
Sharing & State Management in SwiftUI

Learning path outcomes

  • Understand and apply various data passing techniques between SwiftUI views to enhance app functionality.
  • Implement state management strategies for creating responsive and dynamic user interfaces.
  • Implement various data persistence techniques, including SwiftData and UserDefaults to store and retrieve data reliably. 


Basic understanding of Swift and Xcode is beneficial.
Going through our Introduction to iOS program would be a good place to start.


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Sharing & State Management in SwiftUI

Learning path content

Passing Data in SwiftUI
This module introduces the fundamental concepts of data passing in SwiftUI, enabling students to effectively transfer information between different views within an iOS application.
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State Management in SwiftUI
This module delves into state management strategies in SwiftUI, empowering students to handle application state effectively and maintain data consistency across the user interface.
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Data Persistence in SwiftUI
This module explores the fundamental principles of persistent data storage in SwiftUI-based iOS applications, guiding participants in creating seamless user experiences. Covering diverse data persistence techniques, it equips learners with the skills to enhance iOS applications by effectively managing and utilizing data.
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