Previous episode: 06. Android & Flutter Office Hours: June 20, 2020
Next episode: 08. Android & Flutter Office Hours: July 4, 2020
Notes: 07. Android & Flutter Office Hours: June 27, 2020
5:02 - "I am the one who asked about combining two data sources in android at the end of the session.
I have tried concat and merge to combine sources, and tried to depend on local and update local database when getting a result from remote and all these approaches has its problems, I will tell you the cases that I need to achieve.
1- When local is empty display loading to the user and fetch API then update local data if success or display an error if there is no internet connection or any error happened, in case of API gets empty data then display empty data error.
2- When local has data display local data to the user and fetch API then update local data if success if there is no internet connection or an error happened in the remote source, don't display an error to the user because we have displayed the local data, in case of API gets an empty data update the local data, then display empty data error.
finally, keep in mind that the local data is a stream Observable or Flowable so it will notify the views if any update happened. - Muhammad Helmi"
12:54 - "Hello,
I'm new to Android development and I'm watching raywenderlich videos that teach how to develop the Time Fighter App.
At video 31 the video shows that when rotating screen the activity is destroyed and the game resets, but in my app it just continues running smoothly after screen rotating.
Is it a new feature implemented in Android Studio recent versions that makes the video outdated or I'm doing something wrong? - Caduguedess"
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