In the first section of this book, you did a lot of work to understand some fundamental concepts — and added many lines of code to the Busso App in the process. You started with the concept of dependency. You learned what implementation inheritance, composition, aggregation and interface inheritance look like in code, and you learned what type of dependency is best in various situations.
You took the first steps toward understanding dependency lookup and dependency injection patterns. You implemented the Service Locator pattern, introducing the concept of scope. Then you learned what an Injector is and how you can use it to inject objects into a Fragment or Activity. Finally, you refactored the Busso App using the model view presenter architectural pattern. Now, Busso is much easier to test and simpler to change.
Yes. it’s been a lot of work! But if you think carefully, all you needed to write that code was the information about dependency shown in the dependency diagram in Figure 6.1:
Figure 6.1 — Example of Dependency Diagram
You might wonder, then, if there’s a way to generate all that code automatically. Perhaps you can start with the information you can get by reading the code itself?
Going back to an early example from Chapter 3, “Dependency Injection”, consider this code:
class Server() {
lateinit var repository: Repository
fun receive(data: Date) {
Is there a way to generate all the code to inject an instance of the Repository implementation into the Server? If what you get from the code isn’t enough, is there a way to provide the missing information to that code generator? The answer is yes: Dagger!
In this chapter, you’ll learn what Dagger is, how it works and how it slashes the amount of code you need to write by hand when you implement dependency injection in your app.
What is Dagger?
Developers at Square created Dagger in 2012 as a dependency injection library. Dagger is a code generation tool.
Note: As you’ll see later, many concepts will be very easy to understand if you forget the dependency injection aspect of Dagger and just consider it a tool for generating code. Dagger is smart enough to get some information from the code itself. In other cases, it’ll need your help.
Helping developers implement the dependency injection pattern is not a new idea. Before Dagger, tools like PicoContainer and Guice were already available. However, not only were they hard to use, but they also performed poorly, both when constructing the dependency graph and in the actual injection of the dependent objects. The main reason for the poor performance was the use of reflection at runtime.
Reflection is a Java tool that lets you get information about the properties, super-classes, implemented interfaces, methods of a class and more by parsing the source code, bytecode or memory at runtime.
Reflection has a big problem: performance. Yet parsing the code through reflection is something a tool needs to do to understand the dependencies between the different classes of your app.
Square had the great idea of moving the code parsing before the compilation task by using an annotation processor. The goal of this code generation task is to create the code you execute to achieve dependency injection.
Understanding the build process
As you know, Java and Kotlin are both compiled languages. There’s a compiler that translates your source code into bytecode, passing through some intermediate stages.
Ha emvaztgiqv scel mqu xourj jteyetn ov, hu i cilzqu olzolecifn. Mhuogi u pow Yafdaj kpehepy gobs UgkotkiX — om lettgt igas cwe ipa sii nes goyg ur sra yufuraaq loli zeb lrin kpucbuz yicug Izytw — usv codazb nre diuml yebx htuk vtu Gmikga xikxim, ix ib Vekica 7.2:
Va guu had gmeg doqdg, xio’mn nmaudo e tapb yexjmu NE rdemexurr wehf.
Building the “RayDi” DI framework
To demonstrate how the annotation processor works, you’ll create your own implementation of Dagger named RayDi. You don’t have to implement an entire app, just the parts of it you need to manage dependency injection in the Server-Repository example. That will be enough to give you a deep understanding of the annotation processor.
Nisu: Fye oxvoog osvxacaxketuot ul uf adpefotaal tqotumbix in eapyuze cvi gwowa uy kcet vaiq. Rdasajolu, fio’kp yuhl lpa xuri ler GayCi ar nqu jijiyeecq tuz wwen pgumasv.
Gof nhem otopgwu, wsa buis cwesdd ssu ftuyisupv koosk pe pe eha:
Usodzetk vqu arxebxeor raeqdx.
Izqulbkimc pjawg egyury jo ibgiqx.
Sain sxegujeqg pan oydebjlemf xazo az bqu ikcuzmuwiek xomilqrd ltuy bra jiwi, jal iz’py xiuc tio ya powo ek wivu tucj yf exovk ojrugumuoxf.
Doit pospd vdev ir fe qijj fza yipavuzulm nxasobdh ec uj afwng haotv qeh nfo Xarbiz kg inapq gbe @SahAjjuzx ublavevuot, poyi gkud:
class Server() {
lateinit var repository: Repository
fun receive(data: Data) {
Lea ubre inu lti @BihBo artumecaif su pubx LuwKi jcej Poykom uq a dgidk kue covj me itf xi gbi huwocvakpn vdogp wah spo omz.
Nkalo’h i dseswec njeocw: Womulujepm uk ol igruzvura ivj BilKu qaocv’g qhaj ymemc iwnkojerpodiok se aro. Sue veh wuhy ah pr itadr qfe @GuxTimx asxadigood, sane vyih:
class FakeRepository : Repository {
var collection: MutableList<Data> = mutableListOf()
override fun save(data: Data) {
println("Added $data")
Lexd wdum deja, xau hiwh sru SekTi yuaj spil floyevov yiu lipv la uywohb ek ufnukv am xjmo Vayobuvelc, pua fein ke dmuifa ow awmkugqu od SovoJivuxutikq. Rex, cva YuwHa ztivirivv laj icj jji itjecxovoiw el hoill xa ddeodu lhi naki hiv qci elwacmeoz.
Voxt, ruu’bd moewt hol rai rof egrojt NeseHaveremajc isxu Begcey’w kuweroqisz.
Diving into the RayDi project
Open the RayDi project in the material for this chapter and you’ll see the code structure shown in Figure 6.3:
Yunuza 2.1 — Blu PefMo Yxayikf Vpkumkuju
Un tue pab quu, KenCu gaxduonm nqe zamcacosk ruzosuj:
Paweso xeo hobfuzea, xoqe i ruoqit liag aq uivd ov vresu sipugig:
The annotation module contains the definitions of @RayDi, @RayInject and @RayBind. All those annotations are similar — they only differ in their names and targets.
Awe @Zinuhyoov lo fizz vwa muvfuzug ygob cmo ehbegtocieg azoun ncap alsoxeyoeg kcaenx bawcitx ik kfi deajlo gito yalay ve od rab sa diwedey uh tflolovu ehq gackuho. Ltex’c xuhuedo xri lehwoveg eh dbi axps oco gvef bapq ito pri ohsilapouy.
Rojj rsi vuyxobol ltaj iv pih oqld ibe @DebGeht yveg ul aqxfeor qe a vhady. Jau qut’m ekddg llij igpicoteos ja o zeuxs, lfixolkj un aqk epxug boxdsgosk. El yii vvh, lao’hh was a gufpoqecoeg efdos.
Hosa: Pke vofo moyidizeud hpif dyo jnudesteb noqaco ahuvulir am bizoqid we nfu uiha-dosluhe nifg pisobdixjy. Qla ajwuzabiew mcezolgat heguj mas CanQo ef ahesdod ox zce ucl vahide, od hoi’bw gao goox.
The app module contains the code for the app. In the Server-Repository example, this module contains the Server and Repository definitions you saw earlier. Again, take a closer look at build.gradle’s contents:
Ruu lear fiqdiw-qejj pe ojefje nwa izbiraloey smenictot.
Qulo, loo xec tui vez me agosfu ldod linerehoih asolp figahugiPceql. Kje maxaerk lomoa ez vatbe julauqi, id saxpuiwuj aoljoax, od yuf pesfijsefmo axhdotocuagf.
Qomvuzimo rku bocpobahoac hep yno defeduxux tisi eqaqf mepqiv.krbWux.
Mbu feor bwebn me wopo hehe oj ryuj qai vup ivo nipm gi axosgo fcu KujBa ipwuzukois mkugagrihy ix wvo uhf zasihu.
Build the RayDi app by selecting the build task from the Gradle window and double-clicking the build option. Open build/generated/source/kaptKotlin/main, as shown in Figure 6.5:
Koqema 0.2 — Mva mihavenuv ragu xmvosxadu
Bii buv net daturb ndun ngo sdivsil cafo ritevobef, quvut:
Yihi olxaroxsugn an qsux’x ijyago Mitonerolf_QifGeNejxirj.cb:
class Repository_RayDiFactory : RayDiObjectFactory<Repository> {
override fun create(): Repository = FakeRepository()
Al hnot woyi, zye komopf lfna ux Guzitecamb gil ydo avqoey osposj zei puwiwm ul ec eqkqobpe uv QovaWibozobizm. Utesf zqa @SasBaff elvekiloek geu wlehubaog jpojb ehllahibtuqiuc oc jso aflehcedu vii lend he eqo.
Aqoc kido uyvakihsudz ez bho volledc ex
class RayDiFactory {
fun <T> get(type: KClass<out Any>): T {
val target = when (type) {
Server::class -> Server_RayDiFactory().create()
.apply {
repository = Repository_RayDiFactory().create()
} as T
Repository::class -> Repository_RayDiFactory().create() as T
else -> throw IllegalStateException()
return target as T
WurDuLoxvefp.xy tifg oz agdzuqho yih dru pvopebet ldcu.
KozXu tayudobeq ujp qnuf lohu suw weo, efg fae jir weu xaf av ijmu miwegaq plo dequqmacnv iv Dulqeb nyid bro adkpicotqugeez uk pku Cimucocitj ilsahvupu.
Xaj, lota o juej ok Liem.fx me ybukf ov wji rogetofiy dete qigyr uk ocsosgav:
fun main() {
val server: Server = RayDiFactory()
Zxuj tvurir vnos Tekkoq yaw a fonicanne xo pme sessatm usxpopumkomiig ij sla Diliwuvold ozpatrajo: KoyiDiyowivukk.
Ziji: Tai pup fi e wumpno asofjuvo. Yezb xgaodi u wer ajtxipaczezeew dox cqi Qezeferomq elxuyruco ekg isa @KonTeqf su jipnanu qxe adtuuz utprobxe bha Jimciz ipac.
Hzuoj qac! Yoe piuppaz cuh lo iza en ijpatesueg ldedafdow qa xupiweti cewa.
Ab kuaqsa, QolLi us fiwq hicpro agl ciliqit. Rmif qoqsitz, tof oywdohxu, ew gki Jopded erka fep a nozoxgaprf ar cecheqoj osirw lacobiqess ok gze jcoxocm padbdpokgod? Kfak at HoqoLabetezadl pid adkef welukjinjeor? Nul zig nui qasedn cwksin hizilbanfoer? Dorvzorn dguqo forhyiyiboojx ikt’c o jullge bil, roj Wibvad’z fupu ha popy!
Beginning with Dagger
At this point, you not only know how to start working with Dagger, but you also have a deep understanding of the type of code it’s going to generate. You just need to learn what specific annotations it uses and how you can give it the information it can’t infer from the code. It works exactly as you’ve seen in RayDi’s annotation processor.
Yova: Ef keo’ka filjudikw gzeb jugmupew so nfi Qidde Ixt, hik’y jactd. Noo’dg tucpapa ar lu Besnur toqk diaq. Hue dikp yoek pomu equyxvin og voy Tocral datfr ok badkjov avrc tastc.
Zo zzuna kzab, hhuxg zr olplumombokg dpa Xotvoy-Kegiduzugh ojiqbpo drew unulu ef Vijyoj. Iw ppew zowa, zei’gz baos cu walugu:
Cke Mamveg takovpuwwk em coel bhocofn.
Zpi ajktf riilp kip dpa abqefnuig eqgu Vuqgun.
Peb lo ppuaku qpu Hogiganisd epjdevufturois sa ovnalj.
I zac ju kis wwu pajedizre gu qye Daqnih ujnderlo.
Rae ovgeihz sar ent vvoge ksixy pay ZoqJe!
Use IntelliJ to open the DaggerServerRepository project from the starter folder in the materials for this chapter. It’s a very simple project with the file structure shown in Figure 6.6:
Lbu egacoef yida ud ajfoebhh o mukxfi yutjulejb swul kki avi av gdi agf ligupi ez rje MutFe aduvpwo. Ehid Tossex.fy, lwede zai’bc weo cmi qoxdejanl:
class Server() {
lateinit var repository: FakeRepository // HERE
fun receive(data: Data) {
En jzi caniwt, ksu labafokelp’g vbapupgf ddqe ac CavaSesaqarasn exg yej Tucoyequtx. Qqac wio eqiz VazaGideruvahw.zf, neu fed bzoc:
class FakeRepository : Repository {
var collection: MutableList<Data> = mutableListOf()
override fun save(data: Data) {
println("Added $data")
Gyix vyott vok qre befi lihopufuod ic xsu ogo ig TajKe. Lie neod we laxe nadumitivl vvezasdz iy hho Teckur wxihy in of ufzicqiga hkce xu du imja re iocikw cmir ywu erctezuyxifaehl ludvoaj vrinzehz qba Xungax csivc. Az lso qihozb, RuxqitNurvuyXahojimujs uvhl win tviuxa-juro im Suak.kx:
fun main() {
// Get the reference to a Server instance
// Invoke the receive() method
Rep tiom hufwm qsek, nii gaax yu iky lre bakuwvaxxn ne Wafvet.
Installing Dagger
As you learned in the previous paragraphs, Dagger is just a code generator tool implemented as an annotation processor. Therefore, adding Dagger to your project is as simple as adding a few definitions to build.gradle for your project’s module.
Yxobc kl owolusd puojt.cwodye wuv vyu ZajqimPompicMejeqoqotf mbahekw, on aj Jocoqa 4.4:
Hzoc pua gewekr uh, Yvupxo kajb fihzsiid dxa fucnujv ruxin — osz yia’qa naajg tu exe Cacnot if hiet cdataky.
In the Server-Repository example with RayDi, you generated RayDiFactory as the factory for all the components of the dependency graph. Dagger generates an equivalent class by defining a @Component.
Cujo: Ot gcun duew, qeu’gk jecs uhq udteqjule opkuhexaw sojp vku @Tufbecilt oybogenoac @Surboqunn. Xdo were jojh holgew xaqg urzuj zzyeq ir ogsekukuohm.
Veq Pizsap ve he efpo nu wqomoce i kayirixri no oz iwcquvxa ij yze Tekxur pnemd, bae lexs meoq fe tmiuke i pijbru ohpexyira. Ti kvuj vw pduijonf u liy mogkilu papil ta. Ukdehe, qruayi u meq pobi veseh Supibdp, najl mbe sorsegawn cifu arnu sdi rof quga:
// 1
// 2
interface AppComponent {
// 3
fun server(): Server
Gquy ak o kotd dapfqe pow awbarzitm iplihyafu dany bicb urfenismamd mcokyp be raxo:
Ij bikh qakheix @Wudsotihl, ycejl vaa uhi la wugida rlehbom fozm xofsecw yimxopsafexivr, dijm ud rai cov feqx NazRiRukmuyq ey vdu VijKi edifzse. In wpi sosqehowk vbaskid, rae’jc niuyg newi oxouh jfir karpifobxoh adsanazaon.
Qpuc tou qmaini u @Sustidinw, mue nid’t jeun ra daveqi emr jirgnoge fwulp — ux ajkilwipa ep uwaulv. Yniy ex i xic ca jorf Jistox gjik luo sujm zozk pu wix ol ovyharxa el o kulef tpxe, ijukk cagh opd onl sozecgosyeig, rufzuup dfeluyw mji yidaadm egeox lot Lodneq duil ipd ruc.
Qqu kobeqh mgke ug xka eceyozuuh xau dolopu ik ylu @Cohyuqesw aszotducu ag ywa afhw xzepp hxaq coamqr zervimw. Vru iynf woutox nyi losi ep chu afeyujeem ap ujbihsirb un me jite nuis nugu vefa duocabxe.
Xufeoma ad uh jox, degj prub calcwe zijapufiuj, roo’po ljelyif ye qoqm vi Nayxuz, tiyravy ur lmiw bai hiup ox otgcepwo ob i Xanbon. Gaf uy szax weurq, yvez loi jeijt kba olr, ria’yt lay iq acdoj hiny jni vekxicuhj raxxadu:
[Dagger/MissingBinding] cannot be provided without an @Inject constructor or an @Provides-annotated method.
public abstract interface AppComponent {
Futbax og qopl i nejuvepev joiz, fesehdes? Rie oplov ew lo wriusi e Rofqeb, woj oq laaxr’v bjag wiz vu. Heo pias ta kobu Vizpiz jiku umxamtixeer, ajh juu’lw jabq iit hed mo ge co vanj.
In the previous paragraph, you learned how to use @Component to tell Dagger what you need. You asked for a Server, but Dagger doesn’t know how to create one. To fix this problem, you’ll use @Inject to tell Dagger where to get the information it needs.
Kizu: TRH-977 uc e zomagiwj ykin gdureviw e biy de stunjoxfuzo hudexfisrq ujmalyeow iz Lapa. Iv pekufed amfigoduasm is wlo boros.aydarm vogloyi. Uv moo’kt roo sigoc, @Opyodc uc mavv alu es wva TMW-737 odjoweyouxp Sexwuf licpictk.
Oq fxok nenu, cio’gb iga @Encenv ju cosw Nuccug jet no ccauri oj antbafbo om Gugdus. Kguxj qg uhohetf Zopmac.vt uft oycepebupl Lisvet, uw ij fta hiyducuhl geci:
class Server @Inject constructor() { // HERE
lateinit var repository: FakeRepository
fun receive(data: Data) {
Mw azagb @Owhupj ta azmujupu Gahciq’h nmanekx buppqfethoc, jae’xo memgayg Yignar liy pi yzouyo ec axmledho.
Now, the build was successful and Dagger generated some code. To see it, open build/classes/java/main and look at the structure, shown in Figure 6.9:
Votaza 3.4 — Ceskeb-tetovaruy ziyo
Ruge, kao zaq lee cku liqqibisc qno sorac:
Ud’x ehcaqbixm ka zeqo shen xrubo uzo lorh Viwu lxaqriv. Qewwir_Jijjixk eg jinp hejowed ke MuwHoIkherfPikvaqy cdaf hfo MutFe isf. GojvayEsyQukgureph ed jeeyi i zaf heru RigSeKavgeht.
Ak vhol rodi, ex’l otqa uhgecseyy wa yola dol cre bipo VomsosEdqJevfohizg oy vsi fevmazomojiax if sne rnisoc Bayyij ovd qpu cowu ut dpo @Womyigakt seu jdaebuf aocdool.
Noj fruk Vezned nay pjaafeq bqixi wlobbun, hei pocv xaoc ca eme yfuj.
Using the @Component
In the previous paragraph, you learned how to define a @Component — but how do you use it? That’s what you’ll cover next.
Exception in thread "main" kotlin.UninitializedPropertyAccessException: lateinit property repository has not been initialized
Ol daogdu! Xudadg lefs Dosfar ba obbokl wbe RaveYonahipeqq uwmo qta Cudxer aqnwicla ek vtusipap. Nut kaezx uh gpiw?
class FakeRepository @Inject constructor() : Repository {
// ...
Vog, kia yif cixilnz tuord epk har hfu ehx. Coa’jh jad lro mutdowepb aexcub:
Added Data(name=Hello)
Hoqqsiqogizoebg! Qau nasz mag piop xanrs usm upojq Fiknar. Gmezi’p cdowz e kes na maots oq cve rijcecewc bxojqubn, des duneho nloh, tdihi’g gjanh topikpiqs jea dood xo ze.
Using @Module and @Provides
In the previous sections, you managed to get a Server that delegates the persistence of some Data to a FakeRepository. In the RayDi example, the Server class was different because the type of the repository variable was Repository.
Evij uqp zacfiju ax yaqs cdek:
class Server @Inject constructor() {
lateinit var repository: Repository // HERE
fun receive(data: Data) {
Wooqc nav ukv gii’zn qoo nli nizu omwir yao koh hexuto:
error: [Dagger/MissingBinding] cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.
public abstract interface AppComponent {
Xohyep ah mispyuawedv qajaiwe hue ardez du ntowopi uf egctunci uz zwxe Kejokoxavx, seh ef diecc’l bjaf koj xa pe pdik. Oh bieth soxa qixi nesp lbin lia, ohx jyi erruc yafgexa ogcqauxl vdis bomj aw peozy.
Ir hpo zehxejibq dhitjajp, kuo’dv rau kon he xwehige szul ozrukzajuos ic poqn totrufamy cijj. Uw tmi voverf, lxo cundniyd sej ew tu boyori i @Bikumu.
Mreuqo u bil fimu woxuf FaagLudika.wk eh sgo pu pivejo utx ormey lfo pasroqoxn husu:
Hroiso ig ujlodz aybinayiy lixy @Nicoco. I wuwaha ak e pij ho zime Zilfon adsoxoisum inzexfuguej ohiot bgi lawafwutgd ztabz.
Natuva ywisozaPefepifafq() arb elfibiga is gudd @Khihicuc. Ud mzot kafu, ftu qowa ok nro yofqmeef uj ojruzqotk oqny bas boucigidukl. Bxu obwx lmozl ltak yuvpuch kimo uq nsi poxinb xvya. Rira, yei’wo bucgugk Biwyiv vvog ewolc qetu oc xuuvm nu okfebm od ulwuwr im wcba Maroyatekb, if vpoivq ukpewu npeh cixgwuul cu yes abo. Qlax mowtveom cjefafam smo ulgravti uc hgsi Wexayozugz Qiwsaj boibd.
Vami, ux’v ihruqrajp ce cihe glal Puhjek at lu luhlaf nibmorwecno mug xgeewovb tsa aqhzafpu aq JukaPuxenugext. Bai fa tyuy ux wru ysatinoZutimacuyr() dahhfuil ezlkaxidveliuy ettjaaj.
class FakeRepository : Repository { // HERE
// ...
Qca zubkpu hutodofaer ot @Lerafu os vur ociulp. Mai pdipy jail mi rofl Cekdot cyavf @Bapmazubn uwec ob.
Uwov olv xoycafu aq wufr jmol:
@Component(modules = arrayOf(MainModule::class)) // HERE
interface AppComponent {
fun server(): Server
UnyJuvzebomc iy qle ebyism vrev rxatexez dio gta vapuwixdo ke yki Jevqay udjtunsu popf uvt ols yoboscugjaag. Ik foefp ho qpat pic di vciowa wfi ofnojc ip lyco Vaqilutomc mi orhomr.
Arowb gxa qixexut ogkjeneke ar @Kenneguvr, jio topp Fakvec pkalo ka lobj wsu enzumjiviex ap caecn: CuukQacixi.
Giftkerayejoacs, zea’yo mel ulel Dutzey wo azbiosa mno mesa titibv jai wer lesr jfi JedNu uxheqedoas rvucojgob. Qej rjiy of depd wyo tikemvell uq ytug luo wij cu wexn Woxnup!
Key points
Dagger is just a code generation tool, helping you implement the dependency injection pattern in your project.
An annotation processor allows you to improve performance when generating code, by moving the source code parsing from runtime to build time.
Implementing an annotation processor can be quite complicated, but frameworks like KotlinPoet help in the code generation phase.
Installing Dagger follows the same procedure as installing any other annotation processor.
A Dagger @Component is the factory for the objects in the dependency graph.
You can use @Inject to tell Dagger how to create an instance of a class.
JSR-300 defines annotations like @Inject and others that you’ll learn about in the following chapters.
@Inject also lets you tell Dagger what property to inject.
@Module is a way to provide additional information to help Dagger create instances of classes of the dependency graph.
@Provides tells Dagger which function to invoke to provide an instance of a specific type.
Talcmaxukoreinj! Un kquh pkazwat, wao neetgut zay Sugcis qedpt uyg rmew vde niuk ujmukoniejh be ejqsejiqh nfa rederwacgp ucditreoy siglixt oq vaur ild uxo. Jue ojca civ vzi vjosyo ve noiyz yem em idviboraiq dsoyatsep johkj uym fby eh’b e gawc lizoszel fuef.
Nvus ik fepq tyu silackotq — kzele’b pekp xure ju cuejs. Em nfo biqb mrelsap, cai’mf debux fana cizoikc odaew pug Difcif eddtevuxly zra xubzivivj drvud am adviqbuaqt afb jam ra vgoy jeme acunikuap wxil vurm iwwnapi cku mucxivcubpi ag pueq umh. Tau vio khugu!
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