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Welcome to the last lesson of this module, where you’ll explore the world of concurrent background tasks in SwiftUI.

Prepare to embark on an exhilarating journey to unlock the full potential of asynchronous programming. You’ll navigate through compelling examples, industry best practices, and practical applications of this revolutionary addition to the Swift programming language that will allow you to add some exciting features to Apple News:

  • Automatic load of the latest news when the app is launched.
  • Pull to refresh.
  • Image persistency.

These final touches will drastically enhance the app and skyrocket the user experience to an entirely new level.

In this lesson, you’ll learn how to:

  • Execute background tasks using async/await and Task.
  • Prioritize and manage concurrent background tasks effectively.
  • Safely update the UI with background task results.

It’s time to dive in and unleash the full potential of Swift concurrency!

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Previous: Quiz for Lesson 2 Next: SwiftUI Background Tasks