
Foundational Tools in iOS

Learning path outcomes

  • Understand version control principles and tools, such as Git and effectively use version control to track changes in code. 
  • Write Swift code, demonstrating a comfortable understanding of the language’s core concepts and syntax. 
  • Proficiently use Xcode by navigating through its interface, build, run, and debug simple applications. 


Interest in iOS development.


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Foundational Tools in iOS

Learning path content

Introduction to Version Control
In this module, you’ll learn what a version control system is and why using one is important for any software development project. You’ll also learn the basics of using Git, the most popular system for mobile developers. Then you’ll explore for hosting your code and collaborating with others on your projects.
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Introduction to Swift
This module will introduce you to the fundamentals of the Swift programming language. You’ll learn about the different data types in Swift, how to write simple variables and functions, and how to use conditional statements and loops.
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Introduction to Xcode
This module introduces you to Xcode, the app to use to develop software for all of Apple’s platforms. You will learn about the different components of the Xcode interface and how to use them to create, build, and run iOS apps. You will also learn how to find and fix problems in your code using Xcode’s built-in debugging tools. Finally, you’ll learn the steps to put your app on your own devices and to publish it to Apple’s App Store.
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