
Networking & Concurrency in SwiftUI

Learning path outcomes

  • Understand and apply network communication protocols, HTTP requests and responses, URLSession, and JSON data parsing to build network connected iOS apps. 
  • Understand and apply multithreading techniques and asynchronous programming patterns to handle concurrent tasks effectively. 
  • Use performance optimization strategies for network calls, threading implementation, and memory management to create responsive and efficient iOS apps. 


Basic understanding of Swift and Xcode is beneficial.
Going through our Introduction to iOS program would be a good place to start.


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Networking & Concurrency in SwiftUI

Learning path content

Networking with SwiftUI
Lay the groundwork for network communication in your iOS apps! You’ll explore network connections, learn to send and receive data from servers, and transform that data into useful information for your app.
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Concurrency Demystified
Unleash the power of concurrency! This module will equip you with the tools and techniques to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, keeping your app responsive and efficient. Discover the fundamentals of async/await, conquer network calls, and handle background tasks, all while ensuring a smooth, responsive user experience.
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Performance Optimization
Take your app to the next level! This module will equip you with advanced techniques to optimize your network calls, threading, and memory management, resulting in a faster and efficient app.
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