
In the previous module, you learned how to pass data down the view hierarchy to display it in an app’s UI. However, so far, the UI hasn’t been able to change after its first display. In real-world apps, it’s often necessary to update the UI based on user interactions or other events. To achieve this, the concept of state must be put into practice.

As seen in the last lesson, state is a fundamental concept in SwiftUI that allows for the storage and management of data specific to a view and its subviews. When the state changes, SwiftUI automatically updates the parts of the UI that depend on that state. This is how apps become dynamic and interactive.

In this lesson, you’ll focus on the @State property wrapper, which is used to manage view-specific state in SwiftUI.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the purpose and usage of @State for managing view-specific state.
  • Implement @State properties to manage data within a specific view.
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Next: Understanding @State