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Concurrency by Tutorials

Third Edition · iOS 16 · Swift 5.7 · Xcode 14

13. Conclusion
Written by Scott Grosch

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Congratulations! You’ve just completed your first step into concurrency mastery.

The skills and knowledge you’ve gained throughout this book are bound to serve you for many years to come. Where others might get flustered trying to resolve performance issues or trying to understand how the third-party libraries they use work, you now possess in-depth knowledge of how these lower concurrency levels work in Cocoa development, and iOS development specifically.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this book and can already see yourself putting your newly found knowledge into good use. Also, don’t forget you can always pick this book up as a great reference to Grand Central Dispatch, Operations, or any other concurrency-related topic, when needed.

If you’re more of a visual learner, much of this book’s content is available in our “iOS Concurrency with GCD and Operations” video course:

If you have any questions or comments as you work through this book, please stop by our forums at and look for the particular forum category for this book.

Thank you again for purchasing this book. Your continued support is what makes the tutorials, books, videos, conferences and other things we do at Kodeco possible, and we truly appreciate it!

Wishing you concurrent success in everything you do,

– The Concurrency by Tutorials team

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