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Server-Side Swift · 6 Results

Server-Side Swift Software Engineering
Server-Side Swift
Server-Side Sign in with Apple
You may know how to set up Sign in with Apple in an iOS project, but most tutorials don’t actually cover w... more
Server-Side Swift
Sharing Swift Code Between iOS and Server Applications
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how share code between iOS and server applications.
Server-Side Swift
Testing in Vapor 4
Use a pre-built Vapor application to learn both how to test your server-side Swift Vapor apps on macOS and al... more
Multiple Domains
Mastering Git
Take the solid foundation laid by the Beginning Git course, and build upon it. Focus on fixing real-world ... more
Multiple Domains
Beginning Git
In this introduction to using Git for source control you’ll learn everything from cloning and creating rep... more
Multiple Domains
Command Line Basics
A command line course for beginners! Explore the basics like manipulating files and directories, navigatio... more