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Welcome back to our ongoing series on optimizing iOS app performance! In the previous lesson, you looked at the world of performance measurement tools and optimization opportunities, where you explored techniques to enhance the efficiency of your apps. You also dived into the complexities of SwiftUI views optimization, figuring out methods to streamline the rendering process for smoother user experiences.

Building upon that foundation, you’ll focus on two critical facets of optimization: Networking Optimization and Data Optimization. First, you’ll explore techniques to optimize network requests. Optimizing these interactions can significantly improve your app’s responsiveness and overall performance.

After that, you’ll focus on data optimization, where you’ll learn how to handle data more effectively. Through resource optimization and data handling efficiency optimization, you can develop applications that function flawlessly even when managing enormous datasets.

So get ready to dive deep into optimization with a love for creating amazing iOS experiences and a wealth of learned information. Time to get optimizing!

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