iOS Office Hours

May 18 2020 ·

06. iOS Office Hours: June 19, 2020

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Notes: 06. iOS Office Hours: June 19, 2020

  • 5:23 - "Planning to build twitter kind of application. Can you please suggest best way to handle web services, feed section UI and storing data into coredata. - Basavaraj"
  • 21:39 - "Re: CloudKit Public DB vs Vapor vs Firebase for app content updates As a hobby/learning project, I’m developing a simple puzzle game using SwiftUI. The data model is currently very simple - each of the 50 puzzles/levels is a .json file in the app bundle, loaded into Codable structs on app launch. After the game is on the App Store, I’d like to be able to publish additional puzzle packs that the user can download or purchase without requiring an app update. I’m considering using CloudKit Public database to distribute the new puzzles, or instead writing a simple Vapor server API and host it myself (but this might be overkill for probably just some small json updates). Firebase is an option, but I prefer to minimize third-party code/dependencies. Any advice on which option might be a good fit? Advice on using CloudKit Public database for publishing additional downloadable content to all users of an app ? P.S. The ability to background-download content updates, and provide push-notifications to users that new content is available for download/purchase, would be a bonus. - Peter H"
  • 28:03 - "How can we give automatic height to a child view controller where I am not using segues but It should take the height based on content. - Ajinkya"
  • 34:06 - "Hi as an iOS Developer, do we need to be proficient in data structure and algorithms? - Nyein"
  • 42:56 - "I have an app with some ten years of code development in it. It is written almost entirely in Objective-C, with a Metal module that is written in Swift (and is central to the app’s focus and performance). As discussions of programming issues and code examples for Objective-C get more difficult to find, what would be your advice about when and how to make the cut over to Swift. - Fred Collopy"