session, I like to back the presentation with a story, such as a plot of a book or movie. My procedure is splitting the presentation into three to four essential sections. After that, and before working in the slides, I write a script with the content and the references for the presentation. With different iterations, I try to fix and update everything in the following weeks.

Iñaki’s Recommendations

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